The Urban Expert With Divine Eyes

C39 The Secret in the Safe

C39 The Secret in the Safe

1Ye Kai had done many things like climbing trees and climbing walls.     1


When he was young, he would climb trees and dig out bird eggs. He was already familiar with climbing walls three years ago in the middle of the night. But now, he was climbing people's underwater pipelines. This was a little difficult.    


However, the bodyguards on the first floor were fighting intensely. Zhou Zhengdao on the third floor was also fighting fiercely with the young model. Therefore, even though Ye Kai made some noise, it did not attract their attention.    


Ye Kai did not dare to breathe loudly. He slowly climbed to the floor-to-ceiling window of the prey exhibition room that Zhou Xiaotian had gone to on the second floor. He used his hand to push gently. His luck was not bad. The window was not locked.    


Time was of the essence. No one knew when the people from the Zhou family would notice. Therefore, Ye Kai did not dare to hesitate. He jumped into the room through the window.    


Turning on the light, Ye Kai naturally would not be foolish to such an extent. However, it did not matter. After turning on the Clairvoyance Ability, his eyes could clearly see his surroundings in this kind of dark environment.    


Ye Kai followed the example and came to the wall with the antelope's head. He stretched out his hand and pressed on the antelope's right eye. A moment later, the safe in the hidden compartment appeared in front of him.    


The following things were much easier.    


Ye Kai entered the password and twisted it, but there was a muffled sound. The safe was opened.    


Driven by curiosity, Ye Kai immediately looked inside the cabinet.    


The safe was divided into three layers. The top layer, which was the first layer, opened the cabinet. The first thing that came into view was a large tray with a black velvet bottom. The things on the large tray shocked Ye Kai a little.    


The top layer was the size of a thumb, and there were forty to fifty diamonds that were extremely thick and thick. These diamonds alone were probably worth hundreds of millions.    


Next to it, Ye Kai could see seven or eight clusters of jade and jade that were emitting a faint light. Ye Kai knew that ordinary people would not be able to see these dark glows. Only his special ability eye could see it, which was the so-called spirit energy in the jade.    


In other words, these jade stones were all top quality!    


If one were to look at the prices of the finished jade that Ye Kai saw at the stone gambling trading event, these jade stones would definitely be worth more than 500 million. Or, after some hype from the auction, it would not be impossible for them to reach 1 billion.    


It was no wonder that after the Zhou family lost so much at the stone gambling trading event, Zhou Xiaotian could still laugh. It turned out that this old fellow's foundation was so deep!    


If there was an advantage, he would not take it!    


Ye Kai was not the Virgin Mary. This diamond that was worth hundreds of millions, since he was here, how could he not take it? Even if Ye Kai did not lack money now, it was still good to use it to help the poor!    


Ye Kai sneered and reached out his hand, wanting to take all the diamonds, jade, and jade.    


But when his hand touched one of the diamonds, he immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Ye Kai saw that no matter whether it was the diamonds or jade, they were like radish and a pit. In other words, the arrangement of these things was strictly placed in the small grooves on the tray. The shape of the grooves was completely compatible with the things on it. It should be custom-made.    


This was not the most important thing. The key was Ye Kai's clairvoyance. He discovered that there was an extremely minute electronic sensor inside the tray at the bottom of each groove. These sensors were connected to a device that looked like an integrated circuit on one side of the safe.    


"F * ck! This old fox is too cunning!"    


Ye Kai cursed in his heart.    


Luckily, Ye Kai had an extraordinary clairvoyance ability, which allowed him to see the hidden reefs under the sea. Otherwise, if he really took these diamonds and jade away, the pressure on the electronic sensor would change, and the alarm would definitely ring. The alarm should have been turned on, right?    


Thinking of this, Ye Kai retracted his hand.    


After pondering for a moment, a smile appeared on Ye Kai's face once again.    


You have a plan, I have a wall ladder!    


Since you can't take it away, I will absorb all of your spiritual energy and turn your jade and jade into a piece of rotten stone!    


Thinking of this, Ye Kai no longer hesitated. He immediately stretched out his hand and placed it on top of one of the jade.    


Because he didn't know how these electronic sensors reacted to the changes in pressure, Ye Kai didn't dare to touch it rashly. But this method of absorbing the spiritual Qi of the jade from a distance had never been used by Ye Kai before. It was hard to say whether it would succeed or not.    


After taking a deep breath, Ye Kai focused his attention on the spiritual energy ball inside the jade. He began to slowly "drive" the spiritual energy to his arm.    


The God of Luck once again favored Ye Kai. The spiritual energy on the jade actually successfully entered Ye Kai's body.    




A warm flow entered his body, making Ye Kai couldn't help but exclaim.    


That feeling was as if he had encountered a gust of cold air that came straight at him in the middle of three days. It was so cool!    


"Thank you, Old Zhou!"    


Ye Kai smiled and continued to absorb the Spiritual Qi from the other ten pieces of top-grade jade.    




A few minutes later, Ye Kai looked at the ten pieces of gray stones on the tray. He could clearly feel the abundant spiritual energy in his body and that his Clairvoyance Ability had gone up another level.    


If Zhou Xiaotian knew that Ye Kai's Clairvoyance Ability had consumed hundreds of millions of his treasures, he would definitely vomit blood and faint on the spot.    


The only pity was that there was no spiritual energy in those diamonds, and he could not take them away, so to Ye Kai, they were of little value.    


After resting for a while, Ye Kai looked at the second floor of the safe.    


This level clearly did not give Ye Kai as much shock as the first level. It was a stack of enticing Huaxia Currency, US dollar bills, and euros. They were neatly arranged. Ye Kai roughly looked at them. There should be about twenty to thirty million. This should be the money that the Zhou family would take out at any time. It was a huge sum for ordinary people, but for the Zhou family... It was nothing.    


Of course, there were no electronic sensors under the money, but Ye Kai was not stupid enough to keep the money with him. It was too much. If he was exposed because of the tens of millions, or it would affect his running speed, it would not make up for the loss.    


After giving up on the idea of taking it for himself, Ye Kai looked at the third floor of the safe.    


The strange thing was that there was only an ordinary notebook on this level. It was so ordinary that it could be bought at any supermarket for a dozen dollars.    


Ye Kai frowned slightly.    


According to Zhou Xiaotian's personality as an old fox, things that could be placed in the same unbreakable safe as cash, diamonds, and jade were things that could not be broken. Furthermore, according to the Zhou family's financial resources, it should not be an ordinary item. Even a notebook would definitely be the most luxurious kind of gold plated or even inlaid with diamonds. Why was this book so ordinary?    


What made Ye Kai even more puzzled was that underneath this notebook, there was actually an electronic sensing device that was even more complicated than the diamonds and jade in the first layer of the tray!    


Of course, this was not difficult for Ye Kai.    


He had just upgraded his special ability, and now he was worrying about not having a place to use it!    


Ye Kai twisted his neck, squatted down, and started to use the Clairvoyance Ability to peek at the notebook through the air.    


It didn't matter if he didn't look at it, but when he looked at it, Ye Kai sucked in a breath of cold air.    


No wonder this notebook, which wasn't worth much, had to spend so much effort to put it here. It turned out that there were detailed records of the secrets of the Zhou family that couldn't be told to anyone over the past few decades!    


Fake accounts, including all the tax evasion projects and details of all the industries in the Zhou family, the real estate projects, bridges, and road projects, came one after another. The records of how to take advantage of second-rate interests; the bribery records of various business and government officials; Including the list of all bribes received and the amount of bribes received...    


Ye Kai swallowed his saliva.    


If the contents of this notebook were to be made public and coupled with the appropriate amount of sensationalism, even if it was just empty words, the Zhou family would probably be destroyed in a very short period of time, right?    


As Ye Kai read, he imprinted all the contents of the notebook into his mind.    


He really didn't understand. This was related to the lifeline of the Zhou family, as well as the data of life and death. Why did Zhou Xiaotian record all of them down, and not using a USB, but using an old-fashioned notebook? Perhaps it was because of Zhou Xiaotian's personal interest, or perhaps it was because this old fox wanted to keep it as evidence and evidence to catch others? !    


However, all of this was not something that Ye Kai needed to consider. The Zhou family's net worth of several billion was actually obtained through these shameless acts. If this kind of person was allowed to continue his development, perhaps many more people would suffer because of this.    


Even if the Zhou family didn't have any grudges with Ye Kai, Ye Kai was prepared to not let this kind of person who harmed others get away with it. Furthermore, the Zhou family had hired assassins. They wanted to kill Ye Kai and even his family. If that was the case, Ye Kai wouldn't do anything to them. Then, he would really become the Wu Second next door, wouldn't he?    


"Zhou Xiaotian, Zhou Zhengdao, I will accept your gifts! I will not forget your great kindness in finding me the assassin!"    


Ye Kai snorted and put the tray away. He closed the door of the safe and left the Zhou family manor along the way he came.    


After coming to his hotel, Ye Kai made sure that he was safe. Then he took out his phone and called Zhao Shanpao, Second Master Zhao, who was far away in Jingnan City.    


Although it was already past three o'clock in the morning, it was night time for Zhao Shanpao to start work. He probably wouldn't sleep.    


As expected, as soon as the phone was connected, there was some noise coming from the other side.    


"Brother, you finally remembered your brother. Hahahaha... Wait a moment, I'll go out and talk to you."    


Zhao Shanpao's wild laughter rang out.    


After a while, the surroundings became quiet. Ye Kai then said to Zhao Shanpao, "Second Brother Zhao, I have two things that I need your help with."    


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