System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1512 Inhuman Torture(2)

C1512 Inhuman Torture(2)

1"Ziqian, watch carefully. You must be cruel to your enemies." Old Master Wang looked at the confession written by Ye Zhenyu in front of the table and said to Wang Ziqian with some appreciation. " Look at your Brother Ye. He is really a genius at teasing people. Only now do I understand why he brought Faang Xiang to the police station. "    


"With this confession letter, and as long as Faang Xiang signs this confession letter, he will openly become a notorious robber who robbed houses. Not only will he be shot to death, but he will also have to bear the blame for the rest of his life. This way, if we let him die, it will be easier for us to kill him... It will be much more ruthless."    


Wang Ziqian looked at the confession letter a few times, then nodded at Old Master Wang and said. "Grandfather, I understand now. A man who is not a gentleman is not poisonous, but does not have a husband. A man who has achieved great things. He must be cruel and merciless. I do need to learn more from Brother Ye. "    


Old Master Wang nodded with satisfaction. He turned his head and waved at the police chief. He smiled and said," Director Luo, do you think this matter can be handled properly? "    


"Don't worry, Old Master Wang. He has dealt with criminals who trespassed on private property and injured several people. Chief Luo immediately said respectfully, "Besides, the one who dared to barge into the Wang family is actually the Wang family." Your home. "    


"En, that's good." The old man nodded in satisfaction. He seemed to have thought of something and said, "By the way, have you investigated his identity?"    


"I have already ordered people to investigate. I think they will give me the answer very soon." The police chief looked at the whip that had been whipped by Ye Zhenyu and was covered in injuries. However, Faang Xiang still gritted his teeth and did not say anything. "But in my opinion, this guy came here alone to take revenge. He is obviously someone who doesn't have any ability."    


"I think so too" Just as Old Master Wang was about to continue speaking, the phone in Director Luo's hand rang.    


Director Luo picked it up for a while. At first, his calm face showed a trace of surprise. He quickly said in a deep voice, Understood. Then, he hung up the phone. He glanced at the old man beside him and frowned slightly. "Old man, this fellow's identity has already been found out. It seems to be... a little troublesome..."    


" Oh? " Old Master Wang did not expect Director Luo to say such a thing. He could not help but be surprised, "What? Does this person have any background?"    


"It's not a big deal. His family is in the northern countryside, and his parents are farmers. Living in poverty is not rich. But... he's a soldier, and an officer. " Director Luo said helplessly," According to the information my subordinates found, he is now the company commander of the 21st legion, scout group. He is a captain. Although he is only a small company commander, he is still an officer. Logically speaking, if a soldier broke the law, he would have to be transferred to a military court for trial. The police have no authority to interrogate or convict..."    


"Soldiers? You said he is an officer?" Old Master Wang was stunned for a moment, then he suddenly realized something and said, "Why didn't I think of it earlier!? Such a good guy with good skills and good marksmanship was actually an officer! This is going to be tricky... You are right, if his identity as an officer is exposed... The police can't do anything about it. He will be sent to military court, but if he doesn't confess, the situation would be a little complicated if he told them about Ye Zhenyu killing his sister. No, it seemed that he had to do it before informing and handing it over to the military. Let him sign the contract on the confession! Otherwise, this matter will be very difficult to handle."    


Ye Zhenyu heard Old Master Wang and Director Luo's conversation very clearly. At this moment, he had already started to pant from the beating of his braids. In this short period of time, he could not remember how many whips he had whipped Faang Xiang. At this time, Faang Xiang had been beaten until his entire body was covered with bruises. His clothes were almost torn into pieces. But even so, he still didn't let out any screams or pleas for mercy.    


After resting for a while, Ye Zhenyu thought for a while and realized that what Old Master Wang said was right. Although he was not afraid of a mere captain, it would be too much of a hassle. The safest way was to let Faang Xiang sign the contract of confession. He saw that although Faang Xiang was in so much pain that he broke out in cold sweat, he still refused to beg for mercy. Naturally, he felt that using a whip to whip him was useless. He smiled at Wang Ziqian and said, "Ziqian, do you want to torture this guy? Go, have some fun."    


Before Faang Xiang could make any expression, Wang Ziqian had already raised his dagger. He aimed at the joint between ___'s collarbone and shoulder blade and stabbed it hard! A sharp pain made Faang Xiang's eyes instantly widen. His eyes were filled with blood. He instinctively opened his mouth. However, he still did not make any sound. The bulging veins and gushing blood undoubtedly showed how serious the injuries Faang Xiang had suffered at this moment!    


"My friend said that the gap between a person's shoulder blade and shoulder blade is the most fragile. It is also the most painful area. You can continue to maintain your silence. If you want to continue hurting like this." After saying that, Wang Ziqian pulled out the dagger again with force! Blood splashed out. Faang Xiang's body trembled, and his eyes were showing signs of turning white. His lips had been bitten by ___, and blood was flowing out, but he still did not make any sound.    


Seeing that Faang Xiang still didn't want to beg for mercy, anger gradually emerged in Wang Ziqian's eyes. He didn't want to be looked down upon by his grandfather and Ye Zhenyu. Even this prisoner in front of him couldn't make him mentally collapse and beg for mercy in pain. How could he say that he was cruel and merciless?    


He couldn't help but snort coldly in anger, "Fine, if you don't admit defeat, I have many ways to continue messing with you. Until you die of pain! Do you know that in the ancient times of our country, the punishment for criminals is called Ling Chi? That is to cut off a person's flesh piece by piece. What do you think would happen if I let you try Ling Chi?"    


When Faang Xiang heard Wang Ziqian's vicious threat, he gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and said with a trembling voice, "I, I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"    


"Hahaha, become a ghost? You are not qualified to do so!" Wang Ziqian held the dagger and gently patted Faang Xiang's face, which was covered in cold sweat, and said with a cold smile. " If you don't plead guilty or beg for mercy, I will continue to torture you. I will torture you until your will collapses... "    


"Bah!" Before Wang Ziqian could finish his words, Faang Xiang spat a mouthful of blood on his face. His cold and smiling face was immediately stained with blood. Wang Ziqian was so scared that he took two steps back. He wiped away the blood with his hands in a panic and shouted in anger. He gripped the dagger tightly and stabbed it into Faang Xiang's thigh!    


"Ah..." Finally, Faang Xiang could not help but scream in pain. However, this cry did not show any signs of collapsing. Instead, it was more like a form of venting anger! The dagger stabbed into his thigh. Red blood instantly dyed his pants red.    


Wang Ziqian was really angry from embarrassment. Otherwise, he would not have hurt the important part of Faang Xiang's life. Although there was a lot of flesh on his thigh, it was also the gathering place of the aorta. If the knife hit his aorta, Faang Xiang would die from excessive blood loss because of the rupture of the blood vessels!    


"Ziqian! Calm down. Don't toy with him to death. He hasn't confessed yet!" Ye Zhenyu couldn't help but remind Faang Xiang to sign the confession. Otherwise, he would be court-martialed and die. It wouldn't be that easy.    


Old Master Wang saw all of this and said to Ye Zhenyu with a frown. "Zhenyu, I think this guy is very stubborn. No matter how you torture him, you won't make him compromise. Otherwise... instead of forcing him to beg for mercy, you might as well knock him out and control him to press his fingerprint. What do you think? "    


" No, without his signature, the confession will not be effective. As for his signature, no one can imitate it. " Ye Zhenyu frowned and said, "So we must make him sign the confession. Otherwise... We have to kill him secretly instead of making it public. However, if we do this, if we are discovered, the Wang family and I will have to bear a certain amount of risk and pressure. Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best way to get him to sign the confession letter. There are witnesses and physical evidence here. No matter how hard he tries to explain it, it will be useless. "    


When Old Master Wang heard this, he couldn't help but have some doubts," Zhenyu, do you have a way to force him to beg for mercy? Soldiers are not pushovers. Their bones are very hard..."    


"Haha, no matter how hard the bones are, I have to bite them! Of course, if it really doesn't work, then I can only quietly execute them." Ye Zhenyu's gaze turned cold and gloomy as he said, "In short, no matter what, we can't let him pose any threat to us!"    


Old Master Wang nodded in agreement when he saw Ye Zhenyu say this. Although a military officer was insignificant, if they were to be trialed in a military court, they were not willing to bear the pressure of the negative impact and public opinion. Rather than that, it would be better to quietly kill him. It was better to get rid of future troubles.    


A large amount of blood was flowing out of Faang Xiang's body. No one knew how long Faang Xiang could hold on. As a soldier, he naturally had the perseverance of a soldier. Such a serious injury still kept him from fainting. He gritted his teeth and persisted. He knew that these fellows were torturing him and forcing him to submit. But as a soldier, as a man, they were firm and unyielding. How could these clowns force him to submit!?    


Wang Ziqian was somewhat afraid of Faang Xiang's anger-like gaze. For a moment, he was at a loss as to what to do. He stabbed with the dagger and chopped at it. There were many wounds on his body, but he found that not only was the pain on Faang Xiang's face getting lighter and lighter, but he also found that the pain on Faang Xiang's face was getting lighter and lighter. On the contrary, his unyielding and angry expression became more and more intense.    


At this moment, Ye Zhenyu, who was standing beside him, walked over once again and slapped Faang Xiang's face hard! He sneered and said, "Faang Xiang, listen carefully. Do you want to die in such pain? Then you better beg me for mercy. I might even let you live if I'm touched. But if you continue to resist, it will be very simple. I will make you suffer until you die! Don't you want to die? I'm sorry, I just want you to slowly die. I want you to die in pain! After you die, I will also dismember you into five pieces, and I will make you disappear without a trace!"    


" Then? Never reincarnate? Haha... Hahaha... Cough cough..." Faang Xiang replied with a question and couldn't help but laugh out loud. However, his laughter soon affected his wound, causing him to cough violently. After a while, he gritted his teeth and sneered, "Ever since I decided to kill you, I have been prepared to be captured and killed by you. If you want to kill me, you have to find out about me... But you want me to beg for mercy? No way! You killed my cute and kind sister, between you and me... There is only hatred! Either you kill me, or I kill you!!"    


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