System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1351 Triggering the Enemy

C1351 Triggering the Enemy

0All the officers on the big screen saluted and shouted, "I promise to complete the mission, and do my best to stop the enemy, to eliminate the enemy!"     2


"No, this time, our plan is not to stop or resist to destroy the enemy. What we need to do is retreat. Take the initiative to give up your position and carry out the tactic of retreating while fighting " Commander Zhou's words with a smile immediately made all the officers exclaim in surprise and confusion.    


"Commander, are you joking? You want us to give up the position and retreat? This... Isn't this letting the enemy chase us? " The 1st division's teacher was the first to be displeased, and he spoke with dissatisfaction. " He retreated without even fighting, even though the enemy was the trump card of the army. Being afraid before a battle is a taboo for soldiers. It is a huge loss to morale!"    


"Commander Wang, are you teaching me how to fight a war?" Zhou Jun's long face gradually pulled down as he said, "The problem that you can think of, is it that I, Zhou Zhimao, am so stupid that I can't think of it?"    


Hearing Commander Zhou's words, the military officers immediately lowered their heads without saying anything. Zhou Zhimao had a name in the army called Zhou bold. Hehe, the person who dared to disagree with Zhou bold in the 21st legion. He probably hadn't said anything yet! Furthermore, Zhou Zhimao was right, the problem that they could think of... Didn't he, Zhou Zhimao, think of that?    


"Comrades, I asked everyone to retreat out of consideration for the entire campaign. The Military Department is playing a game of chess, a very big game! As for whether this game of chess is good or not, it all depends on everyone's performance. " Commander Zhou continued," I don't care if you have any difficulties. I just want everyone to act like they're panicking and trying their best to retreat and not resist. Lure the enemy to launch a massive counterattack into the heartland of our military exercise! We have such a broad strategic depth, so it's nothing to let the enemy occupy more land. Didn't the enemy also give half of their territory to us? Don't care about the gains and losses of a city. It is to attract the main force of the enemy into the important area of our plan. Area 2! "    


"Sector two?" All the officers were stunned. Wasn't Area 2 the main battlefield of both sides a day or two ago? Why did they have to attract the enemy over? Where did this song come from?    


As if he had seen the surprised look on the officers' faces, Commander Zhou said with a smile, "Comrades, if the 1st legion wants to launch a counterattack, we'll give them a chance to show weakness. We retreat voluntarily not because we want to escape, but because it's better to attack. Don't worry, I have already decided to make the 1st legion. All of them will be destroyed in the 2nd practice area! I want the 21st legion to create a new history, a legend that can defeat the trump card of the army! Therefore, everyone must strictly follow orders, please rest assured. I, Zhou Zhimao, will definitely not drag everyone to die, much less lose this drill!"    


As if seeing the resolute look on Commander Zhou's face, these officers were all his soldiers. Since the chief had spoken, what else did they have to say? Although they were still confused, they said almost at the same time. "We will resolutely obey orders!"    


"Good! As expected of Zhou Zhimao's soldiers! Next, the Chief of Staff will announce the battle order to everyone!" Zhou Jun nodded his head in satisfaction and sat down. The Chief of Staff stood up. He flipped open the battle plan book and began to announce the battle order and the specific division of labor.    


At this time, Fann Binn finally revealed a relaxed smile. It seemed like the outcome of this exercise was not far from the answer.    


Qin Wenjing looked at the real-time information transmission system in the 21st legion corps command center in front of her. The originally quiet and stable expression on her face was gradually replaced by more and more surprises and surprises. Clearly, many things that she did not expect had happened during this period of time. She looked at the Red Army retreating crazily like a landslide, and then at the Blue Army that was crazily counter-attacking. The joy in her heart gradually faded, and even at this moment... She seemed to have noticed something.    


"No, this is not right." Qin Wenjing turned her head and frowned at Fann Binn, who was beside her. "Fann Binn, why are you retreating so quickly? And why do you look so panicked? But it is obvious that you are retreating in an orderly manner. Why do I feel like you're retreating on purpose? "    


Fann Binn could not help but look at the military flower in front of him in a different light. Just from the information on the battlefield, he could tell that the distribution of troops and their movements were suspicious of a deliberate retreat. This was not the standard of an ordinary person. But thinking about it, it was also understandable, although Qin Wenjing was only a special forces company commander. But in terms of strategic tactics, her grandfather must have been influenced by her a long time ago. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that she was able to see some clues so quickly.    


"Is it true? Are you guys really retreating on purpose?" Qin Wenjing felt that something was not right when she saw Fann Binn's expression, and she was even more certain of her guess. She could not help but be full of doubt, "Why? Why did you retreat and not take the initiative to resist?"    


"Why did we take the initiative to resist?" Fann Binn smiled and said, "There is no deception in war. The more you want us to stop you, the more we have to retreat. Have you forgotten about the bet between you and me last night? If we really go all out to stop you, it doesn't matter if we win or lose, it will only result in mutual destruction. This way, you won't be able to let your grandfather feel the need to reform the army with absolute victory. As I said before, the following drills will definitely surprise you. "    


" Even if you retreat on purpose, are the commanders of my 1st legion all vegetarians? Would they not be able to tell that you are retreating on purpose? " Qin Wenjing could not help but refute, but even if she heard these words, she was afraid that she did not have enough confidence.    


"Major Qin, you must understand one thing. You are standing here in the so-called enemy command center. What you see is the real-time information of the Red Army. It is normal to see some signs of retreat, but the commanders of your Blue Army are not here. Do you think they can find it?" Fann Binn smiled casually and changed the image on the monitor. "This is a camera installed by the frontline scouts. Take a good look at it."    


Qin Wenjing looked at the soldiers of the 1st legion who were desperately chasing after the enemy and launching a counterattack. Her face could not help but turn red, and her brows furrowed deeper and deeper.    


"How could it be like this... Impossible! Before receiving the signal from the snow eagle, why would the headquarters make such an abnormal counterattack? This is not possible!" Qin Wenjing could not believe that the scene in front of her was the truth. She could not understand why the situation of the battle had such a huge change.    


"Actually, this is very normal." Fann Binn saw Qin Wenjing's face full of disbelief and smiled lightly. "Because our army deciphered the communication device of the snow eagle and imitated the special forces of the snow eagle. They sent the wrong information to your headquarters."    


Qin Wenjing was stunned and quickly exclaimed, "You, you decoded our communication device?"    


"Yes, do you think it is unbelievable? It seems that everyone in your Snow Eagle is very satisfied with the encryption of this communication device and feel that it is impossible for someone to decode it, right? However, you have forgotten that there are no airtight walls in this world. As long as it is something, there will be a loophole. As long as there is a loophole... Then we will be able to crack it! "    


Fann Binn said lightly, "In order to fight a modern informatization war, espionage and decryption are undoubtedly a very crucial part. Therefore, don't think about anything else. As a messenger, the first thing he did when he died was... We have to destroy the communication equipment, and not rely on the password to not be decrypted. It doesn't matter. This way, it will often give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of."    


After hearing Fann Binn's words, Qin Wenjing still did not quite believe it and said," How is this possible? Our communication device is not even able to be deciphered by the Americans. You, how is it possible for you guys to... "    


" Major Qin, there is no shield that can't be broken in this world. If you are still stubborn, then pretend that I did not say anything!" Fann Binn pointed at the main force of the 1st legion on the display and said, "If you don't believe what I said, then don't tell me you don't believe the situation on the battlefield? Other than the 1st legion receiving the news that you have broken into our headquarters, would they dare to launch such a crazy counterattack? They were tricked! They had been deceived into launching an attack, because they believed that the Snow Eagle Special Forces had already completed their mission. And this is exactly what we can use."    


Qin Wenjing did not speak for a long time because she did not know what to say. Her own troops were cheated and watched helplessly as the large group launched a counterattack and fell into the enemy's trap. This indeed made her feel unpleasant.    


"Then can you tell me how you plan to deal with my army from now on?" Qin Wenjing started to show more and more respect to Fann Binn. In fact, she had vaguely understood that a B Class legion suddenly became so capable of fighting. Such a rapid increase in ability was not realistic at all. It was very likely that it was all because of Fann Binn's participation that the current A class legion corps could not defeat a B class legion corps! Such a man, with his strength alone, easily fooled the entire legion corps. He really did not know what was in his mind.    


Fann Binn looked at Qin Wenjing and smiled, "Listening is believing. Seeing is believing. Very soon, I will use action to tell you. Major Qin, I hope you can remember our bet. If you lose..."    


"Don't worry, I will fulfill it." Qin Wenjing said seriously," I also know that all of this was probably done by you. Fann Binn, you have really aroused too much curiosity in me. How can a person be so powerful? Putting aside the fact that he has both civil and military skills. How could he know so many schemes and plots? Alright, let's see how you destroy our army's ace legion corps! "    


" Are you praising me or insulting me? What scheme, this is called strategic tactics, got it? " Fann Binn glared at Qin Wenjing unhappily. Qin Wenjing could not help but laugh out loud. Today, she was wearing a dark green military uniform and looked valiant and valiant. In addition to her beautiful face and perfect figure, it naturally had a different style of a different kind of beautiful woman.    


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