System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1337 Break out of the Encirclement(2)

C1337 Break out of the Encirclement(2)

2Soon, the enemy forces began to panic and engage the enemy. They probably never dreamed that an enemy would suddenly appear on their backs. Gunshots rang out in succession, and before the rows of soldiers could even turn their bodies around, they were already covered in white fog. For a moment, within the encirclement, the white fog began to drift up unceasingly. This time, the charge quickly tore an opening in the encirclement.     2


However, the battle situation was not as simple as it was in the beginning. It was only when the enemy gradually stabilized their formation that they realized... This group of soldiers that suddenly appeared did not have many people. There were only one unit left and right. This quickly calmed the enemy down, and they began to attack from both sides towards the opening. Hundreds of soldiers from the 1st Battalion defended the opening with all their might, and at the same time, shot out signal bullets towards the sky. They sent out the signal to their legion corps that was surrounded.    


Regardless of whether the troops saw the signal or not, at least the entire enemy force was attracted by the 1st Battalion's charge. They focused all their attention on the opening, and no one expected it. This Elite Armament actually had a branch, and this branch had a company. They were silently approaching his team!    


"Don't move, you've already died!" When Faang Xiang's sharp dagger was placed on the neck of the enemy's peripheral guards, the guard wanted to open his mouth and shout. Fann Binn was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth with his hand. He picked up the dagger in his hand and turned it around. He knocked the guard's head with the handle of the knife and knocked him out.    


"Damn it, who said that the 1st legion had a good origin ability? I had already placed the knife on his neck, but I still wanted to make a sound after killing him. Faang Xiang unhappily stared at the unconscious enemy guard and waved his hand. The soldiers behind him began to move forward.    


Gunshots rang out from afar. Everyone knew that it was the 1st Battalion that was fighting a bloody battle. They wanted to open up a bloody path for the regiment. Whether this bloody path would succeed or not would depend on this place. It would depend on whether Faang Xiang's company could destroy the enemy's lair!    


Fann Binn squatted in the grass and carefully observed the tent hidden in the forest, which was very close to him. He whispered to Faang Xiang, "I think it's better to knock out the surrounding guards one by one. If we shoot them, there will be white fog. If the soldiers are not good enough, if we shout, then we will be exposed in advance. Pay more attention to the hidden sentries. It is easy to deal with them in the open. The hidden sentries are the most difficult to deal with. "    


" Right, that's what I think too, I'll send someone over... Kill all the guards in the surroundings, then concentrate on attacking the tent" Faang Xiang nodded in agreement. At the same time, he revealed a look of disdain, "If we can't even deal with the scouts of ordinary divisions, then I'm afraid that Night Tiger scout group really doesn't need to exist anymore."    


"No, you are in charge of taking people to know the guards in the surrounding area. Form a defensive perimeter. If reinforcements come, you can defend on the spot. I'm guessing there won't be many people in the tent, give me ten warriors... I'll charge in and destroy them! Hehe, if I can really capture their commander... Then it will be a great merit! " Fann Binn smiled and said to Faang Xiang," You all will be honored in the future! "    


Faang Xiang nodded again and did not say anything. He turned around and gestured at his soldiers. After leaving ten soldiers behind to follow Fann Binn, he led the other soldiers and began to split into groups of four. They began to sneak attack the surroundings of the tent.    


Fann Binn led the ten warriors and slowly approached the enemy's tent from the other side. The dense antennae around them made him certain. This was the center of the electronic interference signal. In other words, this could very well be the location of the enemy's team. After Faang Xiang and the others started their sneak attack on the guards, Fann Binn and the rest of the soldiers charged forward without any hesitation. They charged into the military tent without even looking back!    


"Drop your guns and don't kill!" Fann Binn rushed into the tent and shouted loudly. The soldiers behind him also raised their guns and shouted in agreement, "Surrender your guns and not kill!"    


At this moment, the soldiers in the tent finally reacted. Some of them pulled out their guns. Some were shocked and did not know what to do. Some cried out and wanted to escape. Very quickly, the gunshot in Fann Binn's hand rang out, and the soldiers who pulled out their guns to resist were the first to be hit and emit white smoke. As for those who fled, they were knocked out by the other soldiers with their gun butts.    


At this moment, Fann Binn was the first to strike at the two military officers who were standing in front of the map on the table not far away. He looked at the epaulets on the shoulders of the two officers and smiled proudly. "Captain, I'm sorry. From now on, you and the political commissar will officially become my prisoners! As prisoners. May I trouble you to give me your names? "    


Fann Binn did not guess wrong. This tent was indeed the enemy's regiment commander room. And the two officers standing there, one was the commander. The other was the political commissar, the two biggest fish in the regiment. He had caught them.    


After hearing Fann Binn's words, the commander gritted his teeth and said with a pale face, "You, what army are you... How did you get here?"    


"You haven't answered my question. Why should I answer a captive's question?" Fann Binn rolled his eyes in disdain and laughed disdainfully. "What? Is the 1st legion a little more arrogant? You want to use your aura to pressure others? Let me tell you, on the battlefield, the prisoners are not qualified to ask questions! Hurry up and answer!"    


The two officers who were almost angered to death by Fann Binn's words were furious, but they could no longer control the situation. The political commissar at the side could only resign himself to fate and say helplessly, "Congratulations, little warrior. You really caught us unprepared this time. I am the political commissar of the 1st division of the 1st legion, Xu Xianglong, and he is the commander of the 1st legion, Zhang Wengong."    


Fann Binn's eyes lit up, and he almost burst out laughing. It was truly a waste of time to search everywhere. He had heard of the famous 1st division 1st legion of the 1st legion. The Red Army, Steel Blade Legion, had participated in countless bloody battles in the War Era. It was a famous army, and now the commander and the political commissar of this legion had been captured by him. Was it possible that he was unhappy?    


Not only him, but the soldiers on guard beside him were also overjoyed. However, Fann Binn quickly calmed down and pointed the muzzle of his gun at the soldier. " Quick, turn off your electronic communication interference! What kind of equipment is this, to be able to interfere with radio so much? "    


The soldier heard Fann Binn's words and did not move for a long time. Fann Binn walked straight to him. Looking at the equipment, he could not help but be stunned, "This, isn't this the new electronic jammer developed by Soaring Dragon Group? Why... Why would it appear here?"    


Indeed, this discovery really made Fann Binn feel very surprised. It was only when he saw this device that he realized that this communication jammer was actually a product developed by the Soaring Dragon Group. It was designed and manufactured by the blueprint that he gave! He really did not know whether to laugh or cry. After all this time... No wonder the effect was so good.    


He only remembered that the electronic jamming device had only given the military three sets of equipment for evaluation and research. It had not been mass produced. He did not expect to find one here.    


"How do you know that this is a jammer developed by Soaring Dragon Group? Who exactly are you?" Captain Zhang Wengong showed a surprised look. Obviously, he was surprised by Fann Binn's knowledge. He could not help but be interested in this guy who had fallen from the sky and captured him in the blink of an eye.    


"You don't have to care who I am. I am just a soldier." Fann Binn wouldn't be stupid enough to announce his family name. He quickly reached out and typed a series of instructions into the electronic jamming device. Soon, the electronic jammer was turned off. Communication It returned to normal. At this moment, he turned to Commander Zhang Wengong and the political commissar Xu Xianglong and smiled. " Let's go, Commissar Commander. You are now my prisoners. Of course you have to listen to my orders. Men, except for those who have died, tie up the rest of them! "    


" Commander, commander! They are fighting over there, it seems like we have reinforcements! " A company level officer suddenly rushed into the scout group regiment's tent. He excitedly shouted at the worried commander, Kong Linzhong, "The enemy's encirclement is starting to fight over there!"    


"What?" Kong Linzhong did not have time to react. There were indeed gunshots and shouts coming from afar. He immediately recovered from his disappointment and helplessness and said excitedly, "Is what you said true? Are there troops coming to support us?"    


"Yeah, a chaotic battle has already begun. There were already signal bullets fired just now. It's the signal flare of the 21st legion corps. I saw it very clearly. There really are troops coming to help us break out of the encirclement! " The company level officer said excitedly, "Captain, let us charge again. Let's try the direction of the chaos. With the support of our allies, this time's success is undoubtedly great! "    


"Alright, I think it's fine." The political commissar beside Kong Linzhong suddenly nodded and said, "I agree with this proposal."    


"I also agree. Since the allies have come to support us, we must work together from the inside and from the outside." The Chief of Staff also happily expressed that he had no objections. The entire regiment tent was originally lifeless, but now, there was no doubt that there was hope of escaping.    


"Alright, since everyone is willing, then there's no harm in giving it a try!" Kong Linzhong said loudly, "Pass on my order. Immediately let the Second Battalion organize a charge. We must meet up with the reinforcements and break through the blockade!"    


"Captain!!" Just as Kong Linzhong announced the order, the soldier next to him suddenly turned his head and shouted excitedly, "The communication interference signal has disappeared. We have regained communication!"    


"Great, this is great! The heavens are helping me too. The heavens are really helping me too! Haha! It seems like I, Kong Linzhong, am going to come back to life from the brink of death! Send a power transmission to the Military Department, tell them that we are preparing to break out of the encirclement, and ask which legion corps is coming to meet us. I must express my gratitude to them!" Kong Linzhong was really happy. He shook the pistol at his waist and laughed. " Let's go, let's attack together, I don't believe... We won't be able to break through the enemy's encirclement!!"    


"Yes! " Guild Leader! All the soldiers in the regiment let out a roar filled with confidence. This roar had undoubtedly been stifled in their hearts for a long time. Finally, they had a chance to erupt!    


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