System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1328 Military Exercise(3)

C1328 Military Exercise(3)

0"Attack as a defense? You mean to attack as soon as the game starts?" Commander Zhou said in disappointment, "I've thought about this a long time ago, but even if we attack first, what can we do if we cause some trouble for the Blue Army and make them panic? As long as the Blue Army blocks the first wave of attack, they will launch a counterattack very soon. At that time, it will be too late to defend. They will be knocked down a thousand miles!"     0


" Yes, I want this collapse of a thousand miles! "Fann Binn smiled and said," Letting the Blue Army march straight in is my ultimate goal. "    


"Ah?" Commander Zhou and Chiang Weiguo were shocked. They said almost at the same time, "Isn't this the same as admitting defeat?"    


"Of course not. We have a digitalized command system. Even if every unit is retreating, they can still command them in real time." Fann Binn said seriously, "Of course, the retreat I am referring to is not a defeat. I am deliberately showing weakness. Of course, I need to explain this to your men. When two armies fight, if you win, then fight. If you can't win, then run. They had to learn from the elites of guerilla warfare. Our army is an expert in guerilla warfare. Right?"    


"However, even if we attack first and then intentionally retreat, what's the use of baiting the enemy into luring the Blue Army into our territory? Even if we wrap dumplings for them and surround them... We still can't wipe out an evenly matched army? " Commander Zhou still didn't understand what Fann Binn was trying to do.    


"It's a large power generator with a frequency band blocking the blockage. Didn't I mention it to Commander Zhou just now? Of course, the new equipment needs to be put to good use." Fann Binn stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the central plain of the Red Army in the practice area. " The ten interference machines secretly separated and spread out around the area. At the same time, the power of the interference system can cover the area that I've drawn. At that time, will it be able to successfully attract the Blue Army into this area? That depends on whether your subordinates have a high level guerilla warfare ability."    


"You're saying..." Zhou Jun's eyes lit up and he slapped his head hard. "Ah, what a good move to lure the enemy into the depths. What a good move to catch a turtle in a jar! Haha. Yes, yes. Now that there's a device with a band band frequency to block and interfere with large-scale power generators, as long as the troops draw the Blue Army into this area, they will become deaf and blind. It would be best if the Blue Army was tired of chasing and disrupted the construction system, so that once they lost contact with headquarters... When that time came, we would be able to focus our superior forces and defeat them one by one. Sure. What a brilliant move! "    


"Of course, we must remember not to be careless, because the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing. Whether or not we can successfully lure the Blue Army into this area is a very crucial question. Also... Brother Zhou, you must remember that the 1st legion is the ancestor of guerilla warfare. Once they smell that something is not right, this plan might be seen through. Therefore, your subordinates must always be alert and know how to act. "    


" War, is actually a game where you lie to me and I lie to you... Whoever is cheated will have to pay a heavy price. We still have to make other plans, even if the Blue Army sees through the new equipment, the Frequency and Block Interference Large Power Machine, they didn't take the bait, we still have to win!"    


"You're right, we can't put all our hopes on the same line. The Blue Army is the king of the army, the army that started in H Country. It's not easy to deal with them. If they really found out that something was wrong, they might give up on chasing. Only by using a steady tactic would they be able to think of other strategies. Fann, I've been thinking about it these days, and I've come up with a bold idea. "    


Zhou Jun looked at Fann Binn thoughtfully. He pointed at the back of the map of the Blue Army and said," Ask the scout group where Faang Xiang is to send an elite unit to attack the command center of the Blue Army. Do you think this will work? "    


Fann Binn looked at the fast area on the map that Commander Zhou pointed at and nodded. " It was a good idea to launch a surprise attack, but Commander Zhou... This method isn't very safe either. You must let the scouts infiltrate and investigate first. Only then can you find the exact location of the Blue Army's command center in this area. But this area was too large. Just by relying on a single battalion to investigate, what if you can't find it after searching for half a day? "    


"I've thought about it too, so I've been ordering the Department of Investigation Services to keep a close eye on the enemy's radar signal. As long as we find the source of the signal, it'll be easy. Of course, the situation is changing rapidly. We can only come up with countermeasures, but we can't really influence the situation. So whether or not these strategies are really useful, we still have to wait until the real drill begins. It depends on the enemy's reaction. Even if you plan and then act, you still have to think twice before you act..." Commander Zhou smiled and said," But Fann, your suggestion is very good. I will let the Adviser Department study it carefully. Bring out a set of effective plans. "    


"Of course, I can still talk on paper, but when it comes to actual combat tactics... Then I won't be able to help. " Fann Binn shrugged and smiled. "Let's talk about this. I want to go to Faang Xiang's army and take a look. Is that okay? "    


"Now? It's already 2 PM. Shall we have a meal before leaving? The scout group where Faang Xiang was located was very far from the command center. They were the elites of the 21st legion corps. Of course, they could not let anyone find out where they were. In a very secretive area. It would take at least two to three hours to get there, and you, Uncle Chiang, are there too. Big Brother Zhou is here too. Let's just have a meal before we leave. "    


"Fann, you want to go to Faang Xiang's reconnaissance company? The drill will officially begin tomorrow. Do you want to go with Faang Xiang and the others?" Chiang Weiguo looked Fann Binn up and down and smiled. "It's not impossible to participate in the drill together, but you can't expose your identity. After all, you are an outsider, not a soldier of the 21st legion. "    


"Me? No, no, I did not plan to exercise with Faang Xiang and the others. I just want to cheer them up and see them. " Fann Binn smiled and said, "No matter what, I'm also indebted to Faang Xiang for taking care of me during this period of time. I have to thank him, right?"    


"That's true, but if you are not willing to work with Faang Xiang and the others, then... We have to rush back to the command center when it's dark." Commander Zhou smiled bitterly and said, "Our scout group's target this time is the Snow Eagle Special Forces, the elites of the 1st legion. We have to keep an eye on this unit to ensure our internal strategic safety. "    


"You don't know. All the troops that have been fighting against the 1st legion for the past few years. All of them have suffered losses from the Snow Eagle Special Forces, this special forces unit, it was precisely because of this that they were famous. If they didn't find their tracks in advance and expose them, I'm afraid we'll lose this battle before we even fight."    


Fann Binn was a little surprised when he saw Commander Zhou's solemn expression. A commander of an army feared a special force to such an extent. It was enough to prove the significance of the name Snow Eagle.    


When the Snow Eagle was mentioned, Fann Binn thought of the lively and beautiful female officer, Major Qin Wenjing. It seemed that Miss Qin, the granddaughter of General Qin Zhentian, would also participate in this exercise. If... he confronted her and appeared in front of her in such a way, would she be very surprised?    


When he thought of Qin Wenjing's beautiful face that would never have the expression of a little girl, Fann Binn couldn't help but laugh. If there really was such a chance, he really wanted to let Qin Wenjing truly reveal a surprised look. Thinking of this, Fann Binn rolled his eyes and suddenly laughed. " Reporting to Commander Zhou, reporting to Lieutenant General Jiang. I thought about it. I think it might be more fun to participate in the drill with Faang Xiang than to stay in the command center in a daze. Why don't I become a scout for you? "    


Zhou Zhimao was stunned. He did not expect Fann Binn to suddenly change his attitude. Chiang Weiguo seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Fann Binn with a smile and did not say anything. However, his eyes showed that he had already confirmed Fann Binn's thoughts.    


"This... Mr Fann, don't join in the fun, right? If this command center wants to implement your strategy, you can't not be here." Zhou Zhimao thought about it and still felt that the safest way was to leave this strategist in the command center.    


Fann Binn shook his head and smiled. "It's useless for me to stay at the command center. I might as well go and capture a few more Blue Army captives for you. I've said what I needed to say. It's just a piece of paper talking. It's the job of an advisor to apply this idea to war. I'm just a businessman, I don't understand the work of an advisor." Fann Binn smiled and said, "It is useless even if you put me in the command center. I feel that if I put myself in actual combat drills, it might help you discover some details and highlights that you don't pay attention to usually. "    


Zhou Zhimao was about to say something when Chiang Weiguo interrupted him with a smile. " I support Fann Binn to go to Faang Xiang's reconnaissance company. It's rare for Fann to participate in a drill. And this drill is so important that he might have an unexpected effect if he personally experienced it. Besides, Fann had already given him a strategic plan. If your General Staff can't handle the rest of the matters and can't come up with an effective plan, that would not make sense. After all, he's just a businessman and you guys are professional soldiers... "    


When he heard Chiang Weiguo's words, Zhou Jun could not help but blush. That's right, Fann Binn was just a businessman, but he treated him as a living Bodhisattva who saved his life. If a war was commanded by a businessman, then he would need these advisors. What were the commanders, political commissar, and other officers doing here? Actually, using Fann Binn's scheme was in itself a form of cheating. It could not be considered the true wisdom of the 21st legion. Greed was not enough to swallow an elephant. However, there was no good ending.    


"Alright, I agree with what Lieutenant General Jiang said. Indeed. We have to rely on ourselves to fight this war. Relying on the true strength and wisdom of the 21st legion corps to complete it is not a good thing to rely too much on external forces. Even if we win, we will feel ashamed. "    


Zhou Jun sighed and nodded at Fann Binn." Mr Fann, it is already very rare for you to give advice and suggestions to my elder brother. I can't be too greedy. If you want to go to Faang Xiang's company, then go. From now on, Faang Xiang said. You are a soldier under my command. I hope to see you continue to help the 21st legion corps on the battlefield."    


"Then I'll gladly accept your offer, Commander Zhou." Fann Binn smiled and saluted Zhou Zhimao. "Good luck. My 21st legion is full of confidence."    


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