System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1319 Slandering Dissension(1)

C1319 Slandering Dissension(1)

3Not long after, Director Jiao took the lead and ran towards the cement field where Fann Binn was. Behind him, there were hundreds of employees. Suddenly, a black mass rushed over. It was obviously full of momentum. At this time, Fann Binn lowered his head and whispered something to Faang Xiang. After Faang Xiang nodded his head, he told the dozen or so subordinates beside him. The soldiers in black suits and bodyguards seemed to spread out casually. It was not until the hundreds of employees walked into the open space that they surrounded everyone from the outside.    0


"Director Fan, I called all the employees out. But they seem to be a little agitated, I'm a little worried..." Director Jiao ran in front of Fann Binn and said with a frown, "I don't know why these employees are so hot-tempered. They even said they don't believe you. If you don't satisfy them, they will beat you up as well. Otherwise, you should leave first. I will do their thinking work? "    


Fann Binn looked at Director Jiao and said lightly, "Nothing is caused by groundless rumors. Director Jiao. This can only prove that you are not good enough as a leader. I believe that no employee will be unreasonable. I really don't believe that they can do anything to me. Let me leave first? Then what did I come here for? Are you here to play?"    


" Yes, yes, CEO Fan is right. " Director Jiao's fat body was easily sweating. He wiped his sweat and was about to speak when he noticed a disturbance in the crowd.    


"What do you mean Director Fan is not Director Fan? We don't know. We only want an explanation. Why hasn't your salary been paid after so many days? Why did the company go bankrupt? Why did it have to be bought over by other companies? We are old employees. We will definitely have to cut our staff if the new company buys us. We will definitely not agree! We have contributed our entire lives to the factory. If we are fired now, how can we continue living? What should we do in the future!? We must not!"    


" Right, absolutely not, we'll surround them. Capture them and use them as hostages. Let the acquisition company give us a satisfactory answer!" "Yes, we have to do that. Brothers, workers, let's capture them!!" "Capture them!"    


For a moment, as the voices in the crowd sounded, it immediately ignited the anger of hundreds of workers. They suddenly sped up in front of Fann Binn and the others and shouted as they rushed towards him!    


Facing the large crowd that was charging towards him, Fann Binn's face instantly darkened.    


"Director Fan, leave quickly!!" Wu Yuzhen was a businessman who was used to staying in a big city. She had never seen such a crazy scene before. She was so scared that her face turned pale and she screamed loudly. Wang Zhenbo, who was standing next to her, shouted at Fann Binn in panic. At this moment, Faang Xiang, who was standing next to Fann Binn, took out his pistol and stood in front of him. He stretched out his hand and pointed the gun at the sky.    


"Bang! A shocking sound of the gun instantly suppressed all the sounds. It made the chaotic scene quieten down in an instant. Even the workers who originally had looks of madness on their faces regained their calm, and the fanaticism in their eyes gradually disappeared. Replacing it was fear and shock. Although they were the workers who produced weapons, they were still very shocked by the scene of the gun being fired in front of them.    


"Don't be afraid, everyone. That person shot to scare everyone. Does he really dare to kill people? It's not like we haven't shot before. Perhaps this gun was produced here by us! Everyone, go and grab their heads and negotiate with the companies that are purchasing the weapon factory!" The shocked crowd once again broke the silence.    


And this time, because Fann Binn was close, he had already seen the face of the person who had spoken hiding in the crowd. It was a guy who wore ordinary mountain clothing and had a hideous face and shifty eyes. One look and one could tell that he was not a good person.    


Seeing that the workers were agitated and ready to move again, Fann Binn gave Faang Xiang a look. Faang Xiang immediately understood. He raised the miniature pager hidden in his sleeve and whispered for a while. A dozen of Faang Xiang's subordinates standing outside the open space immediately took out their pistols and pointed them at the sky at the same time!    


"Bang, bang, bang..." More than ten intense gunshots were heard. These gunshots were much more intense than the one Faang Xiang had just made. It was undoubtedly more shocking. When the workers who were ready to make a move heard the concentrated gunshots, they were so scared that they covered their ears. Some of them were lying on the ground with pale faces, and some were calm. There were also some who were panicking, and the crowd suddenly became chaotic. Very quickly, it became really quiet.    


"Whoever dares to move again, don't blame the bullet in my hand for not showing any mercy!" Faang Xiang stood in front of Fann Binn and said coldly to the hundreds of workers. " I am the captain of the 21st legion's investigation regiment. Those who are not afraid of death can come forward and try. Let's see if I will turn him into a hole! If you want to die, I and my men have more than ten guns. I can turn you into sieves in a few minutes! Do you think we won't dare to kill people? Look carefully, the person standing behind me is the president of the Soaring Dragon Group. He is the brother of the 21st legion's commander, General Zhou, and the nephew of General Jiang, the director of National Security Bureau! If you dare to try to arrest him, it will be a kidnapping. I have the right to kill all of you at any time!"    


Faang Xiang's words were like thunder in the ears of all the workers. They looked at each other in surprise, as if they did not know Fann Binn would come.    


"You are lying. How could he be the president of Soaring Dragon Group? The president would come to see us in a poor valley like ours? I don't believe it! " After a while, someone in the crowd finally voiced their disbelief. "Stop lying, why would the president care about the lives of us workers? We are not from the same world!"    


Fann Binn frowned and said to Director Jiao, "Didn't you say that the workers knew that I was coming? Why don't they believe me now?"    


"This... Director Fan, for your safety, I'm just saying that the Soaring Dragon Group has sent someone in charge here. I didn't say your identity. " Director Jiao stammered out the reason and said helplessly. "I, I'm afraid that after they know your identity..."    


"Alright, I don't want to hear the rest." Fann Binn glared at Director Jiao and gently pushed Faang Xiang, who was standing in front of him, away. He glanced at the hundreds of workers in front of him and smiled. "My friends, my bodyguard Captain Fang is right. I am indeed the president of Soaring Dragon Group! Let me introduce myself. My name is Fann Binn. I am from the Ping'an County of Jiangde. A few years ago, I founded the Soaring Dragon Group. My goal is to promote the defence industry of our H Country, so that our country can become stronger."    


"Of course, I also hope that the military factory in the military industry will be able to get better and more effective orders. Give the workers who work in these military factories a raise in salary and benefits! The bankruptcy and bankruptcy of Zhuge Military Group is also because of the lack of a healthy system. The lack of technology in the products, the rigidity of thought, lack of innovation, etc., causes the bankruptcy and bankruptcy of the ___."    


" I bought all the weapon factories under the military enterprise in order to consolidate the H Country. Please believe me. I didn't buy these weapons factories to rectify and reduce the number of employees. I bought these factories to increase the production level and raise everyone's income level! "    


Fann Binn's words immediately caused the workers to whisper among themselves. Soon, someone in the crowd said, "Are you really the president of Soaring Dragon Group? Is the president so young? "    


"Haha, although I am young, this does not hinder my business development. As long as I have the ability, young and old are not the criteria to measure whether I am a president or not. Isn't that so? " Fann Binn replied with a smile, "I also want to tell everyone that not only do I have the Soaring Dragon Group, but I also have the Longhui Group, the media industry. The biggest pharmaceutical company in the south, the Wu's Group, and the railway company, the Dragon Travel Group. Perhaps you people in the north don't know much about it, but my company in the south... They should be relatively famous."    


"I know, I know, I know! Longhui Group is a company that just started a talent show not long ago. I saw it on TV!" Someone in the crowd answered involuntarily. Soon, the workers started whispering to each other again.    


"Don't believe his nonsense! These are all excuses!!" At this moment, a person jumped out from the crowd. It was the shifty-eyed man who Fann Binn saw earlier. He looked coldly at Fann Binn and shouted. "If you ask him, why haven't we gotten our salary from last month? Why are the orders we're making this month much less? It's obvious that he's taking care of his business to his own company, and he doesn't care about the Zhuge Military Group's former weapon factory! "    


Fann Binn looked at this shifty-eyed fellow and couldn't help but laugh. " Everyone, you can think with inertia. If I want to harm everyone... If I want to harm this weapon factory, why should I buy this weapon factory from Zhuge Military Group? Wouldn't it be better to let you reorganize in bankruptcy and close down in bankruptcy? What would I get if I did this? I am a businessman, don't businessmen only care about profits? Why do you want to do this business even though you know you are going to lose money?"    


" So please believe me. The truth is not what this gentleman said. You should understand that after any foreign weapon factory is acquired, all assets and accounts have to be accounted for. The only reason the salaries are owed is because they have to go through the procedure. Next month, the salaries will be reimbursed. I think your Director Cui did not explain this to you, right? "    


" Also, the order for the weapon factory was not reduced because I gave the order to Soaring Dragon Group. But because the Zhuge Military business went bankrupt, all orders were cut off. I guarantee that the companies that send out the orders next month will send the orders again when they know that the weapon factory was bought by the Soaring Dragon Group! "    


"So that's how it is... Is that all? " "Is that really the case? Then, then what are we going to do!? " "Hey, so this is a fictitious matter, causing people to panic..."    


For a moment, many of the workers in the crowd woke up. They were no longer as impulsive as before. In fact, most of them were honest workers. As long as the misunderstanding was resolved, how could they possibly want to cause trouble? For them, there was a stable job, a stable income, a stable life, that was all they had. The weapon factory was everything to them. They couldn't possibly want to tear down everything they had for no reason, right?    


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