System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1266 Yuan Rongping's Plot

C1266 Yuan Rongping's Plot

2As time went by, they soon found out... It seemed that after a long time, weapons were advanced in the exhibition hall of developed countries. They were dressed in modern technology and were obviously much better than those in the developed countries' exhibition halls. However, there was no one in front of them. There were so many people in the square during the opening ceremony, but there were not many people in these exhibition halls. Moreover, there were many military enthusiasts in civilian clothing among the few people. There were very few arms dealers who were truly interested in the weapon trade.    1


On the other hand, in the exhibition hall across from the developed countries, there was a hubbub of voices. There were arms dealers and national delegates everywhere, and even some of the exhibition halls were already extremely crowded. For example, in front of the two large arms companies of H Country, Soaring Dragon Group and Zhuge Military, the crowd was so packed that it was almost impossible to squeeze in. The noisy and fiery scene made people feel very envious at first glance.    


"Humph!" Not only did Yuan Rongping notice this situation, but the other guards around him had also felt the cold atmosphere in his exhibition booth. Defense Chief H couldn't help but snort in a slightly tasteless manner. He laughed lightly and spoke in that shoddy Huaxia language. "Department Head Yuan, it seems like H Country has yet to be integrated into the ranks of the upper class countries. They are still associated with these poor people... Look, it seems like the global weapon exhibition this time has turned into a gathering of poor people. This is really disappointing, I really feel ashamed for the weapon exhibition being held in H Country. Modern military weapons are the representative of a kind of advanced technology. But to actually be reduced to a stage in the Third World, what a joke."    


Yuan Rongping was stunned, not knowing what to say. Refuse him? Didn't that mean he wanted to go against the forces of developed countries? But not rebuttal him? This fellow had also cursed the H Country. This was intolerable!    


Just as he was in a dilemma, the Chief of Defense E beside him suddenly said coldly, " The military exhibition was the purpose, but the sales that he was most interested in were probably still the ones he was interested in. Without the sales of arms, the exhibition will not be so lively every time. We will not have a pivotal position internationally, so we should also watch the development of Third World countries. Although they are poor, they still have a bit of money. The purchasing power of a country might not be much, but what about ten or a hundred? So we should go to the exhibition hall of the developing countries there to take a look. They might also be our potential customers. Isn't that so?"    


Before Defense Head H could refute, Yuan Rongping's eyes lit up. He immediately thought of a good idea and could not help but agree. " Yes, that's right. This suggestion from the Chief of Defense E is very good. We can go and take a look and let them know the difference between them and developed countries in terms of weapons. [This will also have a deterrent effect on them, Chief H...] What do you think?"    


Defense Head H originally had a look of disdain on his face, but when he heard this, he suddenly seemed to be interested. He revealed a playful smile and said, "Sure, it's not bad to let those poor guys open their eyes. Let's go over and give them some guidance. "    


When Defense H's words came out, it immediately received the unanimous agreement of the developed country's defense chiefs. Producing wealth was not the exclusive property of H Country. In this society where the strong prey on the weak, there would always be inexplicable superiority in developed countries. And at this moment, this superiority was undoubtedly reflected once again.    


Looking at these developed countries that were heading towards the exhibition area of the developing countries, Yuan Rongping's gaze was fixed on the largest Soaring Dragon Military booth not far away. He let out a cold laugh. Aren't you, Fann Binn, very awesome? He secretly tricked the Conservatives, forcing Qian Yongsheng to end his career. You forced the Conservatives to suffer, but sometimes, you are not the only one plotting against others!    


Yuan Rongping was having a headache about how to divert the attention of the guards he had led from the fight. He thought of revenge on Fann Binn. Naturally, he thought of using the Soaring Dragon Military to make an article. Didn't Fann Binn like to plot against people? This time, he would see how he was going to deal with these guards! Yuan Rongping undoubtedly threw this hot potato to Fann Binn. If he flattered these guards, if he did it well, wouldn't he just be a big hat that could be taken off?    


On the contrary, if he insulted these chiefs rudely and started a dispute with them, it would disgust them. First of all, Soaring Dragon Group's products would basically be useless in developing countries, and they could even be taken as a big hat that affected international relations. Therefore, this time, whether it was because Fann Binn was weak or tough, he, Yuan Rongping, would definitely take advantage of him!    


Looking at the figures of the guards who were getting closer and closer to the booth, Yuan Rongping could not help but be proud of himself. "As the saying goes, when you come out and mingle around, you will have to pay them back sooner or later! This time, let's see how you, Fann Binn, will deal with these guards! You dare to provoke my Conservatives, this is just the beginning of the suffering. Just wait for our counterattack!"    


Chiang Weiguo was very satisfied when he saw Fann Binn introducing the weapons produced by the Soaring Dragon Military Corporation to the Ministers of Defense of the developing countries that he had brought with him. Although the Soaring Dragon Group had not been established for many years, the H Country army was equipped with a large number of weapons from the Soaring Dragon Group. Therefore, there were no longer any problems with reliability or concerns. This time, they could come into contact with each other face to face. Therefore, these guards listened to the weapons very carefully and patiently.    


Chiang Weiguo was not worried at all about Fann Binn's level of explanation. He had always thought that Fann Binn was the undisputed number one genius amongst the young geniuses of H Country. How could such a small matter stump him? The model of weapons and products displayed by the Soaring Dragon Military in front of him, although many of them were old models. They were not the new weapons of the H Country army, but for the countries of the Third World, it was very attractive.    


The starting position of the Soaring Dragon Group was also very clear. For those developed countries with high standards, it was impossible for them to take a fancy to the H Country's military products, so they wanted to sell the products of the Soaring Dragon Group as quickly as possible. The target was naturally those developing countries that were more reliable.    


"Mr. Fann, our country is very interested in the Type 96 main war tank produced by your company. However, there have been many problems with the engine technology in H Country all this time. Most of them rely on the engine of the imported Wu Country. This way, we will have some concerns. I want to ask when your Soaring Dragon Group will be able to equip the engine that you have developed. "    


Some of the guards even took the initiative to ask questions, which could be understood from the questions they asked. The captain of the guards from Ba has done some research on the weapons in H Country. He sincerely wants to buy this tank.    


Fann Binn sincerely smiled at the defense chief of Ba and said, "Yes, what the defense chief said is right. There is indeed a bottleneck in our country's engine technology. This is also the biggest obstacle that restricts the development of our country's weapons. The engine is the core of the weapon, and the engine needs to be imported. Naturally, the exit will be restricted. That's true for tanks, and even more so for fighter jets."    


"But Mr. Defense's news might be a bit outdated. Of course, the problem doesn't lie with Mr. Defense, but with us. Actually, Soaring Dragon Group has already conquered the diesel engine technology of the main battle tank a year ago. It's just that we have always kept it a secret. The main tank produced in this year has long been replaced with a domestic engine. And it runs perfectly. Taking advantage of the weapons exhibition this time, I represent the Soaring Dragon Group to officially announce to everyone. Our country's engine has already formed a series of industries, and it has been completely conquered and ensured that there are no problems with the quality."    


Hearing Fann Binn's words, the guards surrounding the exhibition hall: Soon, they started applauding. They were happy for the revolutionary result of Soaring Dragon Group.    


"Great, Mr. Fann. If that's the case, I would like to agree with you on behalf of Ba Country to buy 200 Type 96 main battle tanks. I wonder if there's a problem? " It seemed that Chief Ba had come with a mission. He opened his mouth and threw out the contract for 200 Main Tank. This caused the other defense chiefs to look at him in surprise once again.    


"Of course, there is no problem. Ba Country and H Country have always been close comrades. I believe our cooperation will be very successful." Fann Binn smiled and shook hands with the chief of defense of Ba Country. "You can also communicate with the leaders of your country because Soaring Dragon Group has already fully nationalized their fighter planes. They will not be controlled by others. Of course, if the brothers of Ba Country are interested, I can give you the best price. "    


"Oh my god... That's great! I just don't know if Mr. Fann's words represent the meaning of H Country?" At this moment, Chief Ba subconsciously looked at Chiang Weiguo. Obviously, the export of weapons was not something the company could decide. It required the approval of the country.    


Just as Chiang Weiguo was about to speak with a smile, he suddenly heard a cold snort of disdain coming from the crowd.    


"Isn't it just an outdated war tank? What's so great about it? Our country's K1 tank is the king of Asia. Compared to the K1, the 96 types of old equipment can't be compared at all. But there's still a bunch of people who don't know what's good for them. How ironic... "    


As soon as this half tone in China's language was spoken, the nearby defense officers and the arms dealers immediately translated it. Soon, the people surrounding the exhibition hall of Soaring Dragon Group all revealed angry and dissatisfied looks. Everyone looked towards the source of the voice and found a group of middle-aged men wearing the uniforms of various countries. They were squeezing into the exhibition hall from the crowd, and the man who made the sound... It was the Secretary of Defense of H Country, who was at the front of the group.    


Fann Binn was not angry. He looked at the mocking eyes of the Secretary of Defense of Country H and sneered, "Mr. Chief of Defense, you speak good Huaxia language."    


"Not bad. My grandma used to live in H Country. She used to be a C Family member. Later, she followed my grandpa to the H country. She taught us the Huaxia language of our children and grandchildren. That's why she knows some of it. " The defense chief of H Country looked at Fann Binn and said with a smile," Don't be deaf to my words, because what I said is the truth. "    


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