System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C984 The Prestige of the Saintess

C984 The Prestige of the Saintess

3Fann Binn's words caused an uproar in the crowd! Shock and surprise appeared in the eyes of the entire Miao Jiang family. Obviously, they would not listen to Fann Binn's one-sided statement. However, they would never ignore the fact that these words could be trusted. The more they thought about it, the more people chose to believe Fann Binn's words.    


Why? Because Fann Binn had no reason and no motive to do such things to Lyi Yuyao! Moreover, they would not believe their family's eldest daughter, saintess's Duo Ma, even if she knew that she had to keep her chastity. She even did such a dirty thing with an H People, which would tarnish the reputation of the Miao Jiang family!    


Fann Binn was an outsider. How could he have the motive to use force on Lyi Yuyao? He coveted her beauty? Yes, Lyi Yuyao was very beautiful, but don't forget that Yang Li came with Fann Binn. She was also very beautiful! If Fann Binn was the kind of person who would forget his feelings when he saw sex, the first one he should have molested should not be Lyi Yuyao, but Yang Li! Therefore, the reason Fann Binn said was very feasible.    


"Damn it... So it was Bai Zhennan who did it! I knew it! How could my sister be knocked out for no reason! If you didn't do it, then it was the White Sand Wa people who did it... Looks like it's the right decision for us to come and settle the score today. Let's see if I can bring some men and kill all the people in this Cloud Mountain Village. !! " Li Xiongyao obviously believed Fann Binn's explanation. There was no way he wouldn't believe it.    


" Since no one has any objections to my explanation, then the eldest daughter of your family, Lyi Yuyao, is innocent. She shouldn't have died for nothing! If you still don't believe me, I think you have a way to test it. You can find a few old ladies to test your identity. True gold is not afraid of fire. The truth is the truth. It can never be fabricated." Fann Binn said confidently and said with a smile, "It's ridiculous that you are so ignorant that you can't even test your bodies. You pushed a young girl into a fire pit. I feel sad for your clan! "    


Many of the Miao Jiang people lowered their heads when they heard Fann Binn's scolding. Indeed, whether Lyi Yuyao was pure or not, wouldn't it be clear as long as it was checked? They believed too much of the rumors and wanted to beat her to death with a single blow. That was why they ended up like today!    


"What you said is true?" Patriarch Li Hui's gaze was a little dull for a moment before he suddenly asked with a trembling voice, "My, my baby girl... Is really a pure body?"    


"Whether she has a pure body or not, I'm afraid that it's already meaningless to her now." Just as Fann Binn was about to answer, Lee Shiqi, who was wearing a veil, suddenly spoke as she supported Lyi Yuyao. She used her heavenly voice to speak, "She is saintess's Duo Ma, even if her body is not clean. If she is not pure, then it is because she had an affair with Fann Binn. The ancient saying goes, saintess Duo Ma will always be clean. saintess will marry her husband, and she will never change it."    


Lee Shiqi's words made all the Miao Jiang clansmen confused. They did not understand what she meant. Fann Binn seemed to have understood something. He smiled bitterly, as if there was something difficult to say.    


"Father, Big Brother..." Lyi Yuyao, who had not spoken all this time, suddenly spoke with some excitement, "The person standing beside me is the Blackwater Clan's saintess! If it is fake, it is true. She has the saintess Token in her hands. She is the real saintess!"    


"Saintess???" The entire Miaojiang clan cried out in surprise. Their eyes were filled with disbelief. Nonsense. Would you not feel shocked when a legendary figure suddenly appeared in front of you?    


Lee Shiqi was not afraid and took out the saintess Token in her hand. She removed the veil on her face and revealed her beautiful face and spoke calmly. "Lyi Yuyao is right. I am the 15th generation saintess Lee Shiqi!"    


"Hua..." Facing the golden shining saintess Token in Lee Shiqi's hand and her devastatingly beautiful appearance, the entire Miaojiang could not help but be shocked and in an uproar. Lee Shiqi's beauty was definitely the best in the world. No man would not be moved when they saw her. And what shocked everyone even more was the genuine saintess Token in her hand!    


Although no one in the Miaojiang had seen the real saintess Token, what was Duo Ma doing? The ability that Doma had to learn since he was young was to distinguish the authenticity of saintess's token. Now that Lyi Yuyao said that saintess Token was real, then Lee Shiqi was naturally the real saintess! Furthermore, just from looking at her graceful figure and her exquisite beauty, Lee Shiqi was worthy of the title saintess!    


"Saintess..." Li Hui stared wide-eyed at Lee Shiqi non-stop, his eyes seemingly revealing some yearning. Some memories were instantly filled with respect as he suddenly shouted, "What are you guys standing there for? Kneel to saintess! Do you want to be disrespectful to saintess!?"    


Hearing the patriarch's reprimand, all the Miao Jiang clansmen present, regardless of gender, age, and youth. Regardless of whether they were willing or not, all of them immediately knelt on the ground. They started to worship Lee Shiqi! The scene was so dark that it looked like half kneeling on the ground, not to mention how spectacular the scene was!    


Saintess was saintess. As soon as she appeared, she immediately shocked everyone! In this mountain, saintess was the sky. No one dared to not respect or worship her!    


When all the Miao Jiang clansmen knelt on the ground, they immediately exposed Lee Shiqi, Fann Binn, and the three clan heads who were still kneeling on the ground, as well as the clan head, Li Hui, who was being held hostage. In the camp of the White Sand Oak Tribe in the distance, Bai Zhennan, who had been keeping an eye on what was happening on the other side, suddenly widened his eyes. With a somewhat gloomy face, he pulled the deputy clan leader beside him and said with a frown, "Deputy clan leader, take a good look at who the man standing with Li Hui is."    


The deputy clan head tried his best to use his eyes to look over. He narrowed his eyes into a line and tried his best to look for a long time. Suddenly, he said with some surprise, "I, why do I feel like... this person seems to be..."    


"It's Fann Binn, right?" Bai Zhennan asked with a gloomy face. Apparently, he was a little nervous. The deputy chief looked at him and nodded with fear.    


"Damn it!" Bai Zhennan stomped his foot and roared angrily. "What the hell is going on!? Why didn't that bastard die after falling off the cliff?! He still didn't die!! Is the heavens really going to destroy my White Sand Oak Tribe? Once Fann Binn appears, the Miao Jiang Clan will immediately know that this is all part of our plan. They will definitely carry out an even crazier revenge on us!"    


"Then... what should we do?" The Deputy Patriarch was extremely worried as he said anxiously, "If the matter is exposed, the Miaojiang tribe will definitely not let this matter rest. Patriarch... we must think of a way. We cannot watch them be exterminated without doing anything!"    


Bai Zhennan sighed deeply and frowned. He thought for a while and said, "Why are so many Miao Jiang clan members kneeling over there? What kind of people are they worshipping? I can't see clearly from too far away, but it seems to be a woman."    


" Yes, I saw it too, it's a woman I was also wondering why the Miaojiang tribe suddenly withdrew their troops for no reason. Why did they go and worship a woman? Does that woman have some great background? " The Deputy Patriarch also asked curiously," Patriarch, what should we do next? "    


"What should we do... what else can we do? When the soldiers come, they will block the water. When the water comes, they will block the earth. In any case, we must not give up the land to others! " Bai Zhennan gritted his teeth and said with red eyes, "No matter what tricks the Miaojiang tribe has up their sleeves, the White Sand Wa tribe will be the last person to fight. We must not retreat! Go, send someone to inform the other three strongholds immediately. Gather all the tribesmen. This is a genocide. All the villagers must be there! "    


"Alright, I'll do it now!" The deputy tribe leader looked at Bai Zhennan's incomparably firm expression and immediately nodded his head in agreement. He turned around and disappeared into the crowd behind him...    


At this moment, in the camp of the Miao Jiang tribe, Lee Shiqi looked at the black mass of Miao Jiang clansmen kneeling in front of her. She stretched out her hand and said elegantly, "Everyone, please rise. Since I came out of the tribe, I did not intend to use saintess's title to manage the conflicts between the races of this mountain. You may not understand what I said just now, but I can explain it now. Lyi Yuyao is my maid, and the man I marry is her man. I can't change it for the rest of my life. Therefore, Lyi Yuyao is destined to become Fann Binn's maid, because I have chosen Fann Binn to become my husband. "    


" Hua... "Lee Shiqi's words were very pleasant to the ears, but to the people of Miao Jiang, it's like a heavyweight bomb ringing in your ears! saintess was getting married? And the person she was getting married to was the seemingly ordinary H People Fann Binn in front of her? What virtue and ability did this brat have to be able to obtain saintess's favor?    


Countless questions and puzzlement were born in the minds of the clansmen. At this time, their gazes sweeping towards Fann Binn were extremely complicated. But to Fann Binn, it only needed to summarize five words, and that would be envy, jealousy, and hatred! Not only did Fann Binn not dislike this kind of gaze, but he also felt that this kind of gaze... It was actually very enjoyable to be noticed by so many people at the same time with envious and jealous eyes. Not everyone could do it.    


What did saintess's husband mean? Without a doubt, it represented supreme glory! In the entire mountain, saintess was the most admired person in all the tribes except for the gods. And the man she chose would undoubtedly become the target of everyone's worship!    


When Lyi Yuyao heard this, her pretty face instantly turned red, and she lowered her head and became shy. Of course, she also did not expect that saintess's man would actually be an ordinary man like Fann Binn, who came to teach. At this moment, her heart was undoubtedly very complicated. It was hard to describe the feelings in her heart...    


For a moment, the entire Miao Jiang tribe was dumbfounded. They did not know what to do. On the contrary, Li Hui, who was still being held hostage by Fann Binn, rolled his eyes and revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth. He hurriedly said, "I was wondering why saintess went out alone. It turns out that she has already chosen a husband! saintess's first appearance is in our Miao Jiang clan. This is the glory of our Miao Jiang clan! We are grateful for saintess's glory. We are even more grateful that saintess is willing to accept Duo Ma Lyi Yuyao's service!"    


Once Li Hui said those words, the ordinary clansmen of the Miao Jiang clan did not react in time. However, those elders and the management of the clan all revealed a knowing and pleased smile. In fact, Li Hui had made it very clear that he was not just grateful. Since saintess was willing to make her husband's identity public, in other words, Lyi Yuyao would become the first person in the mountains to serve saintess!    


How great of an honor was this? The entire Miaojiang clan would be filled with pride because of this matter! Sometimes, the power of honor was more powerful than strength! At least, in the future, the prestige of the Miao Jiang tribe would increase by several times. In the future, when the other major tribes in the mountains split their territories, the Miao Jiang clan would take the biggest share! saintess descending to the Miaojiang clan was a supreme honor!    


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