System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C983 Taking Hostages(2)

C983 Taking Hostages(2)

3"Clang, clang..." It was unknown who shook their hand first and dropped the weapon on the ground, followed by the sound of weapons dropping continuously. It was afraid that no one in the Miaojiang family had the courage to do so. To dare to see the patriarch die and not care about his own life?     1


Soon, the surrounding tribe members threw away their weapons in a panic. They no longer had any fighting spirit. What kind of joke was this? Even the patriarch was controlled by someone. If you wanted to have fighting spirit, you wouldn't have a place to vent it!    


"Sir... if you have something to say, say it properly. Please let him go first! Whatever conditions you want, we will agree to them." An old man standing at the side said with a terrified expression. “ As long as you are willing to let our patriarch go, we will do anything you want..."    


"You are..." Fann Binn looked at the old man from head to toe and sneered, "What right do you have to make the decision?"    


"He is the Great Elder of the Miao Jiang tribe. If anything happens to me... He will be in charge of everything in the family. You don't have to worry about him not fulfilling his promise." Before the old man could say anything, Li Hui, whose neck was pierced by the short knife, said casually. " You can have the friend you want if you let me go."    


"Alright, since it's Grand Elder, then I won't be pretentious." Fann Binn tightened his grip on Li Hui's neck with the short knife and said casually. " Yes. Put out the fire on the wooden cart! Also, tell your men to stop attacking my friends. Ask her to save Lyi Yuyao! Lastly, tell your men who are trying to steal the territory of the White Sand Oceans to come back. It's over. This war between the two races!"    


"Hurry up and do as I say. I am a man without patience. I will not see the result in three minutes. Don't blame me for ruthlessly cutting off your chief's head like a chamber pot!"    


Hearing Fann Binn's words, the Great Elder immediately nodded in agreement in fear. He hurriedly shouted at the people around him. Soon, a large group of people rushed towards the stream in the distance and started to fetch water. The people who were attacking Lee Shiqi also stopped their attacks. They looked at Fann Binn with fear on their faces.    


This was not the end. The Great Elder brought his men and ran towards the place where the fight was still ongoing in the distance. He gave some orders to the drummer in the tribe, and very quickly... The dull drum beats and the sound of the bugle horns were heard in short bursts. This was clearly the signal to withdraw and retreat. It was only at this moment that Fann Binn finally felt relieved. It seemed that his bet was not wrong. The patriarch was the lifeblood of the Miao Jiang family. With him in hand, they would do anything.    


Lee Shiqi did not have the trouble at the side. With a tender shout, she took advantage of a bamboo pole and flew towards Lyi Yuyao who was tied to the wooden pole. Fortunately, the two of them were fast enough and only two minutes had passed since then. The fire had not yet reached Lyi Yuyao's side, but it was already very close.    


"Who are you?" Lyi Yuyao watched helplessly as Lee Shiqi flew to the wooden pole and came to her side. She swung her blade. Just as she was about to undo the rope that was tying her up, she could not help but speak with a gloomy expression. "You don't need to save me, I am a damned person..."    


"No, there is no one in this world who is born to die. You don't need to! " Lee Shiqi looked at Lyi Yuyao and her beautiful eyes revealed a trace of a smile, "You are called Lyi Yuyao. You are saintess's Duo Ma, right? I heard Fann Binn mention about you. "    


"So what?" Lyi Yuyao suddenly choked with tears, "He is a devil. He not only destroyed my body. He made me lose my dignity and purity as a Dorma. He even wanted to take me away in front of everyone... He didn't even give me the chance to sacrifice my life. Did he want me to die of depression? I won't leave. I want to stay. I want to burn my body with flames. Burn my dirty body completely!"    


"Idiot!" Lee Shiqi scolded him in anger and snorted softly. “ Duo Ma Duo Ma, you keep calling yourself Duo Ma. But you haven't even seen saintess's people, so why should you keep your virginity for her? In the tribe in the mountains, how many of Doma's people were truly willing to be saintess's maids? It was all for the prosperity and reputation of the tribe! Look, you can't even recognize my real saintess in front of you. What the f * ck do you think you are!"    


"What... what did you say?" Lyi Yuyao widened her eyes. She was clearly confused and did not understand what Lee Shiqi was saying.    


"What I say is not important. Since you are stubborn, I will let you see clearly!" Lee Shiqi fiercely chopped the large knife in her hand into the wooden pole and stuck it in the gap. She extended her hand into her clothes and quickly took out a token from inside. "Take a good look. What is this?"    


Lyi Yuyao was confused at first but when she saw the token, she immediately shouted, "This... This is the saintess Token! You, why do you have the saintess Token?"    


"Why is there such a token? That's simple, because this saintess is the saintess of the Five Dragons Clan that you guys keep talking about every day! Oh, the Five Dragons Clan is also the Black Water Clan that is rumored to be in the mountains outside. That is the name you gave my clan." Lee Shiqi sneered," I am the 15th generation saintess. This saintess Token is clearly written. You can see it clearly! "    


Lyi Yuyao was truly deeply shocked. The golden saintess that was shining under the sunlight and the fiery light in front of her seemed sacred and solemn. As Duo Ma, the lesson that he had to learn since he was young was to distinguish the authenticity of saintess's orders. Because saintess would always change, but saintess's token was inanimate. It was impossible to change them! The only way they could identify saintess was through this genuine saintess's token!    


"It's true... You, you really are saintess!" Lyi Yuyao was extremely excited because she had never thought that she would be able to see a legendary figure in her lifetime! But after the excitement, she said with a gloomy face," Sorry saintess... I did not do my duty as Duo Ma, I am willing to receive any punishment!"    


"You are not guilty. Your body is pure. Pure. Fann Binn told me this. I believe him. Let's not talk so much now. Let's go down together. The fire is about to burn your body. Let's go! "Lee Shiqi held onto the large knife that was chopping at the wooden pole and used her inner energy to pull it up. She swung the knife and cut off the rope that tied Lyi Yuyao up. Her other hand hugged her delicate body. She kicked the wooden pole with her leg and the two of them landed on the ground not far away!    


It was also at this moment that the wooden pole fell down due to the force of the kick. The fire quickly spread and wrapped around the wooden pole, instantly causing flames to shoot up into the sky! The clansmen who had gathered water from the stream by the side finally arrived and poured the water desperately into the wooden cart. Perhaps a bucket of water did not have much power, but these few dozen buckets... More than a hundred buckets of water were poured at the same time, and the fire was almost suppressed very quickly. The burning wooden cart's original form was also revealed from the flames.    


But all of this actually did not have much of an effect. After all, the most important person in the wooden cart, Lyi Yuyao, had already been saved by Lee Shiqi. It was no longer meaningful to extinguish the fire. After Lee Shiqi and Lyi Yuyao landed on the ground, the two girls were actually not very far away from Fann Binn and the uniformed Li Hui. The four of them quickly stood face to face.    


"Dad..." Lyi Yuyao saw that there was a short knife hanging on her father's neck and was being held back by Fann Binn. She could not help but plead, "Fann Binn, can you let my father go first?"    


"No, now is not the time. At the very least, we have to wait for the truth to come out." Fann Binn did not dare to let the patriarch go now. If he were to immediately fly into a rage and kill someone, he was afraid that Fann Binn wouldn't even have the chance to explain himself. He would have to flee everywhere.    


Lee Shiqi saw that Lyi Yuyao was eager to save her father and could not help but shake her head at her, indicating that she could not let him go now. Seeing saintess making such a decision, as a maid, she naturally did not dare to speak too much.    


"Father!!!" Just as Fann Binn was about to open his mouth to speak, a panicked and angry roar suddenly came from not far away. Very quickly, Li Xiongyao brought a large group of Miaojiang clansmen and rushed in front of Fann Binn and Li Hui. Each of them was covered in blood. It was obvious that they were the troops that had retreated from the battle between the two families.    


"It's you!!" Of course, Li Xiongyao remembered Fann Binn. At first glance, he was the one who kidnapped her father. You bastard! Not only did you insult my sister, you even dared to kidnap my father! Fine, you win. Now, I have already ordered the retreat. Don't encroach on the hundred acres of fertile land of the White Sand Wa Clan. Hurry up and release my father!! "    


"Don't worry, young master of the Miao Jiang tribe, your father is still useful to me." Fann Binn sneered and said to Li Xiong Yao, "At least, I have to make things clear before I can release him, right?"    


"What is it? If you have something to say, say it quickly! "Li Xiong Yao pointed at Fann Binn and looked at him with hatred," If you dare to hurt a single hair of my father, I will tear you into thousands of pieces and bring you to eternal damnation! "    


"Don't scare me, I am the one who can't bear to be scared the most. If he was scared, his hand would shake, and blood would flow out from his neck. Tsk tsk, I stole this short knife from your clansmen. I don't know if it's sharp or not, so don't scare me. Do you know? " Fann Binn said with a light smile. He didn't seem to be scared at all.    


"You..." Li Xiongyao was about to go crazy from anger. But now, he couldn't do anything to Fann Binn. What kind of joke was this? His father was in ___'s hands. Even if he had thousands of ways to deal with Fann Binn, he had to swallow his anger and not act rashly! He could only let out a cold snort and turn his face away, not saying anything.    


The entire Miao Jiang tribe held their breaths. It was extremely quiet. Their leader's life and death was now in the hands of someone else. They did not dare to make any moves. They could only look at Fann Binn silently and see what he was going to do next.    


"What do you have to say? You can say it now. I can guarantee your safety." Li Hui couldn't help but open his mouth, although he was extremely unwilling. He no longer had any bargaining chips to negotiate with Fann Binn. Even his tone was much gentler than before.    


"First of all, I want to announce a piece of news to all the Miao Jiang clansmen here." Fann Binn said loudly, "My name is Fann Binn. Oh, the bastard H People that defiled your pure young lady in the legends. It's also because of this that I want to clarify the truth. Your young lady Lyi Yuyao really shouldn't have been tied up and burned to death by the fire. Because I didn't touch her body at all! How pure she was in the past, how pure she is now. She is still qualified to be saintess's Duo Ma!"    


" All of this was actually a plot by Bai Zhennan, the clan leader of the White Sand Wa Clan. He intentionally drugged me in my wine, then drugged Lyi Yuyao and placed her on my bed. He wanted the two of us to commit adultery and then catch her in bed! As for his purpose... I think it goes without saying. He wanted to make your Miaojiang tribe lose face and be unable to fend for themselves. He doesn't have time to deal with the White Sand Oceans and covet their hundred acres of fertile land!"    


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