System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C979 It's on the Verge of Breaking out

C979 It's on the Verge of Breaking out

1"Miaojiang tribe?" Fann Binn nodded and thought deeply, "I did hear the patriarch say that the Miao Jiang clan had been drooling over his hundred acres of fertile land, as if they wanted to seize it. But I never thought that the Miao Jiang clan would make a move so soon."     0


"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and go to the Cloud Camp to take a look." Yang Li said anxiously, "The two tribes should not really fight. How many people will be killed or injured..."    


"Sister Yang Li, why are you still worried about the people of the White Sand Oak Clan? If the clan leader of the White Sand Oceans wants to frame Fann Binn, then this clan will be our enemy. Isn't that so? "Lee Shiqi did not expect Yang Li to be worried about the safety of the enemy and could not help but refute in confusion.    


Yang Li's face turned red and said somewhat condescendingly, "But no matter what, those clan members are all fresh lives. Every life should have its own dignity and value. I am just feeling sorry for them. If I use my life on internal conflicts, I might as well use it to let the people of the mountain live a good life."    


" I'm curious. Although the Miaojiang tribe and the White Sand Wa tribe have many conflicts, from Bai Zhennan's tone, it seemed that he was at most bullied. He was far from showing any signs of using his entire tribe's power to fight against him. Why do I keep feeling that something is not right this time? " Fann Binn said with a puzzled expression," Logically speaking, the Miao Jiang tribe would not have the guts to swallow a stockade of the White Sand Wa tribe alive. After all, they are still afraid of the Five Dragons Clan. How could they dare to openly rob their territory?"    


Hearing Fann Binn's analysis, the two girls also found it strange. At this time, Yang Li suddenly raised her head and said in shock, "Could it be... because of Lyi Yuyao?"    


"What did you say? Lyi Yuyao?" Fann Binn was shocked for a second, but he quickly nodded and said seriously, "It is very likely! That night when we escaped from White Village Primary School, Lyi Yuyao was still unconscious. Since the two of us went missing, Bai Zhennan can continue to say that Lyi Yuyao and I have had an affair. He made me and Lyi Yuyao deliberately have sex with each other. The purpose was clearly to break her pure body. Her identity as Duo Ma had thrown the Miaojiang clan into chaos. They had lost all their face and could not even fend for themselves. Thus, she had lost the desire to invade the land of the Bai Shawa tribe. However, Bai Zhennan did not think of another possibility, which was that the Miao Jiang clan leader had flown into a rage out of humiliation. He attacked the Bai Shawa Clan for revenge!"    


"If that's the case, it's actually a big misunderstanding. Lyi Yuyao and you didn't have anything to do with each other. You can totally save this conflict. That's great, Fann Binn. Then what are we waiting for? Let's quickly help explain this misunderstanding. " Yang Li happily held Fann Binn's hand, turned around and ran towards the direction of the Cloud Mountain Village. But at this moment, she realized that no matter how hard she tried, she could not pull Fann Binn's body away from her.    


Fann Binn looked at Yang Li very seriously and said with a faint sneer. " Why should I help the White Sand Oak Tribe? Yang Li, did you forget? We went through so much hardship to come here and teach the children knowledge. But what did the clansmen here do to us? They have ulterior motives. They treat us as chess pieces and tools to be used!"    


" We worked so hard without any regrets. We devoted ourselves wholeheartedly to them and sacrificed for them. But what about them? They treat us as fools, tools that can be used, tools that can be used to deceive them! You want me to help them clarify the truth and get rid of the punishment of the Miaojiang clan for the Bai Shawa clan? Do you think that I will do such a stupid thing that even people with discerning eyes would not do? If I don't go, I will make use of this opportunity to take revenge on these people of the Bai Shawa Clan. Trying to scheme against people? If you're so smart, you'll be the one to suffer. Go and teach them a lesson! "    


Lee Shiqi nodded in agreement with Fann Binn's words. Indeed, an eye for an eye for an eye was a tooth for an eye. Fann Binn's actions were not a problem at all. Since Bai Zhennan had set a trap for Fann Binn to fall into, he should bear all the consequences. Including the consequences of being humiliated by the Miaojiang.    


"Fann Binn, I never thought that you would be such a selfish person! Yes... You were indeed drugged and became someone else's chess piece. A tool to be used. However, you can't just watch coldly from the sidelines just because of this. You can only care about yourself coldly! "    


Yang Li stood where she was and looked at Fann Binn. She suddenly spoke in disappointment. " Yes, the one who was wrong wasn't you, but it wasn't Lyi Yuyao either. It's Bai Zhennan who's at fault. Every debt has its debtor. But the others were innocent! What was wrong with Lyi Yuyao? You are unwilling to clarify that she was wronged. It is equivalent to regretting her entire life! "    


"What's wrong with the White Sand Vials? They're all honest farmers who work and rest every day. They don't even know what it means to scheme! The only one who's wrong is Bai Zhennan. However, you've grafted your hatred toward others. They're innocent. Do you understand what they mean!?"    


"I..." After hearing Yang Li's excited voice, Fann Binn was stunned for a while before he only said one word. Yes, he had to admit that the beautiful teacher in front of him. His woman was right. It was Bai Zhennan who wanted to use him. The person he wanted to take revenge was naturally him, not the entire White Sand Wa Clan. There was no reason to involve the entire clan and Lyi Yuyao. If there was chaos, wouldn't it be too selfish?    


"Fann Binn, you have to understand that one must distinguish between kindness and hatred. There are so many people from both sides, so many lives are innocent... Let's go and tell the truth to avoid conflict. We will avoid bloodshed and sacrifice, avoid the loss of precious lives, and save the families that have been destroyed because of this! Isn't it much better to do such a meaningful thing than to complain about your anger and seek revenge? " Yang Li persuaded gently as she spoke up to this point. She held Fann Binn's hand and firmly said, " Let's go and tell them the truth, okay?"    


Fann Binn looked at Yang Li and shook his head helplessly with a cold smile. His shaking of his head made Yang Li's beautiful eyes filled with disappointment once again. Perhaps she really did not expect Fann Binn to be so stubborn to such an extent. He was so stubborn that he could not even tell what was right and what was wrong. She sighed deeply, filled with loneliness.    


"You're right, the White Sand Vials are innocent. The one who's truly guilty is only Bai Zhennan! That's why I shouldn't impose my hatred on these people and their lives. Yang Li, I've been thinking about a lot of things over the past few days after I narrowly escaped death. Do you know why the tribes here are plotting against each other and killing each other to fight for territory? The reason is very simple, it is because of poverty and lack of knowledge! "    


"Therefore, not only do I have to tell them the truth, I also have to find a way to get rid of the poverty of the tribes in the mountains. Become rich! Make them rich! As long as you have money, your living conditions will improve. If the children can afford to read, they can walk out of the mountains to see the wonderful world outside. Only such a thing will never happen! " Fann Binn said with a smile, "I think after these few days of contact, I have some ideas in my heart."    


"You..." At this time, Yang Li realized that Fann Binn had already agreed with her point of view. She was both angry and happy as she threw a punch on him. She pouted and said, "Scoundrel, since you think my words make sense, why do you still shake your head... You caused me to think that you are unwilling to help save people. "    


"I shook my head because I felt that your method only treated the symptoms and not the root. You didn't say that you weren't right and I didn't listen." Fann Binn smiled as he said this. He waved his hand and said," Let's go! Then let's go and deal with these guys! "    


Yang Li smiled and nodded when she heard Fann Binn's words. She and Lee Shiqi had just followed him to the entrance of the village when they took two steps, but it was also at this moment. Suddenly, the three of them stopped without any warning. They looked at each other. Almost at the same time, they asked in confusion, "Yunzhuang... How should we go?"    


"Puchi..." Yang Li could not help but laugh out loud. Fann Binn curled his lips in embarrassment. He went to the side of the two guards who were already stunned and pulled one of them to kick his butt. He said loudly, "Let's go! Our destination is the Cloud Mountain Village. Lead the way!"    


"Yes, yes..." The guard touched his aching butt and nodded in fear. He led the way in front. Fann Binn, Yang Li and Lee Shiqi looked at him from behind and smiled knowingly.    




Red flames instantly burned on the torch. The flames that were soaked in vegetable oil took care of every Miao Jiang clansman's face. Although it was daytime, they still felt the burning pain.    


The Eldest Miss they respected in their hearts, saintess's Duo Ma Lyi Yuyao. At this very moment, she would be burned to death. No one dared to disobey Patriarch Li Hui's orders. The clansmen who were carrying out the ignition held the torches in their hands and slowly walked towards Lyi Yuyao, who was tied up on top of the wooden carriage.    


"Li Hui, don't regret it! The one who defiled your daughter is the H People, not my Peshawar clansman. You retaliating like this, I have a reason to sue you no matter where you go!" Bai Zhennan, who had a somewhat nervous expression, roared angrily at Li Huizhi, who was sitting on a large horse. " What is it that you must fight with your troops? Aren't you looking down on our people in Peshawar? "    


Hearing Bai Zhennan say this, Li Xiongyao hurriedly whispered to his father," Father... Do you really have the heart to burn your sister to death like this? She is your daughter!"    


" I know she is my daughter! I don't need you to remind me! " Li Hui glared at his son and said coldly, "It is precisely because she is my daughter that I have to sacrifice myself to save the Miaojiang clan! Wake up. If your sister doesn't die, our Miaojiang clan will not be able to raise our heads in the mountains! Do you know why I came to deal with the White Sand Wa clan today? Because I want to find an excuse for your sister's death! Today, she will die for sure!"    


Li Xiongyao's entire body trembles as he virtually does not dare to believe his ears. Only at this moment did he understand that everything that happened today was intentional by his father. His goal was very clear, to give his sister a decent way to die. At the same time, he wanted her to die with value. It was worth it! After understanding all of this, he could only lower his head, no longer stopping her.    


When the two clansmen holding torches finally arrived in front of the wooden carriage that tied Lyi Yuyao up, Li Hui closed his eyes somewhat painfully. With a wave of his large hand, he gritted his teeth and resolutely said, "Light the fire!!"    


"No, we can't let them light the fire! Archers, shoot those two people to death!" Bai Zhennan really went crazy. Right now, he only knew that Lyi Yuyao must not die. Once she died, the Miao Jiang Clan would place this hatred on the White Sand Oak Clan. At that time... blood would flow like rivers, and families would be destroyed!!    


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