System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C972 Enter the Holy Land(2)

C972 Enter the Holy Land(2)

1Yang Li looked around and said in confusion, "If this place is really a holy land, then there should be some human buildings, right? But look here, there are plants and underground river water everywhere. But there are no buildings left behind by humans. I'm curious, where did the light come from? Why is there such a strong light in the hinterlands of the mountains?"    1


" I think it came from a prism or some unknown mineral reflection light. In short, the light here means that there is an exit to the outside world here. " Fann Binn frowned and thought for a while before deciding, "The Holy Land is not small. I think the three of us should search separately. We must be extremely careful. Although we haven't seen any danger here for the time being, but maybe there is. Especially Yang Li, you do not know how to defend yourself with martial arts, so you must pay special attention. No matter who finds the exit first, call out to the others loudly."    


Yang Li lightly nodded her head and looked around. She walked to the plant next to her and picked up a dried up wooden stick and headed east to search. Lee Shiqi quickly ran towards the south. Fann Binn thought for a while. He decided not to go to the riverside, but to the plants in the north.    


The three of them divided into three groups and carefully searched every place that the holy land passed by. However, they clearly did not find any valuable human traces. The Sacred Land here was said to be a work of art by nature, and no one was willing to believe it. The Sacred Land of Five Dragons Clan must be hiding a great secret from the ancestors of the Five Poisons Cult. It was just that this secret wasn't easy to be discovered.    


Time passed by slowly. There was no difference between noon and afternoon here. Fann Binn walked along the north side of the forest, passing through a green swamp. There was no way forward. Although this holy land was relatively large, it was, after all, excavated from the belly of the mountain. The range was naturally limited.    


Just as Fann Binn was about to turn around and walk back to see if there were any clues by the river, Lee Shiqi, who came from the south, suddenly let out a loud shout! Although he could not hear clearly from far away, Fann Binn was still very excited and instantly ran towards the south! It was very likely that Lee Shiqi had some important discovery!    


When Fann Binn ran quickly all the way to the source of Lee Shiqi's cry, he found that Yang Li had actually arrived even faster than him. He could not help but smile and say excitedly, "Did you guys discover something? I'm here!"    


"Fann Binn, come and see!" Seeing Fann Binn appear, Yang Li hurriedly smiled and pointed her finger at a black hole in front of her. "Shiqi just said that she stepped on empty air here. Later, she found that there was such a big black hole hidden under the weeds. Fann Binn, do you think this black hole is the exit of the Holy Land?"    


Fann Binn walked to the front of the black hole and looked down from above. He felt that it was pitch black inside, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He raised his head and said worriedly, "I don't know if there will be any danger inside. How about this... I think it's better to throw a fireball down to see the result. Don't let this cave be the resting place for snakes or ferocious beasts. If you enter the wrong door. "    


When the two girls heard this, their expressions immediately changed, and they nodded in agreement. Fann Binn casually tied the weeds around him into balls, then took out a match and lit the grass balls. He directly threw it into the dark cave. After the fireball fell into the cave, it immediately lit up everything in the cave. At this time, Fann Binn's eyes had already seen what was happening in the depths of the cave. On the stone wall that was illuminated by the fire, there were carvings of ancient characters!    


If there were words, then there must be traces of humans. It definitely wouldn't be a nest of animals. The excited Fann Binn said excitedly, "The ancestors of Five Dragons Clan really put in a lot of effort. It seems like there really is something that can't be told to others. They actually built such a huge hinterland like a paradise on earth, but there are no jade buildings. Instead, they had placed the real holy land in such a hidden cave. If one wasn't careful, they really wouldn't have discovered it. Shiqi, our luck is not ordinary! "    


" Let's quickly go down and see if there is a passageway down there. If there is a passageway, then... Then we will really be lucky to be able to escape death!" Lee Shiqi was also quite happy. She urged Fann Binn to go down. " There must be some secret hidden in this cave. Let's quickly go down and see what our ancestors left behind in this holy land."    


"Okay! I'll go down first, you guys follow!" Fann Binn nodded excitedly and started to weave the weeds. Yang Li and Lee Shiqi, who were next to him, hurried over and started to fight. Very quickly, a grass rope that was more than ten meters long was completed. Fann Binn tied it to a big rock and threw the grass rope into the cave.    


"Later when I reach the underground, you guys come down. See you in the cave!" Fann Binn smiled at the two girls and pulled the grass ropes slowly into the cave. The two girls were nervously lying on top of the cave. They quietly watched Fann Binn climb deeper and deeper into the cave. Gradually, their entire bodies sank into the darkness.    


"Splash! "Fann Binn felt that his feet had stepped on the ground in the darkness. He finally let go of the grass rope. He fumbled around and took out the wooden stick that he had prepared earlier. He then used a match to light up the weeds that were wrapped around the stick. The weeds quickly burned when they ran into the flame. This dark cave was also illuminated by the fiery red flames.    


Fann Binn looked around vigilantly. After he found some special ancient characters carved on the stone wall, there was only one passage leading to the unknown.    


After confirming that there was no danger, Fann Binn raised his torch and waved it a few times above the cave. He signaled the two girls to come down as well. Not long after, Lee Shiqi climbed down first. After that was Yang Li. As the grass rope was strong enough, the two girls were very slim. So there was no danger.    


"Shiqi, can you read the words on the wall?" Fann Binn was very helpless, because even the golden needle did not recognize the strange words carved on the stone wall. It seemed that these ancient words were very rare.    


Lee Shiqi took the torch and carefully looked at the ancient characters carved on the stone wall. She revealed a strange and ugly expression and said, "These characters... are very ancient. They are somewhat similar to the language of our Five Dragons Clan, but also somewhat different. I also don't quite understand... But I did see one word clearly, but..."    


" What word? " Fann Binn was a little puzzled. Why did Lee Shiqi have such an expression?    


"Here, I know this word. It's death." Lee Shiqi pointed to the last ancient word. When they heard the meaning of this word, Fann Binn and Yang Li were instantly frightened.    


"This, does this mean that the passageway ahead is a dead end? Or is there danger in the passageway ahead?" Yang Li covered her small mouth, but she still could not help but voice out her fear and doubt. " These words, are they trying to give a warning?"    


"I don't know, but I can only recognize one of these words" Lee Shiqi's expression was also cold. The excitement and happiness from earlier had long disappeared.    


Fann Binn sighed deeply and looked up. "Now we only have one path ahead of us. When soldiers come, they will block when water comes. When water comes, earth will block. Even if there is a sea of fire and a sea of fire ahead, we still have to go and take a look. Otherwise, we will really be trapped here until we die. "    


"That's right... Even if I have to die, I still have to go through life and death. As long as there's a path, there's still hope. If there's no path, then there's really no hope at all. " Lee Shiqi also helplessly said bitterly," We have to walk forward. It's fine if we don't read these words! "    


After the three of them made up their minds, Fann Binn held the torch in front of him. They carefully and cautiously walked towards the tunnel in front of them. There were no more ancient characters on the stone wall along the way, and there were no valuable items or useful information. This cave looked very ordinary, to the point that it gave Fann Binn an extremely ordinary feeling. If it wasn't for the fact that the ancient characters' death 'had provoked him, he wouldn't have been so vigilant and worried.    


He didn't know how long the three of them had been walking like this for, but the passageway in front of them suddenly became wider. Just as Fann Binn was about to tell the two girls behind him to be more careful, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He stared blankly ahead!    


The two girls behind saw Fann Binn stop without any warning. Lee Shiqi asked curiously, "Fann Binn? Why aren't you leaving?"    


"You... Look ahead yourselves..." Fann Binn sighed and smiled bitterly, "Now I finally understand what the word 'death' means."    


Lee Shiqi and Yang Li walked up from behind Fann Binn, puzzled. They followed the dim light of the fire and forgot. Suddenly, the two girls' beautiful eyes revealed a look of extreme shock. Yang Li was so scared that her face turned pale and she covered her mouth. Then she ran to the back and retched!    


It turned out that in the passageway in front of Fann Binn, there were several corpses that had dried up. These corpses only had some tattered clothes and bones left. It seemed that they had been dead for a long time. As for why these people had died in this tunnel, Fann Binn naturally didn't know. He also didn't know. However, seeing so many dead people in one go was still very shocking in his heart.    


"These people... were once people of Five Poisons Cult! I can still recognize them from their tattered clothes." Lee Shiqi endured her fear and walked to the side of the corpse to carefully observe for a while before saying. " These people seemed to have some injuries on their bodies. Looking at the trajectory of these injuries, they all seemed to have committed suicide. Could it be... that they were the ancestors of our race who built the Five Dragons Sacred Land? In order to not divulge the secrets of the Sacred Land, they would rather commit suicide. Dying in this Sacred Land?"    


"It's very likely. If that's the case, then the ancient characters carved on the stone wall are very willing to be their wills." Fann Binn smiled bitterly and said, "It seems like they wrote the word 'death' for themselves. They didn't write it for us. "    


"Sigh... I really admire them. They are all good seniors of my family." Lee Shiqi respectfully bowed deeply to the corpse on the ground, "It is good to sacrifice yourself for the Holy Land."    


"Let's go. Let's continue forward and see what is ahead." Fann Binn did not have time to waste on these people who were buried with him. What he wanted the most now was to find the exit to the outside world!    


The three of them passed through these corpses. Yang Li endured the pain and continued forward with Fann Binn and Lee Shiqi. This tunnel looked very long. At least Fann Binn felt that if this tunnel did not lead to the outside world, it must lead to a very mysterious area.    


Sure enough, after the three of them walked for a long distance, the passageway became even wider. At this time, the three of them were even able to pass through horizontally. However, for the sake of vigilance, Fann Binn still requested to line up and explore forward.    


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