System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C866 Conspiracy

C866 Conspiracy

2"I'll lead the way, I'll lead the way!" When he heard Faang Yixuan and Fann Binn wanted to stay, Fan Hui immediately became energetic. He smiled and supported Fann Binn on the other side. He said to Faang Yixuan, "Sister-in-law, let's go. I will help you."     3


"Then thank you, Liu." Faang Yixuan indeed could not bear to carry Fann Binn alone. Those subordinates were still in the car and did not follow. It was naturally best to have Fan Hui to help. Very quickly, the two of them supported and walked towards Eldest Uncle's house. It was only when the two of them carried Fann Binn out of the canteen that Fann Binn's subordinates in the car got out of the car. Under Faang Yixuan's instructions, they brought along the luggage that had been changed and followed him...    


"Loyalty, I will leave Fann Binn to you. Let him sleep well, okay?" Fan Jiacheng saw Fan Zhongyi nod and left.    


At this time, Fan Xiao came to his father's side and whispered. "Father, why do I always feel that there is something wrong with the way he looks at Yixuan? I remember that before he peeped at Wang Xiaoya from the neighboring village, he saw the same expression on her face. Could it be... "    


"Nonsense! How can you say that about your brother? Besides, Fann Binn and his girlfriend live in our house. No matter how brave Fan Hui is, how dare he come to our house and peek at his brother's girlfriend bathing? Your thoughts are a bit too dirty! Don't think blindly, come home with me!" Uncle glared at Fan Xiao and kicked him, then pulled him towards his own home.    


"No... Drink, continue drinking! "Fann Binn was drunk as he spoke. Faang Yixuan could not help but cover her mouth and laugh. It was the first time she saw Fann Binn drink so badly. He used to know how to control himself. Even if he was drunk, he had never been so drunk. This could also mean that he was really happy today.    


What was more important than happiness and happiness in this world? No matter how much money and power a person had, but if he wasn't happy for a single day, then what was the meaning of living? Be it the rich or the poor, as long as there was meaning to living... That life was truly wonderful.    


"Alright, Fann Binn, be good. We're about to go to sleep." Faang Yixuan coaxed Fann Binn like she was coaxing a child, but she did not expect Fan Hui, who was walking behind her. He was staring at her beautiful body with a very vulgar look.    


Eldest Uncle's house was actually not far from Fann Binn's grandfather's house. The group of people quickly arrived at Eldest Uncle's three-story concrete house. There was not even a dust brush on the outer layer of the house, and pieces of red bricks were exposed just like that. Under the night sky, it was still very obvious. But that was also true. How could an honest farmer's house be renovated very well?    


Just as Faang Yixuan and her subordinates supported Fann Binn into the yard of her uncle's house, Uncle Fan Zhongyi and his son Fan Xiao had already caught up from behind. He said to Faang Yixuan, "Yixuan, I still have three empty rooms. This way, Fann Binn's subordinates and the driver slept in the two rooms downstairs. You and Fann Binn will sleep in the separate room upstairs, because there is a bathroom that I can use to shower in there. Oh, you and Fann Binn can sleep in one room, right?"    


Faang Yixuan's face turned red and her heart suddenly jumped up. She lightly shook her head and shyly said, "No, no problem."    


"As long as there is no problem. Hehe. " Uncle Fan Zhongyi also felt that it might be a bit rude to ask such a question, but luckily Faang Yixuan did not mind, so he hurriedly opened the door and let everyone in.    


At this time, Fan Xiao stopped Fan Hui who was about to go upstairs and said to him, "Fan Hui, what are you still doing here? There is nothing else for you here, go back and rest early."    


" Oh? Good, good." Fan Hui looked at Faang Yixuan's back as she helped Fann Binn up the stairs. He looked at her reluctantly. Only when she disappeared on the stairs did he smile at Fan Xiao, who had a vigilant look on his face. He turned around and was about to leave.    


"Fan Hui, I'm warning you, Fann Binn is a good brother. Don't even think about having any evil ideas about his woman!" Fan Xiao's warning came from behind, "You can't have any evil thoughts about Fann Binn's girlfriend! Otherwise, you will lose all the face of the Fann family!"    


A trace of impatience and anger flashed across Fan Hui's eyes, but it soon turned into a disdainful smile. He waved his hand with his back facing Fan Xiao and curled his lips, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing!"    


"It's best if I know what I'm doing!" Fan Xiao glared at his back, turned around, and walked into his own house.    




"Urgh..." Fann Binn sprayed everything in his stomach onto the basin on the ground like a fountain. He only felt that the sky was dark and there was no reaction. Faang Yixuan, who was beside him, endured the unpleasant smell from the gastric acid and continuously knocked Fann Binn's back.    


"Let's see if you can still drink so much next time. Don't hurt your stomach." Faang Yixuan patted his back as she could not help but laugh as if she was talking to herself. " Fann Binn, you had a good time drinking today. If I take a picture of your drunk and cute face and show it to the other sisters, I promise I will make you feel awkward for the rest of your life. Hehe..."    


"Urgh!" As if he was protesting, Fann Binn vomited again. Faang Yixuan's knocking on his back also started to increase in frequency. The wine that he drank today had indeed made Fann Binn taste the pain of being drunk.    


After a long while, Fann Binn did not show any signs of vomiting. Faang Yixuan then used a towel to wipe his mouth. She pinched Little Yao's nose and carried the basin of "spoils of war" into the bathroom. After she poured them all out, she also washed the basin.    


Faang Yixuan returned to the room and looked at the sleeping Fann Binn. Carefully taking out the pink towel and toiletries from her luggage, she walked back to the bathroom and began to take off her clothes. After a rustling sound, Faang Yixuan's naked body suddenly appeared in front of the mirror. With a blush on her face, she turned on the heater and walked barefoot into the small bathroom in the bathroom.    


"Hualala!" The sound of water could be heard in the bathroom from time to time. Faang Yixuan's perfect body was completely covered by the rising heat. She was humming a tune as she used the soap to wipe her smooth and delicate skin. Her originally loose hair was tied up and coiled above her head. She looked like a beautiful beauty coming out of the bath.    


"Click click!" Suddenly, Faang Yixuan heard a light sound from a wooden board not far away. The action of wiping the soap instantly stopped. She turned her head and looked outside the bathroom. There was no one in the bathroom. Where did the sound come from?    


"Who is it?" Faang Yixuan nervously shouted but did not get a response. This time, she could not help but feel relieved. She thought it was just a normal sound. She continued to turn on the water heater and began to wash her body with soap.    


However, not long after, under the spray of hot water, suddenly, there was a slight sound of the door opening! If Faang Yixuan had not been suspicious earlier, she would not have been able to hear such a soft sound! This time, she was somewhat afraid and immediately stopped the sound of the water. She frantically wrapped the pink towel that she had brought with her around her entire body. She nervously gently opened the simple wooden door of the bathroom, and vigilantly walked out from inside...    


Before Faang Yixuan could stabilize her body, she suddenly felt the world before her eyes turn black. Her small mouth was immediately covered! She immediately realized that her head was definitely covered by someone and immediately wanted to cry for help. However, her mouth was covered by someone's hand, and her voice could only make muffled sounds when it came out of her throat!    


In the midst of the emergency, she could clearly feel that someone wanted to molest her. She hurriedly leaned her body against the wall and used both hands to desperately block the body of the person who covered her face. Moreover, even her beautiful legs subconsciously began to kick and stomp randomly!    


"Aiyo..." Maybe Faang Yixuan was lucky, but not only did her hands accurately block the chest of the person who was pressing towards her, the beautiful leg's random kick seemed to have also landed on the other party's body, causing the pervert who wanted to molest her to receive a heavy kick. She could not help but let out a cry of pain.    


"Smelly woman!" The other party let out an angry and low voice. This voice sounded very familiar to Faang Yixuan. But because he deliberately lowered his voice, she really could not hear clearly who this pervert was. One must know that she was currently only wrapped in a winter bath towel! Once the bath towel was ripped off by the pervert, his body would be seen by him!    


In her panic, Faang Yixuan knew that the pervert was in pain from her kick. For a moment, she did not molest herself. She fiercely grabbed the arm of the pervert that covered her small mouth with both hands. She used the nails in her hands to fiercely grab his arm and wanted to forcefully push his hand away! However, because the clothes on the pervert's arm were too thick, her nails could not be scratched at all. His strength was so great that Faang Yixuan tried to push his hand away several times but ended in failure!    


Wait! After the pervert recovered his senses, his other hand immediately grabbed Faang Yixuan's shoulder. He was about to grab the towel on her body and pull it off! At this moment, Faang Yixuan, who was in despair, did not know where she got the strength from. Based on the feeling just now, she fiercely kicked in the same direction again!    


With a bang, that pervert was clearly kicked by Faang Yixuan again. He made a muffled groan. At this time, Faang Yixuan grabbed the opportunity and opened her mouth, which was covered by his hand. She bit down on his palm with all her might!    


"Ah!!" The pervert immediately retracted his palm in pain. At this time, Faang Yixuan desperately pulled away the black cloth covering her head. Afraid, she looked at the half-bowing pervert whose forehead was covered in cold sweat and screamed in panic. "Someone come, there is a pervert molesting you!!!"    


The lecher's eyes flashed a trace of anger and annoyance. He clearly did not expect Faang Yixuan to be so troublesome. He was actually stunned by her shout and his anger became more and more exuberant. He grabbed Faang Yixuan who was about to turn around and escape and fiercely slapped her to the ground in her horror!    


Faang Yixuan was directly slapped to the ground by this strong slap and immediately fainted. The pervert's eyes once again revealed a wretched look. Just as he was about to reach out and grab her wrapped in a fragrant bath towel, his actions suddenly stopped!    


Because he heard footsteps heading towards the third floor, and they were getting closer and closer! It was very clear that he did not have any time to commit the crime. If he did not escape now, he was afraid that he would not have the chance anymore!    


There was no other way. The masked pervert kicked away the wooden board outside the bathroom in annoyance, and his body jumped straight into the bathroom...    


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