System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C801 War Without Smoke(4)

C801 War Without Smoke(4)

0Fann Binn's face became even darker. He finally understood what this lawyer was trying to do. In fact, Teng Zhijian's purpose was very simple. He wanted to let Wu Qi handle Hua Ansheng. He wanted the judge, the jury, and all the listeners to have the illusion that Wu Qi was the one who planned this case. She was the one who designed the conspiracy against the Ling family! The purpose was naturally very simple. Both of them were leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. Both of them wanted to annex each other!     1


Wu Qi and Fann Binn had a relationship, while Fann Binn had a relationship with Hwa Xinxin. Furthermore, Hua An Sheng was Hwa Xinxin's father. With such a relationship, the few people who originally had nothing to do with each other were forcefully linked together by Teng Zhaijian! Those who did not know would exclaim in surprise and be sensitive to the sense of smell of lawyers to dig out such an explosive piece of news. However, those who knew the truth would be deeply furious. This lawyer's ability to invert right and wrong... It was too amazing!    


"Objection to Your Honor! Objecting the defense lawyer's deliberate baseless speculation!" At this moment, Lawyer Wang reached out his hand to protest.    


After thinking for a while, the judge hammered the hammer and said, "The objection is invalid. This is the defense's normal speculation during the interrogation. It can be carried out. However, Lawyer Wang, please pay attention to your words and actions, don't be too idealistic"    


"Yes, Your Honor, I will take note" Teng Zhiming proudly bowed to the judge. It was obvious that everything was now leaning towards him.    


"Counselor, I would like to make it clear that I don't need Wu Qi's financial assistance to save Mr. Hua. This one million is my own money. I have the financial ability to do so." Fann Binn tried his best to defend himself and try his best not to let Wu Qi get involved in this. One must know that if Wu Qi was convicted as the mastermind, how much damage will that do to her!    


Sometimes things were so ridiculous. It was clearly the side of the charge, but now it looked like the defendant had to work hard to defend himself. If this was not the greatest irony, then what was?    


"Fann Binn, according to the investigation I conducted on you, it is true. You have a fortune of ten thousand yuan, and you are very rich. This one million yuan isn't a large sum. But you have a very deep relationship with Wu Qi. Who would have thought that you or Miss Wu would watch helplessly as such a person could make the defendant and my client die? The business world is like a battlefield. If it were me, I would not be able to resist such temptation. " Teng Zao Zhijian said faintly as he faced Fann Binn. He wasn't nervous or panicked at all, because he already had a plan in mind!    


"Bullshit! I didn't receive orders from anyone! You are all bastards, all bastards who should go to hell!!" Hua An Sheng finally went crazy from the intense stimulation. He kept roaring. He kept crying bitterly, as if he wanted to tell the world about the injustice. He wanted to vent the pain in his heart...    


"Silence, silence! Marshal, witness Hua An Sheng has seriously violated the court's rules. Take him away!" Hua An Sheng's madness did not receive the judge's sympathy. Instead, he was brought out of the court. Hwa Xinxin, who was in the stands, hurriedly left the court to see her father.    


With Hua An putting on a show, the situation seemed to be even worse for the plaintiff, Wu Qi...    


"Your Honor, the prosecution just provided certification and physical evidence. After our debate, we came to the conclusion that physical evidence is materialistic evidence that has no legal benefits. As for witnesses... Everyone saw it too. It is estimated that he is suffering from a serious mental illness. There was no reliability or restriction to such witnesses and physical evidence. Next, please allow the defense to defend itself and bring out our evidence and facts. " All of this is not over yet. One of Teng Zhijian's applications... It is the same as announcing the end of his defensive phase and the beginning of his offensive phase!    


"We request the defense lawyer to produce evidence." The judge nodded and agreed to Teng Zhaixing's application.    


"Invite prisoner number one to the court!" Teng Zhanzheng didn't waste any time and directly stretched out his hand. He then requested the witness to appear in court. Fann Binn looked towards the side door and saw that there were about forty people walking out from the side door. The man with messy hair was handcuffed. He lowered his head and walked to the witness stand with a dispirited look on his face.    


Fann Binn was surprised. Of course he knew this man. Not only did he know this person, but Wu Qi, who was sitting next to the plaintiff, also knew him! Wasn't this person Ling Yongchen's lackey, then the Starlight Pharmaceutical Procurement Department's manager, Feng Xizhi, who had harmed Hua Sheng? Why was he arrested? That's not right... Ling Yongchen was also the one who was arrested. Why was he the first to be arrested?    


Fann Binn, who was feeling more and more uneasy, suddenly realized that a conspiracy against Wu Qi seemed to be quietly approaching!    


"Your Honor, jury, this criminal is the suspect who was just detained yesterday, Feng Xizhi. He was once the manager of Starlight Pharmaceutical Group's purchasing department." Manager Feng has been conscientious during his appointment as the manager of the purchasing department. He even got the appreciation of my client. He became his confidant. But who would know that after this Manager Feng got the recognition, he thought that he could use Starlight Pharmaceutical for his own personal gain? Not only did he buy a large batch of fake medicines, he even took the initiative to work with Hua An Sheng's pharmaceutical company to secretly purchase inferior medicines."    


When Teng Zhijian said this, he picked up a piece of material in his hand and said, "This is the list of medicinal herbs that Starlight Pharmaceutical Company exports and exports. Some of the bad debts clearly record Feng Xizhi's actions of using his power for personal gain. Actually, I didn't need to refute Hua An at all just now. He did indeed have dealings with Starlight Pharmaceutical in the past in regards to inferior medicinal products. But the person involved wasn't Ling Yongchen, but Feng Xizhi! "    


After hearing Teng Zhijian's words, the scene once again went into an uproar. Fann Binn and Wu Qi found it hard to believe what this lawyer wanted to do. Why did he want to overthrow the result that he had obtained with great difficulty? If he was sure Feng Xizhi was wrong, wouldn't it be the same as announcing that Starlight Pharmaceutical was selling fake medicine? Could it be that this lawyer had gone crazy?    


No, he definitely couldn't be crazy! Fann Binn vaguely understood one thing. Even though the debate just now was very interesting, it also led everyone's thoughts to Wu Qi's Wu's Group. It gave people the impression that Wu Qi had instructed Hua An to slander Ling Yongchen to achieve the goal of pushing down Starlight Pharmaceutical Group. But there was no fundamental evidence to prove all of this. And now, it was very likely that it was time for him to draw out the evidence!    


Could it be that... this lawyer not only wanted to slander Wu Qi as the culprit of this case, but also wanted to slander the entire Wu's Group? Fann Binn's pupils suddenly shrank, and his entire face instantly turned pale!    


"But it's really strange. As a lawyer, I don't have any authority. But the police department's economic crime investigation team hired the health supervision department to conduct a strict examination on all the drugs in Starlight Pharmaceutical, but they didn't find any fake drugs. So obviously, the drugs Feng Xizhi got naturally didn't be used on Starlight Pharmaceutical! " Teng Zhijian turned his head to Feng Xizhi and said, "Manager Feng, you can tell me your confession at the police station in court!"    


Feng Xizhi raised his head and looked at Ling Yongchen, who was sitting on the defendant's seat. His eyes were trembling with guilt, and he said helplessly and dejectedly, "I... I'm sorry, CEO Ling. I failed to live up to CEO Ling's trust in me... For the sake of his own selfish desires, he secretly purchased fake medicine and inferior medicine from many places without telling CEO Ling. Premising it as second-rate, and mixing it with false truth... However, I, Feng Xizhi, am a person who knows propriety. CEO Ling treats me so well... How could I possibly use fake medicine to harm CEO Ling's property? No matter how much of a jerk I am, these fake medicines, in fact... Actually, I secretly sold them to Wu's Group... "    


" Boom... " Wu Qi only felt as if her head was hit by something and instantly went blank! Her delicate figure was on the verge of collapsing and almost could not bear such a strong blow!    


The entire venue was strangely silent. It was so quiet that even the sound of a needle dropping to the ground could be heard clearly! Everyone's eyes were wide open. Faced with such a dramatic 360-degree change in the case today, all of them were completely dumbfounded!    


"You are lying! You are simply farting! You are slandering us!" Fann Binn was finally angry. He finally couldn't control his rationality. He cursed out loud. He knew very well that when he scolded someone, it was basically equivalent to admitting defeat...    


Amazing... What an amazing Ling family, what an amazing lawyer, what an amazing conspiracy! Fann Binn, who was originally confident of winning, was truly taught a good lesson today, and was taught a law class! Only now did he understand... It turned out that this world could really invert right and wrong, as long as you had the ability. Those who died could be said to be alive! Facing Ling Yongchen's complacent smile, Fann Binn felt as if his face had been slapped fiercely by someone. It was really too ironic, too ironic! The original defendant had really become the plaintiff, but the plaintiff had become the defendant. Never forget that a miracle would happen...    


"Bullsh * t, don't fart. It's not up to you whether you lie or not. Young man. In court, everything has to be based on evidence, the law, and so on. You have no reason, even if you say ten thousand farts, it would be useless." Teng Zhaijian glanced at Fann Binn and sneered, "What's wrong? You don't believe me? Then I'll make you believe me! Bring the suspect!"    


Before the crowd could recover from their shock, the bailiff brought another suspect with him. At this moment, Wu Qi, who was extremely shocked, saw that this person had a look of disbelief on his face. She opened her mouth and said in surprise, "Manager Sang? You, how can you..."    


The middle-aged man called Manager Sang, who had a fat head, seemed to be a little embarrassed and did not dare to look at Wu Qi. After walking into the crime scene, he kept his head down.    


"This person is called Sang Huai. I will report his identity to everyone. He is the manager of the Wu's Group's procurement department. He has been doing business privately with Feng Xizhi for the past year. He had stuffed all the fake medicine and inferior medicine into the Wu's Group. Currently, he had confessed everything to the truth. Now, what else does your prosecution have to say? In this case, my client was undoubtedly wrongly accused. As for what the prosecution's motive is, I think there's no need to explain further. I believe that the jury will naturally have their own thoughts. " After saying that, Teng Zhijian bowed to the judge and said, "Your Honor, these criminals are all charged by the police. The evidence is conclusive and there are some details that I will not interrogate too much here. "    


"Alright, we agree with the defense lawyer's request." The judge nodded, "You can continue"    


Today's court had almost become a solo performance venue for Teng Zhiming. It allowed everyone to witness the true power of a world-renowned lawyer. He turned around elegantly and glanced at the plaintiff, Lawyer Wang, who was sitting on pins and needles beside him. He sneered and said, "Just now, Lawyer Wang accused my client of kidnapping a hostage with the motive of wanting to get that piece of scrap paper back? Ha, I think I've already explained it clearly here. My client doesn't have such a motive. Secondly, there's no need to do so. What's there to talk about kidnapping? What is the need to kidnap? Lawyer Wang, can I say that you're intentionally slandering me?"    


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