System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C683 Military Investigation Team

C683 Military Investigation Team

2"Comrade Colonel! Please don't forget who you are. We are the investigation group. It's not an interrogation team! If there's anything, we can talk about it later!" An old man in his 60s walked out of the military, full of energy. He looked at the senior colonel and said coldly, "Don't delay the official business because of your impulsiveness. Come back here!"    


"I..." The senior colonel wanted to say something but was glared at by the old man who was a major general. He immediately lowered his head and obediently walked back.    


"Hello, Director Xu, right? I'm Wang Jinfu. You can also call me Commander Wang. Or Major General Wang. " This old man called Wang Jinfu looked at the helpless Hsu Rann and said with a smile. " I hope that the investigation this time will be as perfect and flawless as your skin. Don't be a shadow. "    


" General Wang, please rest assured, we have already conducted an in-depth investigation. There is already a result, we will definitely not let you down " Hsu Rann was still a little nervous facing a general level figure. This old man looked like a big shot in the military. He was a businessman in front of soldiers. He did not have any plans at all.    


The old general nodded and said, "I really hope that Soaring Dragon Group can tell me the truth about this accident and also believe it. investigation group's trip this time was not in vain. If you can't find out the truth or not, I don't mind letting investigation group get involved. Let's find out the real reason. Let's go, we can't afford to waste time. The heroic spirits of the pilots who died because of this... They're still waiting for us to explain!"    


"Yes, this way please." Hsu Rann nodded respectfully and stretched out her slender hand to point towards the door and said, "We have been waiting for a long time. Everything is ready."    


"That's good. Let's go." The old general waved his hand and the soldiers behind him followed him into the entrance of the Soaring Dragon building. It could be seen that this major general called Wang Jinfu was the leader of the investigation group.    


Watching the figures of the military and investigation group gradually disappearing into the building, Hu Li whispered to Hsu Rann in a nervous voice, "Director Xu, you must serve them well. This is the only hope of the Soaring Dragon Group!"    


"I know. I also believe that our company is wronged. Soaring Dragon Group will definitely survive this crisis." After Hsu Rann answered confidently, she gave Jin Changhao and the other middle level leaders a look. Everyone walked into the building together.    


At this moment, Jin Changhao looked at Nan Lixing, who was not far away from him, with a panicked expression. Nan Lixing smiled at him, which made Jin Changhao calm his mind. Then, he followed closely behind Hsu Rann.    


At this moment, Yang Keqing, who was hiding in the crowd, secretly glanced at Jin Changhao and then at Hsu Rann's beautiful back. He could not help but mutter to himself, "The storm is coming, Feng Manlou..."    


12th floor of the Soaring Dragon Group building, meeting hall.    


Xu Ling held a folder in her hands. Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and black professional attire, she revealed the beauty of a white-collar beauty in a glance. At this moment, she was wearing high heels as she walked into the large conference room that could accommodate hundreds of employees. Looking at the empty conference room that was filled with employees in twos and threes, she let out a sigh. She took out her phone and quickly sent a text message. Then, she sat in an inconspicuous corner in the first row.    


Soon, the employees in the conference room noticed Xu Ling's appearance. They immediately whispered to each other and secretly glanced at her from time to time. In the eyes of these employees, other than their adoration, the rest were probably still adoration.    


Speaking of Xu Ling, she had stayed in Soaring Dragon Group for such a long time. The real reason why she was so beautiful or famous was probably much more than her identity. Why? Fann Binn's identity as the CEO of the Soaring Dragon Group was not very famous. It had something to do with the fact that he had disappeared for more than two years after he founded the company.    


Who would pay attention to her identity if she was a secretary who had been holding the position of CEO for more than two years? If Xu Ling was not naturally sexy and seductive, perhaps the employees would not have noticed her at all.    


Today, she was dressed very well because she wanted to conceal the stunning beauty on her body. However, she never would have thought that she would be dressed like this today. She was the favorite of many companies' employees. Thus, she was destined to be the center of attention and adoration of the employees.    


Not long after, the employees in twos and threes began to walk into the conference room. Today might be a special day for Soaring Dragon Group. After such a long period of gloominess, the investigation of the engine malfunction would finally be announced today. In the face of this result, other than the military, he was the employee of the entire Soaring Dragon Group.    


It could be said that other than the lowest level of service employees, as well as the employees of other branches and factories, no one else had arrived. The employees working in the Soaring Dragon building had all received the notice to participate in the investigation meeting. So not long after, the conference room immediately became lively. The noisy scene seemed to be rushing to the market.    


However, when Hsu Rann and Hu Li led a group of military officers from the investigation group into the huge meeting room, the entire noisy venue immediately became silent. All the employees of the Soaring Dragon Group nervously looked at the row of military officers who appeared in front of them. Although it was the military enterprise, they were in the business of making weapons and selling weapons. After all, the ordinary employees and the soldiers did not have much contact with each other. The unique aura of the soldiers made these employees shut their mouths in fear.    


"General Wang, please take a seat. The results of the investigation will be revealed in the following investigation meeting." Hu Li smiled foolishly as he stretched out his hand to let General Wang Jinfu sit beside him. Only then did Wang Jinfu take a glance at him and lightly nod his head. Then, he casually sat down. At this time, the military officers by the side immediately sat unanimously beside Wang Jinfang. The uniform movements, coordinated with the sound of unification, caused people to involuntarily be a little speechless when they saw such a line-up.    


Seeing that General Wang had already taken his seat, Hsu Rann, Hu Li, and the other main leaders sat together in the seats in front of the rostrum. Jin Changhao looked at Hsu Rann at this time, his eyes full of inquiry. Hsu Rann sighed helplessly and whispered to Nan Li Xing beside her. "Manager Nan, go and call Manager Jin over. After all, he was in charge of the engine research and development and had a lot to do with the investigation this time. I might have to ask him some questions later. "    


"Okay, I got it." How could Nanli Xing not understand what Hsu Rann meant? Just now, Jin Chang Hao looked at Hsu Rann with a clear look of wanting to sit on the main platform and shine in front of everyone in the company. Nan Li Xing revealed an undetectable sneer at the corner of his mouth and said to Jin Chang Hao below the stage. "Manager Jin, you are the manager in charge of the engine. When we investigate the matter later, we might ask you to answer. So it's better for you to come up on stage and sit down. "    


When Jin Changhao heard this, he immediately smiled and nodded his head. He eagerly ran up to the platform. He ignored the other high-level leaders sitting beside him and immediately snatched the seat. He sat beside Hsu Rann. Hsu Rann was a little puzzled as to why Jin Changhao wanted to sit beside her when she noticed that his gaze was looking at Xu Ling, who was sitting diagonally across from her in the corner of the front row. She could not help but speak in a low voice with a cold expression, "Uncle, didn't I warn you not to have any thoughts about Miss Xu Ling? Why don't you listen?"    


"Aiyo, Hsu Rann, how can I not listen? I just want to take a look. I didn't do anything bad." Jin Changhao replied to Hsu Rann with some grievance," You can't chase after people. Can't you just take a look and see if you can cure the cravings? "    


"What kind of serious time is it now? Are you still in the mood to look at beautiful women? If we can't get through this crisis of Soaring Dragon Group, we will really fall into the quagmire of decline. Why aren't you being serious?! "Hsu Rann glared at Jin Changhao, somewhat speechless towards this fickle uncle.    


"Alright, alright, alright. I won't look, alright?" Jin Changhao smiled slyly and said, "I'll be frank with you. It's not like you don't know. This matter has nothing to do with our Soaring Dragon. It's about the Liu Corporation. As long as we don't have anything to do with it, these military investigators will go and settle the score with the Liu Corporation. Won't we be able to return to the past? "    


"That's right. Uncle, I'm only asking you. Are you really sure that there's a problem with the Liu Corporation? Are there any problems with us? " Hsu Rann stared at Jin Changhao and asked seriously, "I gave you the task of investigating the matter because I trusted you. You must not make any mistakes. "    


"Aiya Ran Ran, just relax. You are guaranteed to be fine!" When Jin Changhao said this, he saw that Nan Lixing was looking at him. He could not help but smile and give him a look.    


Nanli Xing smiled and slowly turned his head away. The smile on his face suddenly became cold. He muttered to himself, "Jin Changhao, Jin Changhao, you're such a gullible idiot. You are still counting money for others even after they sold you. It is such a pity that you are such a good dog... "    


"We were entrusted by the military to conduct a thorough investigation on the malfunction of your company's military aircraft engine. I hope you can tell the truth and do the actual thing. If I find out that you're lying, the cooperation between the military and the Soaring Dragon Group will suffer the most serious damage! " General Wang Jinfu knocked on the table with his hand and said solemnly, "If we don't wait for someone, then this investigation meeting... Then we can start!"    


"Greetings, members of the investigation group from the military. Hello, all the employees of the Soaring Dragon Group's headquarters. Hello, everyone. I am the deputy general manager of the research and development department, Nanli Xing. I will be hosting today's investigation meeting. "    


Nanli Xing stood up unhurriedly. He walked to the podium and spoke into the microphone with the documents in his hands. " I'm sure everyone knows that recently... Our Soaring Dragon Group's reputation suffered a great loss due to the malfunction of the aircraft used by the military aircraft, resulting in the destruction of the aircraft and the deaths of people. This is a disgrace to our Soaring Dragon Group, and an accident that the people of Soaring Dragon must take seriously! If there is an accident, our Soaring Dragon Group should not be afraid. We should not be afraid. Instead, we have to investigate the accident and dig out all the flaws in our bodies to correct them. This is the challenge that these incidents have brought us. "    


" After the incidents occurred, the higher ups in the Soaring Dragon Group immediately attached great importance to this matter. And... Manager Jin Changhao from the engine research and development department took the lead and set up an accident investigation group. Specifically, a thorough investigation of the internal dangers and flaws of the Soaring Dragon Group was carried out. "    


"After the investigation, we found that there were indeed some signs of neglect in the internal structure of the Soaring Dragon Group. However, there were no signs of any accidents. Our craftsmanship is very standardized, and the internal auditing system is very strict. And according to Manager Jin's investigation, the design of the engine itself is reasonable. Stable, no problem. This can be seen from the previous batches of engine products that were given to the military. So strictly speaking, it was definitely not the engine itself that was a problem. It's a problem with the craftsmanship and quality. "    


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