CEO's Love Affairs

C452 Know Everything

C452 Know Everything

3As Bai Chengming spoke, he seemed to be accompanied by a girl's dissatisfied complaints, "Chengming, it's so late, who's calling you?! Hang up, you're so sleepy..."    


"Dudu Dudu..."    


As soon as the woman finished speaking, the phone was mercilessly cut off by the person on the other end.    


Only Yueqing was left, still stiffly holding the phone and not moving at all.    


Tears silently flowed down from her eyes...    


Her palm was cold and the hand that held the phone was still trembling.    


"Oh - -"    


Suddenly, she felt her stomach churn violently.    


She quickly got up, staggered, and covered her mouth as she walked towards the washroom.    


Yueqing did not know how long she had walked in the hallway. She only knew that with every step she took, the steps became heavier and the consciousness in her mind became more and more chaotic...    


Tears rushed out of her eyes like broken pearls. The pain in her stomach seemed to affect her internal organs and her entire body was also in pain.    


Yueqing pushed open the door of the 'bathroom' and was stunned.    


Inside, everyone was stunned for a second. They raised the city wall to guard against the drunk woman who suddenly rushed into the room.    


Yueqing looked at the high-end 'washroom' in a daze...    


Inside, the lights were dim and there was a mysterious aura that suppressed one's soul.    


A group of men in black stood in an orderly manner with cold expressions on their faces.    


At this moment, Yueqing, who was intoxicated, did not notice that these men were all holding a new high-end pistol in their hands. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at her chest in an orderly manner.    


As long as she gave the order, Qin Yueqing would be riddled with holes on the spot.    


And in the middle of the crowd, there was a black clothed man standing. Specifically, it was a beautiful black clothed man!    


Under the dim blue light, what kind of extremely beautiful and mysterious charming face was that?    


Even Yueqing, who had seen countless handsome men in the entertainment industry, was stunned at that moment.    


The man had a pair of bewitching red phoenix eyes that were like an endless sea, emitting a faint blue light.    


The light eyes were mysterious and unfathomable. It was impossible to figure them out.    


The high nose bridge was like a peck. It was so exquisite that no blind spots could be found.    


Under the nose bridge, a pair of proud and aloof thin lips slightly rose. The impudent smile hung on the edge of the lips, but it was so cold that it was enough to make everyone shiver in fear.    


He stood by the window under the cold moonlight, as if he was independent from the world, mysterious and undetectable.    


And that pair of demonic red phoenix eyes, straight and straight, stared at the woman who was slightly drunk at the door.    


That oppressive gaze seemed to be able to see through everything.    


"Right... I'm sorry, I went to the bathroom, I think I went the wrong way..."    


Looking at the cold scene in front of her, the alcohol in Yueqing's mind seemed to have sobered up quite a bit.    


In the darkness, the coquettish man seemed to only send a glance to his subordinate and heard someone say, "Miss, the bathroom. This way please."    


The black-clothed man attentively led her into the private washroom that reserved the room.    


Yueqing, who was slightly drunk, did not detect any dangerous aura. Right now, she only wanted to quickly expel the pain in her stomach from her body.    


Once she entered the bathroom, she squatted in front of the toilet bowl and vomited painfully.    


That feeling was as if she was going to vomit out all her internal organs. Tears flowed out of her eyes like broken pearls, one by one, they fell into the water in pain, creating circle after circle of turbid ripples...    


Bai Chengming, these three words were like a sharp ice blade, piercing into her weak heart! It was so painful, so painful!    


"Bai Chengming, you bastard!!"    


She cried out loudly, as if she had lost her mind and was venting her anger on the toilet bowl.    


"How can you do this to me? You can be so cruel, wuwuwu..."    


"Do you know how much I love you? Bai Chengming! Bai Chengming..."    


Yueqing squatted by the toilet, curled up her injured body, and whimpered in pain.    


Later on, she did not know how she got out of the bathroom. When she passed by the living room, she was muddle-headed and did not think about anything. She picked up a bottle of x0 from the bar counter and poured it into her small mouth.    


She clearly said that it would not hurt if she was drunk, but she was still in pain, so she was not drunk! She was not drunk enough!    


In the living room, no one came to stop her extreme behavior.    


The charming man was sitting on the sofa with his long legs crossed lazily. He supported his extremely beautiful face with one hand. He narrowed his eyes and watched the magnificent scene in front of him as if he was an outsider.    


A willful smile appeared on his cold lips...    


It was cold and profound. It was hard to figure out how to teach others, but it made people shiver.    


Yueqing knew that she was completely drunk.    


In front of her eyes, Bai Chengming's cold face was no longer there. Instead, it was replaced by an extremely bewitching and charming face.    


"Who... are you?"    


She held her drunk eyes and asked him vaguely.    


The man smiled devilishly and coldly. "Tang Zhishen! Remember my name."    


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