Regret That Didn't Love You Earlier

C452 452th Chapter

C452 452th Chapter

1"Grandma, don't blame her. If you want to blame someone, blame me. I was the one who dragged her into this vortex. If you want to blame someone, blame me."    


Old Lady Fu was angered by Fu Jinchen's words. "At this time, you are still protecting her?"    


"Your father and mother's death is related to her. How can you completely forget about her and that woman surnamed Xu? How did you cause the destruction of our Fu family?"    


"It's fine if you marry her, but you can still fall in love with her?"    


Fu Jinchen looked at Old Lady Fu in shock and said, "Grandma, don't you also like Xingxuan?"    


Old Lady Fu said expressionlessly, "That was only in the past. In the past, I thought she was pure. A kind and clean girl, but who knew. Her mind was so dirty. Her hands were stained with your mother's blood. She even caused my only son to die, and you said that I could still like her... Can I still accept her as my granddaughter-in-law? "    


"I was deceived by you in the past, but now that I know these things, I can't accept her anymore!"    


"Unless, unless your father can come back to life, I will forgive her!!"    


" Grandma, you know this is impossible. "    


Old Lady Fu endured the surging anger, "Then you better not persuade me to forgive her!"    


"Grandma, Xingxuan is pregnant with my flesh and blood. Your great-grandson, you hate her and do not accept her. Then you also do not accept your great-grandson?"    


When Fu Jinchen's child talked about the matter, Old Lady Fu's heart softened a little. But when she thought about the woman who killed her son carrying the bloodline of the Fu family, she felt that this was too absurd.    


"I would rather not have this great-grandson."    


"Grandma, how can you be so heartless as to not want your great-grandson?"    


"I'm ruthless? Is the woman who is always by your side heartless?"    


"I know you hate her, but there are some things that you don't know about."    


"Enough, don't speak up for her anymore!"    


"You lost your mind because of her!!"    


Old Lady Fu's attitude towards Xia Xingxuan completely changed.    


She loved ___ that much. Xia Xingxuan even doted on Xia Xingxuan like her own granddaughter, but she knew that Mo Yafu's death had something to do with Xia Xingxuan. Fu Ann's death also involved Xia Xingxuan, so she changed her attitude towards Xia Xingxuan.    


Fu Ann's death had always been the most painful thing that Old Lady Fu did not want to mention. She could not forget Fu Ann's death for a long time. Her only son was gone. That kind of painful feeling was not something that everyone could understand.    


"Jinchen, grandma knows that you are a good child and listen to grandma the most."    


"Grandma hopes that... you will divorce her!"    


"Grandma, I can promise you anything you want me to do, but this is the only thing I can't do."    


Old Lady Fu's face was dark. She gritted her teeth and asked sternly, "Say it again!"    


Fu Jinchen said, "I can't do it. I can't divorce her. I can't... I can't lose her anymore."    


"You unfilial child. Are you worthy of your dead parents?!"    


As Fu Jinchen's grandmother, Old Lady Fu had the right to teach Fu Jinchen a lesson. She was angry at Fu Jinchen's persistence and did not give up. She raised her hand impulsively. She wanted to teach this unfilial son a lesson on behalf of Mo Yafu.    


She raised her trembling palm. Fu Jinchen knew what she was trying to do, so he stopped dodging and just stood there.    


But who would have thought that the slap would not land on Fu Jinchen's face, but on Xia Xingxuan's face, who had suddenly appeared in front of Fu Jinchen.    


With a slap, Xia Xingxuan's face was pushed to the side.    


Fu Jinchen and Old Lady Fu were both shocked.    




Fu Jinchen hurriedly turned Xia Xingxuan's body to face him. Xia Xingxuan's reaction was very calm, and she said calmly, "Nothing."    


He asked angrily, "Why are you so stupid? Why did you run over here?"    


"You got beaten up by grandma for me. It's not worth it. I should have received this slap too. I owe it to you."    


Fu Jinchen looked at the mark on her face with heartache and scolded, "You fool!"    


Xia Xingxuan smiled faintly and said to Old Lady Fu, "I did not accept your good intentions towards me with a clear conscience. In my heart, I have always been sorry and guilty towards you."    


"Grandma, I know that you only have one son. Because of what I did, he died because of his illness. I am very sorry."    


"I know that no matter what I say, it will not be able to make up for the pain of losing your son."    


This girl was her most beloved granddaughter-in-law, but every time she thought of her late son, Old Lady Fu's heart would be filled with hatred.    


"I have a good family and a good son. Just because you and your adoptive mother made the family not like a home, the once happy Fu residence was filled with laughter and laughter. Because after your adoptive mother and Jinchen's father's old memories were known by Jinchen's mother, our lives began to change. Later, because of you, my Fu family became even more miserable. As for me... Yet, I treated you like my own granddaughter, and only now did I know... I hurt a woman who killed my daughter-in-law and my son..." Old Lady Fu said sarcastically.    


"Grandma, I'm sorry."    


"Can your apology bring the two of them back to life? Can it?"    


"If you really regret it, kneel down and apologize to Yafu and Fu Ann. This request of mine is not too much for you, right?"    


Of course, Xia Xingxuan did not have any complaints. She also thought that she should have done so a long time ago.    


But Fu Jinchen did not allow Xia Xingxuan to do so. He put all the mistakes and responsibilities on him and said to Old Lady Fu, "The one who is most sorry to my parents is me."    


"I should kowtow and apologize to them. I am indeed an unfilial son and also a grandson who is disappointed in his grandmother."    


Just as Fu Jinchen finished speaking, Old Lady Fu suddenly pressed the position of her heart with one hand. She staggered a few steps back and fell onto the sofa. Her vision was pitch black and she felt dizzy. She fell onto the sofa. The black and white photo that was holding Fu Ann also fell to the ground with a clang.    




Fu Jinchen rushed to the sofa in horror and saw Old Lady Fu faint. He held her heart with one hand and panted heavily. In just a few seconds, her face was covered in a layer of cold sweat.    


"Grandma, what happened to grandma?"    


Fu Jinchen shouted at Mrs Lin, "Call an ambulance!"    


Xia Xingxuan also followed him. She supported herself on the sofa before squatting down. She saw a bottle of white medicine fall out of Old Lady Fu's pocket. She picked it up to take a look. She said to Fu Jinchen in surprise, "Grandma seems to have this illness."    


Xia Xingxuan handed the medicine bottle to Fu Jinchen to take a look. When Fu Jinchen saw the words on the medicine bottle, his eyes were filled with deep shock.    


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