Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1775 The Mastermind(2)

C1775 The Mastermind(2)

2However, Faang Cheng, who had his conversation with Tang Feibao interrupted, was very dissatisfied. He looked up at Li Chou and sighed helplessly.     1


"I am still talking to Senior Tang. Patriarch Li Chou, you are too rude!"    


He rolled his eyes at Li Chou and then continued to look at Tang Feibao!    


Tang Feibao also seemed to be very unhappy with Li Chou! However, looking at their appearance, it was likely that Tang Feibao had also been forcefully captured by Li Chou to create some Divine Artifact for them in order to use in some of the things they wanted to do in the future. Therefore, Tang Feibao only looked at Li Chou with an extremely displeased expression, but he did not say anything. After all, His life was more important!    


"Senior Tang, do you still remember what the person who took that piece of black iron and asked you to make the Divine Artifact looked like?"    


Faang Cheng continued to ask. If this matter was clarified, Faang Cheng would probably be able to confirm who the mastermind was!    


"This. . . There are a lot of people here. Think about it. This piece of ancient black iron naturally had to be protected by a lot of people and sent over! However, I am certain that none of those people who came to escort things are the people you are looking for. As for the one you are looking for. . . "    


"Tang Feibao, if you still want to steadily forge Divine Artifact for us here, and after you've forged enough of them, you can return to your lousy forest and continue living there, then shut your mouth. Otherwise. . . "    


Before Tang Feibao could finish speaking, Li Chou shouted in exasperation. Then, he turned his head to look at Faang Cheng and glared at him!    


"Faang Cheng, why are you asking so many questions? Do you think. . . You will enter our wolf cave today? Humph, let me tell you. You don't have to ask about those things anymore, because. . . When you can't beat us and can only survive under my hands, I will naturally tell you these things!"    


After listening to Li Chou's words, Faang Cheng was silent for a moment. Just when Li Chou thought that Faang Cheng was considering his words and was feeling proud of himself, Faang Cheng spoke again!    


"Since I have come today, I have naturally come prepared! Ever since I came to the Myriad God World, Since I came today, I naturally came prepared! Since I came to this Myriad God World, I have experienced a lot of things! And these things. . . I feel that if I had not come to this Myriad God World, it might not have happened! So. . . I came today to ask for an answer. These things. . . Who exactly is manipulating these things behind the scenes? What exactly is that person's goal? Or perhaps. . . What exactly do you want me to do? Can you directly say it? Can you stop doing these ridiculous things? Everyone is a god with status. Can you stop doing these things where you take off your pants and fart? "    


" You. . . "    


Li Chou was so angry that he pointed at Faang Cheng and wanted to scold him. The usual calm, comfortable, and tsundere attitude had completely broken his defense!    


"Ah. . . "    


But just as Li Chou was so angry that he did not know what to say, A figure suddenly flew over and fell between Faang Cheng and Tang Feibao. Faang Cheng looked down and found that it was Xiao Fei!    


At this moment, Xiao Fei was seriously injured and his face was covered with blood. Obviously, he was in a coma!    


"Xiao Fei. . . "    


Faang Cheng was shocked and immediately squatted down to check Xiao Fei's condition. He heard Xiao Qi fighting with a lot of effort downstairs.    


When Lee Zhaowen heard this sound, he did not need Faang Cheng to say anything. He immediately flew down and went to help Xiao Qi!    


"Hahaha. . . "    


Seeing this scene, Li Chou laughed very proudly!    


"Do you really think these two children can deal with the illusion downstairs? Oh, no, it's not that illusion. It's. . . I have already hidden many experts there!"    


After Li Chou said that, Faang Cheng heard rustling sounds coming from the surrounding area, including the roof of the small building. About a dozen experts appeared around them. Most of these people had tier 8 and above Spirit Power!    


Faang Cheng's expression couldn't help but become serious. He stared at the movements of the people around him as he lifted Xiao Fei up and threw him to Qian Yuyang behind him.    


Qian Yuyang hurriedly caught Xiao Fei, then he lowered his head to check Xiao Fei's injuries. He found that Xiao Fei's injuries were indeed not light. If he was not treated in time, he might be in danger!    


"Faang Cheng, Xiao Fei is in danger. . . "    


"I know!"    


Faang Cheng nodded and did not say anything else.    


Qian Yuyang knew that Faang Cheng knew what he was doing, so he didn't say anything else. He just held Xiao Fei firmly in his arms.    


Soon after, the sounds of fighting downstairs gradually moved up. Lee Zhaowen supported Xiao Qi and was forced to retreat upstairs by a large group of people!    


Faang Cheng turned his head and saw that the number of people downstairs was not small. There were probably more than a dozen Tier 8 and Tier 8 experts. Moreover, there were countless Tier 4 and Tier 5 gods guarding the small building. It seemed like there were also countless Tier 4 and Tier 5 gods guarding the small building. It seemed like Li Chou and the others were determined to get him this time!    


"They are indeed well-prepared!"    


Faang Cheng looked around and could not help but nod his head in admiration.    


"Of course!"    


Li Chou was very pleased with himself at this moment. The embarrassment he felt when he was mocked by Faang Cheng had disappeared. He still had the same proud look of a handsome young master and a peerless young master!    


"I spent a sky-high price to invite these Gods to help me. Furthermore. . . Senior Tang has forged a suitable Divine Artifact for each of them. Although those Divine Artifact might not be as good as your. . . Or whatever Wind God Staff, it was forged from ancient and rich black iron! Although it wasn't refined enough, it was still not refined enough. You. . . There are only a few of you. I think. . . You are really going to be in danger this time!"    


Seeing that Li Chou was so proud of himself, Faang Cheng was not nervous or anxious at all. Instead, he leisurely sat on the chair next to him and looked at Li Chou who was standing there with a relaxed look in his eyes.    


"Alright! Since I have already reached the stage that Chief Li Chou has mentioned, let me understand it well. Who exactly are you? What does it have to do with me? Why do you want to capture me? Do you want to kill me or do you want me to do something? Things have already reached this stage. These things. . . I should be able to know about them! "    


Seeing the equation like this, Li Chou suddenly felt an indescribable sense of defeat. No matter what he did, he could not see the slight fear on Faang Cheng's face. He was always calm and collected. No matter how nervous or dangerous the situation was, he could still handle it calmly. There was an imposing manner of Mount Tai pressing down on him, but it didn't seem to care at all. This was the natural sense of superiority that a superior person had. Other people would not be able to learn it!    


"You want to know?"    


Li Chou smiled coldly.    


"That's fine, but. . . I don't like my prisoner sitting, but I have to stand. At least. . . Before you want to know something, you have to pay a price! "    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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