Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1460 Miracles

C1460 Miracles

0But it doesn't make sense in a normal scientific sense. The volume of the water was not small. There was no way that so much water would disappear for no reason. Therefore, this must be a strange phenomenon. Faang Cheng and the others were not in a hurry. Furthermore, Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi came to this trip with the intention of taking a vacation.     1


Therefore, they decided to stay and watch the show. They wanted to see what was going on!    


Early in the morning, Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi quarreled about going to the big lake at the back of the mountain to take a look. Hence, the group of people came to the back of the mountain.    


Although the name of this mountain at the back of the mountain seemed a little casual, But it really was not small, and could even be said to be a very big mountain. Moreover... its style was also very strange. Looking from a distance, the back mountain looked over. It was impossible to see exactly how tall it was, but one could confirm that it was extremely tall. This was because its peak rushed straight into the clouds, and one could not see exactly where its peak was! However, such a high altitude mountain usually appeared in the form of mountains and mountains. But now, this back mountain was just a lone mountain that appeared alone. The area it occupied was very small compared to a football field.    


This kind of situation was really rare, at least not in Faang Cheng's era. The mountain was so tall that it looked like a giant icicle was lying on the ground. The tip of the icicle pierced through the clouds.    


"This mountain... This is really strange. There's actually no mountain range, and it's just a single one?"    


Lee Zhaowen looked at the mountain from a distance and asked curiously.    


"Yes. Why does it make people worry? It feels like it is not very sturdy. What should we do if the top part of the mountain suddenly collapses? "    


Xiao Qi put her hand on her eyebrows and looked up at the top of the mountain. This mountain was like a sharp sword that rushed into the clouds. Those on the net could not be seen anymore!    


"This mountain is already very strange. Then there is even more strange water down there!"    


Yuan Yue also said curiously.    


"Look, look, the water is dropping down again, quickly look..."    


Not far away, there were other people's surprised cries. When Yuan Yue and Xiao Qi heard that the water was falling, they immediately rushed towards the big lake on the other side of the mountain excitedly.    


"Quickly, go and take a look!"    


When they came to the big lake, Faang Cheng and the others realized that the lake actually did not match its name. It was called a big lake. However, the lake was not big. It was more like an artificial lake in a park. It's about the size of a football field, about the same size as the base of the back mountain next to it. It could be seen clearly at a glance.    


At this moment, there was less than half of the lake water in the lake. It looked like... it was like a dried up lake during the dry season of spring.    


"The water in this lake... ... The color is so deep. Logically speaking, the visibility of such a shallow lake should be very far. But no matter how one looked at it, it was pitch black. "Can't you tell it's transparent at all?"    


Yuan Yue squatted by the lake and squinted her eyes as she looked at the lake. She didn't see anything. The lake was pitch black, and the color was thick. Although the water was shallow, she didn't see anything.    


"This lake isn't pitch black, but deep. The lake was very deep. It was so deep that it could be said that it was very deep. " It is hard for us to imagine. "    


Faang Cheng took a step forward and looked at the pitch-black lake water in front of him. He couldn't help but say with a serious expression. He didn't know why, but as soon as he arrived at the back of the mountain and near the lake, an indescribable feeling rose in his heart. He couldn't tell if it was good or bad. Anyway, he couldn't tell if it was good or bad. It was just that he felt that this place was strange.    


"Hey, look at this mountain and this lake. Do they look like a set? " It's the feeling of pulling this mountain up and sticking it into the lake. It's exactly the same! "    


Lee Zhaowen pointed at the back of the mountain and the lake in front of him and said.    


"Eh? Really! It's as if this mountain is the lid of this lake!"    


Xiao Qi also nodded.    


A set? The lid? "    


Faang Cheng heard what Lee Zhaowen and Xiao Qi said and was stunned for a moment. Then he seemed to understand something and looked at the bottom of the lake.    


He used his spirit energy.    


Faang Cheng's eyesight was much better than ordinary people. He was even better than ordinary people. However, he didn't see anything in the lake just now. When he looked into the water, it was pitch black. He was also very puzzled. So this time, he used medicinal Spirit Powers. Faang Cheng did not believe that he still could not see the bottom of the lake like this!    


Sure enough, his vision became much clearer this time. He saw the situation in the water clearly.    


The lake water and the scenery under the lake were no different from normal. The walls of the lake were filled with mud that had been accumulated for many years. There were some unknown aquatic plants growing on them. The lake water was slightly turbid, and it was constantly flowing. The deeper they reached the bottom, the more turbulent the undercurrent became. As he said, the surface of the lake was calm, but the bottom of the lake was dark and turbulent!    


"Dark tide?"    


Faang Cheng was stunned, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself.    


"What's wrong?"    


Yuan Yue, who was standing at the side, heard Faang Cheng's question and couldn't help but ask.    


"This is a famous dead lake. There is no flowing water. Then why am I here? " The bottom of the lake is still surging? "This doesn't make sense!"    


Faang Cheng shook his head in disbelief.    


"Maybe. ... "Is it the direction of the current that leads to the wrong direction?"    


Yuan Yue thought for a while and found an explanation.    


"But if the current wants to produce a convection, it also needs external help. It can't easily produce a resisting current! At the very least, we need water, wind, air pressure..."    


Faang Cheng suddenly stopped. He looked at the lake in front of him and seemed to understand something. He hurriedly looked at the lake again and then looked at the bottom of the lake.    


In fact, many dead lakes were named Dead Lake because it had no channel to connect to any rivers or oceans. In fact, many lakes' conclusions were wrong. Because in fact, if this lake was very deep, There was no way to determine if there were other channels connecting the bottom of the lake to the rivers and oceans of the outside world.    


Moreover, if there is a passage connecting the bottom of the lake to the other rivers, then one can understand the reason why his water level suddenly rose. At the very least, where did the water level go when it fell? This can be explained!    


But after looking for a while, Faang Cheng looked away with a strange expression on his face.    


"How is it? Is there a passage under the water?"    


Lee Zhaowen looked at him curiously and asked.    


"I can't see clearly."    


Faang Cheng shook his head and answered gently.    


"What? Can't you see?"    


Lee Zhaowen was stunned when he heard what he said. Next to it. The others were also stunned.    


- - The content came from [Mikoo Reading].    


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