Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C2128 He Was Drugged(1)

C2128 He Was Drugged(1)

2Faang Cheng and the others sat on chairs. They thought about it for a long time but still could not figure out who was going against them!     2


"Could it be... Ping Yi?"    


Lee Zhaowen did not even feel confident when he said this. He was just guessing!    


"Impossible, not to mention that Ping Yi should still be recovering. He wouldn't dare to appear in front of me again without three to five years, even if it was him... just based on the past conflicts between us! He wouldn't use such a harmless method to cause trouble for me! "    


Faang Cheng waved his hand and rejected Ping Yi as well!    


"Who else could it be? I really can't think of anyone else!"    


Qian Yuyang shook his head, indicating that he really didn't know who else it was!    


"You guys... really don't have any clues at all? For example... what outstanding characteristics do they have, or... what they have said that makes you feel strange! Not at all? "    


Lee Zhaowen turned his head to look at the boss.    


The boss frowned, as if he was seriously thinking about what had happened.    


"Characteristics... I really can't see anything, because they are all wrapped very tightly! However... it seems like they did say something in front of me back then, but... I can't remember! "    


He shook his head and continued to seriously recall!    


"Think again, think carefully!"    


Lee Zhaowen looked at him and could not help taking a step forward. He wished he could shake his head and help him remember!    


"I... I will think again..."    


Boss was also very nervous at that time. He only vaguely remembered what the other party said, but the specific details... He really could not remember clearly!    


"Hey, I'll help you..."    


Seeing that the other party was thinking so hard, Lee Zhaowen really went forward and placed his hand on Boss's forehead. He used the Spirit Power to stimulate the part in his brain that was responsible for memory!    


"Ah, I remember now!"    


Sure enough, this man opened his eyes wide all of a sudden, as if he had thought of something very important!    


"What is it?"    


Not to mention Lee Zhaowen, Faang Cheng and the others, even the subordinates of the boss looked at him curiously, waiting for him to say what he wanted to say next.    


"They... They also arranged another group of people to carry out another mission. It seems... they seem to be looking for something."    


The boss told them what he had just thought of, but it raised even more questions.    


"What are they looking for?"    


Lee Zhaowen blurted out, but he knew that the other party probably did not know either.    


"I don't know!"    


As expected, the boss shook his head.    


"Then... did those people say where to find them?"    


Faang Cheng thought for a while, then asked.    


"Where are we going to find it?"    


When the boss heard Faang Cheng's question, he seemed to be lost again. This matter... He seemed to have really heard it at that time!    


"Where are we going to find..."    


He repeated Faang Cheng's question and immediately reacted.    


"I remember now. They mentioned your name in their words! I think the thing they are looking for must be related to you. Since they are looking for you, what is it? It must be the places around you!"    


Boss's analysis was very reasonable. Faang Cheng also nodded when he heard it.    


"Then... where could it be?"    


He thought about it!    


When Faang Cheng and Qian Yuyang rushed back to the Fang Residence, the sky had already turned white! Lee Zhaowen was left in Fangzheng Hall to watch over the seven people while Faang Cheng went home to see if anything had happened! Since he was looking for his belongings, his home must be his first choice. Therefore, he was worried and brought Qian Yuyang back to the Fang Residence. He wanted to see if someone was trying to lure him away from the Fang Residence. Then, he came here to find the thing that they needed!    


Although, until now, Faang Cheng still didn't know what they were looking for!    


As soon as he entered Fang Prefecture, he found that there seemed to be a different feeling in the prefecture. However, he wasn't sure what it was. If it was the Qi of an outsider, Fang Qi would be able to distinguish it in an instant. But this time, he didn't sense the Qi of a stranger. Instead, he felt a strange atmosphere!    


"Shall we go and see if everyone is alright?"    


Faang Cheng only instructed Qian Yuyang before he turned around and ran towards Yuan Yue's room!    




Qian Yuyang also hurriedly nodded his head, then he took the lead and ran towards the children's room!    


Faang Cheng walked into the yard quickly.    


This courtyard was almost the place where the girls and children lived. Just as he was about to walk towards Yuan Yue's room, he saw Yu Yien rushing over from the other side. When he walked into the courtyard, he was surprised to see Faang Cheng!    


"You're back?"    


Yu Yien asked, but he did not stop his footsteps as he ran towards the comfort room.    


"I think something is wrong, so I came back to take a look."    


Faang Cheng also walked towards Yuan Yue's room next to Shu Qing's room!    


"You also know that something is not right at home?"    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, Yu Yien's anxious pace slowed down a little. He turned his head to look at Faang Cheng, his expression was somewhat anxious and nervous.    


"I also woke up in the morning and felt that something was not right, so I quickly came to take a look!"    


It was estimated that Yu Yien relied on his Spirit Power to wake up!    


"En, it's a long story. Let's go and see how they are first!"    


After listening to this, Faang Cheng also understood that Yu Yien probably woke up in the morning and realized that something was not right in the prefecture. Therefore, the first thing he thought of when he woke up was his comfort. That was why he came to see how she was doing!    


However, Faang Cheng did not have time to explain in detail how he knew that there might be a problem with the house. Just like Yu Yien, he pushed open the door of Yuan Yue's room and did not care about what the girl was doing in the room.    


As expected, Yuan Yue was still lying quietly on the bed and sleeping soundly. Her eyes were tightly shut and her face was flushed red. Even though Faang Cheng rushed in and made a loud noise, she still slept soundly, without any intention of waking up!    


"Yuan Yue! Yuan Yue..."    


Faang Cheng rushed to Yuan Yue's bedside and shouted. He touched her forehead and carefully felt it. After finding no problem, he let out a long sigh of relief. It was just that he was bewitched by a colorless, odorless, and extremely hard to detect powerful incense. There were no other problems!    


Thus, Faang Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to slowly inject his Spirit Power into Yuan Yue's body. After all, for Yuan Yue... He was not stingy with his Spirit Power. Instead, he was worried that too many Spirit Powers would hurt Yuan Yue. That was why he was cautious and didn't dare to inject too many Spirit Powers into Yuan Yue's body!    


Seeing the Spirit Power gradually enter Yuan Yue's body, Yuan Yue also began to slowly have a reaction. She began to frown slightly. Then, she turned her body and gradually opened her tightly shut eyes!    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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