Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1998 Teacher Candidate(1)

C1998 Teacher Candidate(1)

0Yuan Yue saw that Faang Cheng was going to look for Lu Yulin to discuss the matter of the Spirit Cultivation Academy, and couldn't help but curl her lips in boredom. And at this time, behind her, Shu Qing pulled her sleeve!    


Yuan Yue turned her head to look and saw Shu Qing and Xiao Qi looking at her together! And the moment she saw the expressions of these two people, she immediately understood what the other party meant!    


"Hey, we don't really understand the matters of the academy. When the time comes, we can help with whatever we can help with the enrollment! If you go and find City Lord Lu now... then we'll go shopping! "    


Yuan Yue said to Faang Cheng with a smile!    


"En, go. Buy more good things, beautiful clothes, and eat something delicious!"    


Faang Cheng naturally agreed. The few men's unique qualities were... loving their wives!    


"Okay, let's go!"    


Yuan Yue pulled Shu Qing with her left hand and Xiao Qi with her right hand, walking towards the street not far away.    


"Be careful!"    


Faang Cheng instructed.    


"Got it!"    


Yuan Yue's voice came from afar!    


Faang Cheng and Lee Zhaowen brought Xiao Fei and Little Four to the Prefecture! Lu Yulin did not build a new City Lord's Mansion. Instead, he renovated Ling Ran's old City Lord's Mansion. Then, he moved in. For Lu Yulin, this old City Lord's Mansion was already very big. He had not married yet, and his parents liked to live in the countryside. He could grow vegetables and fruits more freely. Therefore, other than the servants and guards, he was the only one in the City Lord's Mansion. No matter how he looked at it, it was a bit cold!    


When he heard that Faang Cheng had arrived, Lu Yulin put down his official duties and hurriedly ran out to welcome him!    


"Master Fang, you are here!"    


Lu Yulin said respectfully.    


"I'm sorry, did I interrupt your work? Actually, I came to see the candidates of the teachers from the Cultivation Academy you found. We just went to the Spirit Cultivation Academy to take a look, and the construction was very good. Whether it was the teaching area or the living area, they were all very good, so I thought that such a good academy shouldn't be left there to be wasted! Hurry up and choose a teacher. Then, we'll start recruiting students. The earlier we start teaching, the earlier the children will learn knowledge and improve their abilities!"    


After hearing Faang Cheng's words, Lu Yulin also nodded his head in agreement!    


"Master Fang is right. I think so too! Initially, I wanted to talk about this matter when I went to the inn to see you, but in the end, I stopped what I wanted to say because of the disturbance in front of the Prefecture's gate! But now... Lord Jiang, you and I are thinking about the same thing!"    


This Spirit Cultivation Academy was initiated by Lu Yulin, so currently, he was actually the one who was the most anxious to enroll students and start teaching!    


"Then... can we meet those teachers that are being selected now?"    


Faang Cheng asked with a smile.    


"Of course!"    


As he spoke, Lu Yulin turned his head to look at his personal guard behind him.    


"Lin Hong, send someone to call the teachers from the Cultivation Academy waiting for the candidates to the City Lord's Mansion and tell them that Dean Fang personally selected them today, so that they can be prepared in their hearts..."    


"No... Don't tell them that today is the screening. Just tell them that the City Lord has something to tell them!"    


Faang Cheng suddenly interrupted Lu Yulin's words, which shocked him!    


"Lord Fang, this..."    


He hesitated. Since it was an examination, wouldn't it be unfair if he didn't inform everyone?    


"As a teacher, not only does he need to have a strong professionalism, he also needs to be professional. And a good, tolerant, just heart! Teacher, not only does he need to impart knowledge and dispel doubts, he also needs to teach a child how to grow up. So... I really want to see what kind of personality and state these teachers have in private!"    


Faang Cheng spared no effort in explaining to Lu Yulin!    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, Lu Yulin suddenly understood.    


"The patriarch wants to create some problems to test them!"    


He guessed!    


" Mhm!"    


Faang Cheng nodded his head!    


"In terms of professionalism, I believe you will have no problem choosing. Next... I am going to have to see what moral issues they have!"    


Lu Yulin arranged for all the teachers to stay in a book house in the city. They had been waiting for Faang Cheng to come back for inspection! Everyone had been staying here for about half a month.    


Everyone knew that it was not easy to study in the Cultivation Academy. Then it was not easy to teach at the Spirit Cultivation Academy! Although some high-level deities liked to hide in seclusion and cultivate themselves, there were also many high-level deities who liked to live in the marketplace. There were even some who hoped to pass on some of their experiences and knowledge to others who needed help after they reached a certain level or level. Therefore... there were quite a number of high-level deities who came to apply to teach in the Cultivation Academy. There were about twenty to thirty of them in this library!    


In addition, the name of the Spirit Cultivation Academy in Changshan City was truly well known! Now, the Spirit Cultivation Academy could be said to be the ceiling of the education industry in the entire Myriad God World. Thus, many high-level divine spirits who originally looked down on and disdained the Spirit Cultivation Academy also wanted to join!    


All the teachers who had been chosen received a notice from the mayor's residence saying that there was something to discuss in the mayor's residence. Everyone paid great attention to washing up and dressing up. Then, they walked out of the bookhouse in twos and threes. They headed in the direction of the mayor's residence!    


At that time, for convenience's sake, the distance between the bookhouse and the City Lord's Mansion was not too far. Thus, some of the teachers who were chosen to walk chose to walk. Some of the more arrogant ones rented their own horse carriages. A coachman drove a horse carriage to the mayor's residence!    


Unfortunately, the road from the library to the City Lord's Mansion was actually being repaired. The carriage simply could not pass through, so all the teachers who chose to take the carriage to the City Lord's Mansion... Some chose to give up the carriage and walk on foot, while others chose to let the driver take a detour. From another rather distant road to the City Lord's Mansion!    


In the distance, Faang Cheng and the others stood on the wall of the City Lord's Mansion and observed what was happening on the street.    


"Those alternative teachers who took a detour... all failed!"    


He said to Xiao Fei and Little Four, who were responsible for recording.    




Xiao Fei and Little Four and Lu Yulin's personal guards confirmed the identities of the few high-level gods and drew them out on the roster.    


"Lord Fang, can... can you really see it clearly?"    


Lu Yulin, who was also standing on the wall with Faang Cheng and the others, could not see what was happening in the distance at all. However, Faang Cheng and the others beside him could clearly see what they were wearing and what jade pendants they were wearing.    


Faang Cheng could not help but smile when he heard this.    


"Our eyes are different. Don't worry, we will tell you what happened! Continue watching. What happens next... will definitely be very exciting!"    


After saying that, Faang Cheng pointed to the distance, and then quietly continued to watch!    


The content came from [Miegu Reading].    


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