Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1987 Recruitment(2)

C1987 Recruitment(2)

3About half the time it took for the servants to leave the private room, they came back with a wooden box about a foot and a half long, a foot wide, and half a foot tall. Then, he respectfully placed the wooden box in front of Faang Cheng!    


Faang Cheng deliberately looked at the box with a puzzled expression and looked at Master Cao with a strange expression.    


"This is..."    


Hearing Faang Cheng's question, Lord Cao smiled and didn't answer him. Instead, he took the wooden chest and placed it on the table in front of Faang Cheng. He even opened a crack on the wooden chest! Anyone with discerning eyes could see that there was a thick stack of gold contracts inside. Then, all kinds of gold, silver, and jewelry were laid on the floor below!    


Faang Cheng's eyes were firm, and there was no change in his expression!    


"Dean Fang has done so many things for the people of our Changshan City. I, Cao, admire you so much that I prostrate myself in front of you, so... so this is a small token of my appreciation to you, Dean Fang!"    


Cao Family Head smiled and looked at Faang Cheng. The meaning in his words was very clear!    


"A small token of my appreciation? Chief Cao was wrong. I am not short of money! I am short of money now... It is your Changshan City, so this money..."    


Faang Cheng looked at the wooden chest in front of him!    


"Oh... right, right! I said something wrong, I said something wrong! This money... is a small contribution from our Cao family to this catastrophe. I hope you won't mind it, Dean Fang! "    


He quickly corrected himself!    


"Why should I dislike it? Master Cao is thinking about the people and the construction of Changshan City. I, Faang Cheng, am not qualified to dislike it. Then... I will thank Master Cao on behalf of the people of Changshan City and Master Nagasaki! "    


Faang Cheng smiled and nodded at Master Cao. Then, he took the box and put it aside.    


"Then, let's all drink to Lord Cao's generosity for the development of Changshan City and the people of Changshan City!"    


He hurriedly called everyone to drink with Master Cao, making him feel dizzy and disoriented. He seemed to have forgotten why he gave his chest of gold and treasures to Faang Cheng. He raised his glass excitedly. Then, he started drinking with everyone present!    


After the meal, the table was filled with joy and harmony. No one complained about what Master Cao had done. Instead, no one mentioned what had happened before. It was as if no one remembered what had happened.    


As night fell, everyone was already full. Everyone put down the chopsticks and wine cups in their hands one after another. When Master Cao saw that everyone had their fill, he looked at Faang Cheng with a smile. He finally told them what he had been holding back for the whole night!    


"That... Dean Fang! You... Have you finished eating?"    


He continued to eat bit by bit.    


"Mm, very good. Thank you, Cao Family Head, for your hospitality!"    


Faang Cheng also smiled and nodded.    


"Then... Dean Fang, you see, I was also the one who easily believed other people's lies. I misunderstood that the Spirit Cultivation Academy is a place without real ability, but it turns out that the tier 9 god wanted to enter my family to teach my son Spirit Cultivation. That's why I deliberately slandered your Spirit Cultivation Academy! I was also blinded by pig oil, and actually really believed him! Actually, the moment I entered the Spirit Cultivation Academy, I already knew which academy was definitely not an ordinary academy. One look and I could tell that it was a very professional, very high-end academy. Unfortunately, I was brainwashed by that Tier 9 deity and always felt that he was the best. No Spirit Cultivation Academy could compare to him! Now that I think about it carefully, I suspect that he really did something to me. That's why I'm so persistent in believing that Xu Lin Academy isn't as good as his teachings!"    


Lord Cao had pushed all the blame onto the Level Nine God who had previously taught his son how to cultivate. He had truly broken down the bridge after crossing the river.    


" Oh? What about you now? What does Chief Cao think of our Spirit Cultivation Academy? "    


Faang Cheng even asked with a smile on his face!    


" Good, of course it's good! Actually, when I was in the Spirit Cultivation Academy, I already felt that something was wrong. I guessed that it might be that the control of the tier 9 god towards me was slowly weakening. Thus, my mind also lit up. In addition to those calamities that happened in Chang Shan City after that, through these things, I was able to see who was truly talented and thoughtful. Therefore... Dean Fang, I will not hesitate to send my son to your Spirit Cultivation Academy to learn Spirit Cultivation!"    


Lord Cao followed his words and said what he wanted to say the most!    


When Faang Cheng heard this, he did not have any special reaction. His face was still smiling and his expression did not change at all!    


“ Oh? So it's like that, good! Then Clan Head Cao will wait and see if there are any children who quit school or are unable to continue studying in the Spirit Cultivation Academy. If there are, your family's young master can also give it a try. However... Cao Family Head needs to go to our Cultivation Academy as soon as possible to carry out an enrollment registration because we already have over a hundred enrollment quotas! However, we estimate that each batch of students in the Spirit Cultivation Academy will have a cycle of six years, and the number of students in the academy who are expelled every year, or are unable to continue due to various reasons, will not exceed twenty to thirty. So... if there are no special circumstances, Young Master Ling may not be able to wait for this round. Therefore, he might have to register for the Cultivation Academy with the next batch of students!"    


After Faang Cheng finished speaking, he saw Lord Cao looking at Faang Cheng in a daze, as if he had not digested and understood his words. After a long while, Lord Cao finally reacted!    


"What?! You mean my son won't be able to attend this year's competition? No, Dean Fang, you don't understand what I mean! I want my son to be able to attend this Spirit Cultivation Academy right now, not waiting for a child to withdraw from the Spirit Cultivation Academy or wait until the next term. Right now, immediately go to the Spirit Cultivation Academy to attend school! He's already twelve years old, how can he still have six years to wait?"    


Lord Cao was so anxious that he directly stated his request to Faang Cheng!    


After listening to his words, Faang Cheng deliberately showed a very surprised and incomprehensible expression. He looked at Master Cao in confusion.    


"Master Cao, are you joking with me? Our Spirit Cultivation Academy's enrollment regulations are pasted at the entrance. These rules are all written on them! Furthermore... to be honest, the Cao Clan had previously insulted and slandered our Spirit Cultivation Academy. This is what our enrollment regulations have strictly stated. If such a situation were to occur... The Spirit Cultivation Academy will no longer accept children who have slandered and insulted our Spirit Cultivation Academy!"    


Faang Cheng's expression was very serious, and he rejected Lord Cao very strictly!    


- The content came from [Migu Reading]    


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