Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1953 Sudden Situation(3)

C1953 Sudden Situation(3)

3Spirit Cultivation Academy isn't really small, it's as big as two or three football fields. It was more than enough for the children who came to learn Spirit Cultivation!    


However, at this moment, the place was packed with people who had come to register, and those who had finished registering, as well as those who had been waiting in line outside. That was why it was very crowded here! Thus, many people did not want to stay here. They insisted on going out to take a look and going home to take a look!    


"Move aside, we have to leave..."    


Seeing that there were people in front of them hesitating, as if they did not want to leave, a mother who was dragging a seven or eight-year-old boy towards the front hesitated whether she wanted to leave or not, so the people blocking the door shouted loudly.    


"Oh, then you can go over..."    


Those people who had already hesitated took the initiative to give up the position of the father of the mother and child to leave the academy, and the family of three really walked out like that!    


And those people who heard Shu Qing's words and hesitated behind them saw that there really was someone who walked out of the Spirit Cultivation Academy's gate. As if their hearts had been set in stone, they pulled the child's wife and followed the footsteps of others as they walked out of the Spirit Cultivation Academy's gate like clouds and clouds!    


The security guards listened to Shu Qing's command and did not urge them to stay. They only recorded them down on the register one by one, and wrote the words Spirit Cultivation Academy will not be accepted for life.    


But before all the teams that wanted to leave walked out of the gate of the Cultivation Academy, they heard a deafening sound coming from the mountain behind them. When everyone still had time to react to what was going on, they saw a large wave of mudslide pouring down from the mountain. It directly hit the place where the Cultivation Academy was located!    


But the Spirit Cultivation Academy was completely unharmed, because Lee Zhaowen's Spirit Power was protecting it. It was as if the Spirit Cultivation Academy was covered by a huge, transparent cover. The mudslide hit the Spirit Power and barrier and made a huge sound. But it could not enter the Spirit Cultivation Academy at all!    


But at this time, outside the Spirit Cultivation Academy, there was another scene. The people who had just walked out of the Spirit Cultivation Academy... were instantly drowned by the mudslide that was filled with rocks, branches, and miscellaneous items. They tumbled forward along with the mudslide. They could no longer see the slightest shadow!    


At this moment... the ones who were most afraid were those who wanted to line up and leave, but it was not their turn yet! They watched helplessly as the dozens of people disappeared in front of them with a swoosh, and what replaced them was... a mighty, rolling mudslide!    


Everyone was stunned, and they were unable to react for a long time!    


Even Shu Qing was shocked silly the moment the mudslide appeared. She stared blankly at the mudslide that rolled out of the academy's entrance for a long time. Then, she raised her head and looked at the illusory Spirit Power and barrier in the sky above the academy. She let out a long sigh of relief! If not for the barrier here, then with so many of them... they would probably have died under this terrifying mudslide.    


"The mountains are moving, the earth is shaking, the mud is rolling, the torrents of the mountains... Looks like there's going to be a huge flood..."    


Two security guards stood at the entrance of the academy, muttering the popular ballad here! They were the closest to the mudslide outside the entrance. Staring at the pitch-black mudslide, it was inevitable that they would panic in their hearts!    


"Miss Shu Qing! Our academy... can it withstand the eruption of the mountain flood!"    


They raised their heads and looked at Shu Qing who was standing on the fake mountain.    


Only then did Shu Qing come back to her senses. She tidied up her somewhat soul-stirring thoughts and cleared her somewhat thirsty throat!    


"Cough, cough, cough... Of course you can. Don't worry, everyone. As long as you stay in this academy peacefully, this barrier will definitely protect us! "    


Shu Qing was still very confident in the barrier that Lee Zhaowen had set up. However... she was worried about Faang Cheng and the others who were still outside saving people! This time was different from the past. After all, this was a natural disaster. She did not know about Faang Cheng and the others... Would they be able to fight against this disaster?    


"Xiao Fei, go inform Faang Cheng immediately and tell him that there might be a huge flood after the mudslide. Let them be mentally prepared. Should they come back to hide or continue saving people? Tell them that their safety is the most important. Otherwise... this city, and even the people of this territory will be doomed. No one will be able to save them!"    


Shu Qing instructed Xiao Fei!    


" Understood. I'll go right away! "    


Xiao Fei said as he ran towards the gate of the Spirit Cultivation Academy!    


"You have to be careful too!"    


Shu Qing shouted from behind him!    


"No problem..."    


Xiao Fei did not turn his head. He only stretched out the back of his hand and waved it at Shu Qing!    


"Hey, how can this child go out? It's all mudslide outside!"    


"Yeah, it's so dangerous for this child to go out!"    


"Miss, as an adult, why don't you go out and inform them? It's dangerous for a child to go out..."    


When they heard Shu Qing tell Xiao Fei to go out and inform the people outside under such a dangerous situation, they could not help but worry for Xiao Fei! Shu Qing could naturally understand helping Xiao Fei worry about this matter, but converting this worry into a complaint against her. Shu Qing felt a little uncomfortable!    


However, Xiao Fei's next action forcefully shut up the mouths of these people!    


They saw him run to the entrance of the Spirit Cultivation Academy and look at the rolling mudslide outside the door. He then looked up at the width of the mudslide and nodded slightly. He stepped on the ground and flew directly towards the opposite side of the mudslide!    


After a moment, Xiao Fei landed safely on the opposite side of the landslide that was not affected by the mudslide. He waved at Shu Qing on the other side of the mudslide, indicating that she was safe. Only then did he run towards where Faang Cheng and the others were!    


"Oh my god, this kid... is really amazing!"    


"This kid... must be at least a Third Order God!"    


"I think it's more than that..."    


Everyone began to discuss Xiao Fei's ability again. It was true that the more people there were, the more right and wrong there would be. This matter did not discriminate between men and women. Some men were even more gossipy than women!    


"If I go and inform them about this... I'm afraid they will swim over the mudslide! It's a pity that I can't swim. Who among you can swim? Next time, if you really feel sorry for the child, then don't push the matter to me. You should take the initiative to go! You actually have the nerve to say something like 'Miss, as an adult, why don't you go out and inform them?' A bunch of big men like you even know that I'm a girl?"    


Shu Qing stared at the group of men who had been talking about her and Xiao Fei.    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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