Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1863 Controlled(1)

C1863 Controlled(1)

1"Your mother, she... she went to a place very far away, maybe... she won't be back for a while!"    0


As soon as Yuan Yue finished speaking, she saw Zhiwen's mouth twitch. He looked like he was about to cry!    


"But, she went so far away because she wanted to protect you!"    


She hurriedly said!    


"Hmm? Protect me?"    


Xiao Zhiwen lifted his head from Yuan Yue's shoulder and looked at her in confusion. He didn't quite understand what "protect yourself" meant!    


"Did you... see a lot of weird uncles just now? They... they have terrible scars on their faces!"    


Yuan Yue turned around and pointed at the other side of the statue. The people lying there were the survivors Faang Cheng and Qian Yuyang had found in the village. Xiao Zhiwen had cried because he saw the faces of those people.    


"Yes, I saw... I saw them!"    


When Zhiwen thought of the faces of those uncles, he couldn't help but shiver.    


Yuan Yue saw this and quickly hugged Little Zhiwen tighter!    


"They are not bad people! They are all uncles and uncles in the village. You may have seen them in your daily life! said Yuan Yue. They have those ulcers, but they are just sick! And this kind of illness that could be passed down to people was a single person suffering from this kind of illness. Then touching other people, or things that he had touched before, others had also encountered this type of illness. Then, another person would also suffer from this type of illness! This illness was very scary, very terrifying, so... Thus, Zhiwen's mother wanted to protect him, and also to find a weapon and medicine to fight against this illness. That's why she left this place to search for it alone! When she found the medicine and weapon to cure this disease, she'll be back! "    


In order to appease Zhiwen, Yuan Yue lied a white lie.    


Little Zhiwen was in her arms, staring at her with a burning gaze.    


"Sister Yue Yue, what you said... is all true?"    


When Little Zhiwen heard Yuan Yue's words, his mood seemed to have become much better! He seemed to feel that his mother was a hero, a hero who fought with a big villain like the Sick Demon!    


Hearing Little Zhiwen's question, Yuan Yue couldn't help but feel a little sour in her nose. Her throat was also very stuffy and uncomfortable! But... she still tried her best to hold back her tears. She looked at Zhiwen and laughed!    


"Mm, I promise, it's definitely true!"    


She nodded heavily.    


"Don't think that those two uncles can cure someone! But in fact, their treatment is only temporary. They might relapse in the future! What your mother is looking for... is a method to make this illness disappear forever! "    


Afraid that Xiao Zhiwen would not believe it, Yuan Yue specifically emphasized it!    


" Oh!"    


Little Zhiwen came to a sudden realization. Then, he moved his little mouth close to Yuan Yue's ear and spoke in a very low voice.    


"That means that those two uncles are not as powerful as my mother, right?"    


Yuan Yue was slightly stunned. Then, she immediately turned her head and used one of her hands to wipe the tears that fell down her face in an instant!    


"Well, no! Xiao Zhiwen's mother... is the best mother in the world!"    


Hearing Yuan Yue praise his mother like this, Zhiwen's face that was still covered in tears finally revealed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time!    


Faang Cheng was busy working hard outside the temple! Not to mention, with so many drugs mixed together, it was quite effective! In just a short while, Faang Cheng had already saved two people! He turned his head and looked at the ground in the small temple, as well as the one that was cured by Qian Yuyang. There are only three untreated villagers left!    


There were only three, and it was over very quickly!    


"Faang Cheng, I'll take little Zhiwen back first!"    


Faang Cheng was busy when he heard Yuan Yue walk out of the small temple and say to him! He immediately turned around and was surprised to find little Zhiwen lying peacefully on Yuan Yue's shoulder and sleeping peacefully.    




"En! At least I won't cry anymore, and I won't be afraid of me anymore! He was probably tired from crying. It was also because he had been tortured badly before this illness. If he didn't have enough energy, he would sleep! I'll bring him back first. Let's eat something before thinking about the next step! "    


Yuan Yue held little Zhiwen with one hand, while her other hand was gently stroking his back, giving him enough sense of security!    


Faang Cheng looked at the overflowing motherly love of Yuan Yue in front of him, and felt that this scene was really beautiful, warm and quiet.    


"Moon, you will definitely be a good mother in the future!"    


Faang Cheng suddenly said. Yuan Yue was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and her face turned red at random!    


"Who wants to be a mother?"    


After saying that, Yuan Yue turned around and left, not giving Faang Cheng another glance!    


Seeing Yuan Yue's reaction, Faang Cheng, who hadn't thought much about it, couldn't help but think about it. His heart moved slightly, and then his face couldn't help burning up! Finally... he actually secretly smiled!    


"Go back a little slower. My side is about to arrive. I'll go back and look for you guys later!"    


He looked up at Yuan Yue's back and found that she had already walked far away with her child. Faang Cheng hurriedly shouted at her and felt that his voice was too loud, so he hurriedly lowered his voice.    


"Got it!"    


Yuan Yue turned her head and mouthed at Faang Cheng. Then, she turned around and left without looking back.    


"What? Do you want to be a father?"    


Qian Yuyang saw that Yuan Yue had gone far away. Only then did he have the nerve to walk out and tease Faang Cheng.    


"I can do it, it doesn't matter! The main thing is that she..."    


Faang Cheng looked in the direction where Yuan Yue left with a smile, even though the beautiful woman's back had already disappeared!    


"I don't think it will be that early. I still want her to be a child for some more time! After all, our days are long. There will definitely be a lot of children! "    


As he spoke, Faang Cheng used even more strength to treat the patient. It was as if the conversation just now had given him endless motivation.    


Very quickly, the remaining three village names were also cured by Faang Cheng and Qian Yuyang using the drunken treatment and drug treatment! The two of them waited in the small temple for a period of time, and then watched as they woke up one by one. The moment they woke up, everyone thought that they had already arrived in the Underworld! Because they had suffered tremendous pain before fainting, when they woke up again, they naturally felt that they were already dead!    


But when they found out that they weren't dead, and that they had already been healed by Faang Cheng and Qian Yuyang, and that they would have immunity in the future, they wouldn't be infected by this kind of Gu worm that carried the germs. They were all stunned! It wasn't until they saw their bodies, the skin on their faces that they were as good as new, and the body that they didn't feel any discomfort that they completely believed what the two of them said!    


Instantly, the villagers nearly knelt down for them!    


"You... You are simply living deities!"    


The villagers cried and said excitedly!    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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