Treasure identifying Golden Finger



0The howling of the Ghost Face Spider was getting weaker and weaker, but inside the Ten Thousand Beast Escort, there was a howl similar to the Ghost Face Spider, but much more subtle. . . And it sounded like it. There seemed to be a few of them!    1


"Awoo. . . Awoo. . . "    


Lee Zhaowen turned to look at Faang Cheng with some doubt in his eyes, but Faang Cheng had a look of understanding.    


"It's its children, the bodyguards of the Escort of Escort. . . . . . . ”    


When Faang Cheng said this, a trace of reluctance appeared on his face. Thinking about it carefully, if the child was caught, then as a mother, there seemed to be something wrong with the child who came looking for him! Moreover, it seemed to be reasonable for him to mistakenly recognize that the people from the Ten Thousand Beast Escort Agency were the bad guys who took his child away.    


Thinking of this, Faang Cheng couldn't help but turn his head to look at the Ghost Face Spider whose body had been shattered by his palm.    


"This thing is here to find its own child, it seems like it's here to find its own child. It doesn't seem to be wrong! Furthermore, I don't seem to have heard of this Ghost Face Spider causing harm!"    


Although Lee Zhaowen had already transformed into a human form, his sect was still a Divine Beast after all, and their animalistic nature was interlinked. He began to feel some sympathy for this Ghost Face Spider that came to save his child!    


As for the Ghost Face Spider that was struggling painfully on the ground, even though its body had already been torn apart and its blood and venom were flowing everywhere, it was still trying its best to slowly crawl towards the direction where the baby Ghost Face Spider was making its sound. The purple blood left a long mark on its back.    


Faang Cheng looked at the Ghost Face Spider, then at the direction where the small spiders were making their sound, and then turned back to look at the people from the Ten Thousand Beast Escort Office. Seeing that they had all left the Escort Office, he looked back at Lee Zhaowen.    


"Control the big one. I'll go and bring the small one over. We'll go. We can't kill it, but. . . We need to make a deal with it!"    


As soon as Faang Cheng finished speaking, Lee Zhaowen understood what he meant. He nodded and immediately stepped forward. First, he patted the body of the giant Ghost Face Spider a few times, then lightly hit the top of its head. The Ghost Face Spider stopped on the spot and could no longer move forward.    


He could only hear the sound of it crying and screaming. It seemed to be calling his child from afar, and it also seemed to be asking Lee Zhaowen about its dissatisfaction and resentment! Its eyes were fixed on Lee Zhaowen, and its body seemed to be exerting force, as if it wanted to break free from Lee Zhaowen's restraints!    


But gradually, the Ghost Face Spider realized that its body did not seem to be in so much pain anymore. It gradually stopped howling, and looked down at its body suspiciously. It found that it had stopped bleeding and that its body, which had been broken into pieces by Faang Cheng, had started to heal. It was stunned. Then it looked at Lee Zhaowen in confusion.    


Faang Cheng the Ghost Face Spider seemed to have calmed down. He nodded at Lee Zhaowen, then lifted his foot and walked towards the direction where the Ghost Face Spiders were making noises.    


According to the unusual spiritual energy emitted by the Ghost Face Spiders, Faang Cheng found the warehouse where the Ten Thousand Beast Escort Office stored the items. This warehouse was very big. Faang Cheng walked all the way to the innermost part of the warehouse and found a small room in the middle of the warehouse. The entire room was built with hard stone bricks, and a very complicated metal lock was installed on the narrow stone door. It seemed that. . . This small house was used by the Ten Thousand Beast Escort Agency to store some rather dangerous items.    


And now, the aura of those little ghost face spiders was coming from inside!    


As soon as Faang Cheng approached the small room, the Ghost Face Spiders inside became restless and restless. Their howls became urgent and chaotic. It was obvious that their emotions had become restless and restless!    


Faang Cheng did not care too much. He easily opened the seemingly complicated, but in fact, quite complicated lock. When he walked in, he saw a metal cage with a very thick metal rod. It looked very sturdy. Five Ghost Face Spiders that looked almost identical to the Ghost Face Spider outside, except that they were much smaller, about the size of little rabbits and kittens, and were locked in that cage. They were leaning on the metal pole and looking towards the door.    


When they saw a person walk in, they first took a few steps back, then began to grimace in pain and howl ferociously!    


As their howls changed, the Great Ghost Face Spider in the distance that was stopped by Lee Zhaowen also let out howls. The sounds were fierce, but also had some sadness and helplessness!    


Of course, Faang Cheng did not want to hurt these Ghost Face Spiders. He just walked over and ignored the grimacing and fierce faces of the Ghost Face Spiders. He even tried to spit out the "poison" that was not poisonous to Faang Cheng.    


Faang Cheng looked at the baby Ghost Face Spiders and could not help but smile. With their poison, even if it hit an ordinary person, not to mention him, even if it hit an ordinary person, he would not be able to stop himself from laughing. It seemed like it would only take two days! These Ghost Face Spiders should have just been born not too long ago!    


However, if these Ghost Face Spiders grew up, And if they had cultivated well, they could become evil beasts like their mother. Combat and poison were both very powerful offensive weapons. Someone asked the Ten Thousand Beast Escort Office to send these Ghost Face Spiders' cubs over. Faang Cheng really couldn't think of any other possibility. All he could think of was that someone wanted to train them into a well-trained killing tool, which was the most reasonable explanation. It couldn't be that someone had nothing better to do and wanted to use such a terrifying evil beast as their pet!    


Thinking of this, Faang Cheng's eyes were fixed on the baby Ghost Face Spiders. The baby Ghost Face Spiders seemed to be shocked by Faang Cheng's intimidating gaze and couldn't help but retreat at the same time!    


At this moment, Faang Cheng heard the "mother and son bond" of the Ghost Face Spiders in the distance and only then did he come back to his senses. He quickly pulled up the metal cage and walked towards the place where the big Ghost Face Spiders were at in the front yard!    


The Ghost Face Spiders in the cage were obviously frightened by Faang Cheng's actions. At first, they were quite tough and bared their teeth at Faang Cheng, fiercely spraying their venom. Later, when they saw that their attacks did not seem to have any effect, they were not afraid at all. Only then did the few Ghost Face Spiders stick together tightly and stare at Faang Cheng nervously.    


Faang Cheng pulled them to the front yard. Very soon, the Ghost Face Spiders seemed to have sensed their mother's breath and began to become restless. They searched around the cage, and gradually, Faang Cheng pulled the metal cage containing the Ghost Face Spiders to the front of the big Ghost Face Spider.    


The mother and son Ghost Face Spiders finally met!    


- The content came from [Migu Reading]    


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