Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1570 I Can't Believe It

C1570 I Can't Believe It

1Everyone smiled when they saw how happy and harmonious the grandfather and grandson were!     3


"Kid, your grandfather has received my brother's treatment. The current situation is really not comparable to the word 'old age'. You will slowly realize it in the future. " Your grandfather, he... ... He can still accompany you for a long time!"    


Lee Zhaowen smiled and looked at Xiao Yuanfei. He had a rough idea of what was going on!    


Xiao Yuanfei clearly did not understand what he meant. He turned his head to look at his grandfather's condition with some doubt. Then he looked at Faang Cheng with a look that seemed to understand but also seemed to not understand.    


"Alright, I won't tease you anymore! When you have settled down your grandfather and feel that you can leave your grandfather and explore the world by yourself, you can come to the border of the vast sea to find me. When you enter the city, you can ask me about me. I should be able to tell you where I am! "    


After saying that, Faang Cheng got up and prepared to leave! Xiao Yuanfei and his grandfather also got up immediately. Xiao Yuanfei looked at his grandfather in surprise. Only then did he realize that his grandfather was able to stand up in such a short period of time without any support. Not only did he not need help, but he also looked very vigorous. He did not look weak after recovering from a serious illness.    


Xiao Yuanfei looked at Faang Cheng with even more respect and admiration when he saw this.    


"Alright. When my grandfather has fully recovered and I feel relieved to leave, I will definitely find you and learn from you."    


Xiao Yuanfei nodded firmly at Faang Cheng.    


"Yes! But... Don't stop cultivating during this period of time. You are a good seedling. In the future, you will be a good seedling. You will definitely achieve great things! You can do it! "    


Before he left, Faang Cheng was still cheering for Xiao Yuanfei, telling him to continue cultivating his ability and not to waste it! Seeing that Xiao Yuanfei readily agreed, the few of them bid farewell to the grandfather and grandson pair and left the house of the Xiao family. They drove the carriage towards the Changshan Jiang Jiang Prefecture!    


Xiao Yuanfei held his grandfather's hand and stood at the entrance of the alley, staring fixedly at the horse carriage that was driving away. Only when the carriage turned the corner of the street and could no longer be seen did the grandfather and grandson turn their heads and look at each other. However, they did not say anything! All of this... seemed to be very unrealistic. Now that Faang Cheng and the others had left... The grandfather and grandson who had escaped from the long period of pain felt that this whole thing was like a dream. In just a short while, He had already recovered!    


"Ah, Old Man Xiao can walk out? This illness? ... It has been cured?"    


A neighbor passed by and saw that Xiao Yuanfei's grandfather, who had been sick beyond cure and waiting for death at home, had actually walked out of the Xiao family's house. Moreover, he had walked out of the entire alley and ran to the entrance of the alley to wander around. He could not believe his eyes. He had just glanced at the distance a few times and confirmed that it was the grandfather and grandson of the Xiao family. Only then did he dare to step forward and ask!    


"En, it was Xiao Fei who worked hard to find me a Godly Doctor. My illness... All right, all right. "Hahaha..."    


The old man laughed heartily. He could not even remember how long it had been since he laughed like this!    


"Ah, then this is a good thing! This doctor! "What a godly doctor..."    


The neighbors were all ordinary citizens. Seeing that the Xiao family's old man was full of energy, After all, the neighbors in the entire alley were especially distressed about Xiao Yuanfei, the little boy. In order to take care of his grandfather, he had suffered quite a bit! So if these neighbors normally ate better food or had more daily necessities, They would give some to Xiao Yuanfei's house.    


"Thanks to all the neighbors taking care of me, Xiao Fei was able to barely survive. Today, my grandfather's body has fully recovered. I made a table full of delicious food to thank all the neighbors. I also have to trouble Aunt Zhao to help me inform the neighbors!"    


Upon hearing this, the neighbor Auntie Zhao was naturally happy.    


"Okay, okay, don't worry. Aunt Zhao will definitely inform you!"    


As she spoke, Aunt Zhao walked into the alley with a smile and went to inform every house! Xiao Yuanfei and his grandfather were standing at the entrance of the alley. They looked at each other happily and smiled. ...    


The carriage headed towards the Jiang Lord's Mansion with a bumpy ride. Other than Faang Cheng and the other three, there were also four people in the carriage. There was also a "dead man" and a priceless wooden box.    


"You guys are really good! What happened today, I really feel like I'm dreaming!"    


As Shu Qing spoke, she looked towards the bag containing the corpse as if she was very interested. It was her occupational disease!    


Qian Yuyang, who was sitting at the side, noticed that Shu Qing's eyes were constantly looking at the bag containing the corpse. He could not help but feel a little surprised! If it was another girl, Knowing that there was a corpse inside, she would have been so scared that she hid at the side. However, Shu Qing was very different! There was no fear or fear on her face. Instead, her face was filled with the words "interested"!    


"Miss Shu! ... Are you not afraid?"    


Qian Yuyang still had no one to stay in. He opened his mouth and asked Shu Qing!    


Afraid? "    


Shu Qing did not say anything. Instead, Faang Cheng took it. He first looked at Shu Qing, then at Qian Yuyang!    


"Didn't I say that Shu Qing is a forensic doctor? She is equivalent to your official doctor!"    


"What about the official doctor? Aren't official doctors afraid of corpses? "    


Qian Yuyang asked in a daze!    


In fact, it could not be blamed on him. The doctors here were not much different from the forensic doctors in the ancient times, but everyone knew that the forensic doctors in the ancient times did not understand how to dissect corpses. The doctors here naturally didn't need to dissect a corpse! Therefore, Qian Yuyang felt that since Changfeng's death was so miserable, even if it was an official doctor, they should also be afraid!    


"He is called a forensic doctor at our place. What is a forensic doctor? Other than checking the appearance and injury of the corpse, the most important task and duty is to dissect the corpse!"    


Faang Cheng explained to Qian Yuyang.    


"Dissect the corpse?"    


Qian Yuyang didn't really understand this modern term, but from the literal meaning, he seemed to have understood it!    


"It is to dissect the corpse and look at the details of the owner of the corpse when he was alive to assist in solving the case! Shu Qing has been working as a forensic doctor for several years. The number of dissected corpses might be more than what you have seen. Take a guess. Will she be afraid when she sees such a neat and complete corpse? "    


Faang Cheng's explanation made Qian Yuyang shudder slightly. Although he was surprised when he looked at Shu Qing, he began to admire her a little.    


"Shu Qing, you can't have any thoughts about Chang Feng's corpse! We still have to save him!"    


Shu Qing turned a deaf ear to the equations. After a long while, she turned to look at Faang Cheng in surprise.    


"What did you say? Save him? ... How could he save him? "How can we save him when he's already cut into eight pieces?"    


Shu Qing's voice was filled with doubt and disbelief. She carefully stared at Faang Cheng, as if she wanted to see a trace of joking emotion in his eyes. However... she did not!    


The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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