Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1426 Questions(1)

C1426 Questions(1)

0The patrolman paused for a moment, then remembered. After a while, he opened his eyes wide. He seemed to have thought of something.     3


"Ah, right. I remember now. The moment the scaffolding fell apart, there was indeed a sound. But it was not an explosion. Instead, Lieutenant Xiao had accidentally gotten hold of a large number of bamboo poles. We were just about to pick up those bamboo poles. Something happened to the scaffolding!" So... we only heard the sound of the bamboo pole hitting the ground. We didn't hear any explosions! "    


The team members recalled the situation back then.    


Faang Cheng and Yu Yien turned to look at each other. They didn't want to admit it, but they didn't want to admit it. At this point, it was almost certain what the truth was.    


"Alright, I got it. Go ahead and tell everyone. Don't move the scaffolding. " I'll keep it useful! "    


Faang Cheng nodded at the team member, indicating that he could go back to his own business.    


"Okay," the team member said.    


The patrolman nodded and turned to leave.    


Faang Cheng turned to look at Yu Yien when he saw that everyone was busy with their own business. He did not look too good.    


"Since the beginning when I was planning to build the Spirit Cultivation College, there should have been people eyeing me. When I did not spread the news to a large extent, there should have been people eyeing me. There were so many civilians who heard the news from nowhere and came to protest against my opening of the college. Now that this strange thing has happened, many of the people who have just been convinced by us have started to resist us again! "    


The more Faang Cheng spoke, the more serious his tone became. Yu Yien's face did not look good either.    


"But... ... if this was done by Vice Captain Xiao, then what was his purpose? " Why did he stop us from opening a Spirit Cultivation College? On the surface, It seems like opening a Spirit Cultivation College has no effect on him. In fact... it doesn't even match up to him at all! "    


Yu Yien was a little puzzled, but Faang Cheng had a very clear look on his face.    


"This is not Vice Captain Xiao's intention," Faang Cheng said. Rather... there may be some reason why he has to do so!"    


Faang Cheng's words made Yu Yien understand.    


"You mean... someone threatened him!"    


Faang Cheng nodded. He felt that his guess was about right.    


"Deputy Captain Xiao is a good father and husband of the Gu family. He often mentions his wife and children. When he came home from work, he always said that his wife asked him to sell fruits and snacks to the children. She also bought gifts for his wife from time to time. But recently, ... I don't think I've heard much about my family! "    


Yu Yien's eyes widened when he heard what he said.    


"You mean... someone threatened him with Vice Captain Xiao's family? "How could that be?" Yu Yien asked. " Who is this person? "    


Yu Yien asked subconsciously.    


"Who is it? "Just ask!"    


Faang Cheng called Yue Zhiqing, who was still organizing everyone to clean up the scene.    


"From now on, you will be in charge of the entire scene. No one is allowed to enter the scene, especially the scaffolding. ... We must maintain the current situation and not let anyone get close to it! " No matter what happens here, you must report to me directly. Do you understand? "    


When Yue Zhiqing heard Faang Cheng's words, he immediately became nervous and serious. He looked into Faang Cheng's eyes and nodded heavily. He felt both sacred and serious.    


When he saw that the other party understood what he said, Faang Cheng patted him on the shoulder and followed Yu Yien out of the construction site.    


At this moment, the city patrol team had been surrounded by civilians who had rushed over after hearing the news. Faang Cheng and Yu Yien looked from afar. The scene was chaotic. The sharp-eyed Faang Cheng found many people who were looking away and had unnatural expressions among the civilians. They were different from the normal people's anger and excitement. They were much calmer. Occasionally, they would shout out a few sentences that could easily incite the anger of the people.    


"If it wasn't for the fact that the new ruler insisted on opening an academy, how could such a thing have happened!"    


"The huge pit at the foot of the Myriad God Mountain and this matter, isn't it obvious enough?"    


"The gods in the Myriad God Mountain are already angry. If they don't stop, then the greater disaster will find us!"    


Their words pushed the excitement of the civilians to a higher level. The entire scene became more and more tense.    


Faang Cheng shook his head helplessly. The solution he could think of now was to tell the civilians the truth. He believed that although the civilians here were a little backward, they were not stupid. They had brains and wisdom. If he could explain things clearly, they would believe him.    


Therefore, Faang Cheng lifted his leg and walked towards the gate of the city patrol team.    


"The lord of Xinjiang is here."    


Someone shouted and everyone turned to look at Faang Cheng. After that, everyone rushed towards Faang Cheng. Yu Yien was worried that something unexpected would happen. He was also afraid that these civilians would be mixed with people with evil intentions. He waved his hand and set up a transparent Spiritual Qi screen in front of him and Faang Cheng. All the civilians were isolated on the other side.    


"Don't use spiritual energy to protect yourself if you have the guts! It looks like you are guilty!"    


One of the civilians pointed at Faang Cheng and shouted.    


Yu Yien looked up at him and said, "You must be an idiot.    


"You are so aggressive. If we don't protect ourselves, should we wait to be torn apart by you and then take our bodies to your master to receive the reward?"    


Yu Yien was blunt. The man who spoke just now was immediately speechless. He looked around in panic at the people around him. He quickly lowered his head and hid behind one of his accomplices.    


"What does that mean?"    


"Master, do you want a reward? Who sent them?"    


When the civilians heard Faang Cheng's words, they could not help but look at the man in doubt.    


"Everyone, don't be distracted by his words. What we need now is for him to stop holding any Spirit Cultivation College immediately. Otherwise, he will stop holding any Spirit Cultivation College. " This is not the only punishment God has given us. Our family, loved ones, and friends will all suffer! "    


Another strange person who had snuck into the crowd immediately followed the words of the previous man.    


When the civilians heard that they were going to suffer, they immediately forgot what Faang Cheng had just said. They shouted at Faang Cheng again.    


"Refuse to open a Spirit Cultivation College!"    


"Requesting to stop the construction of a Spirit Cultivation College!"    


"The gods are enraged. This is the punishment they gave us!"    


Some of these civilians were the civilians who tried to stop Faang Cheng during the big pit incident. This proved that those who were easily incited were always those people. The others could still see the truth with their eyes, ears, and brains.    


- - The content came from [Micoo Reading].    


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