Treasure identifying Golden Finger



3As they were talking, Wu Yun let out a soft moan. She slowly opened her eyes, looking confused. When she saw who was in front of her, she let out a long breath.     3


"It's all of you …"    


After saying so, she seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly sat up.    


"What about the morning and evening? "Day and night …"    


She hurriedly turned around to look for him. Only when she saw that Chao Xi was lying beside her did she heave a sigh of relief.    


"Morning, evening, wake up …"    


She began to gently shake the clock. Everyone was staring at her face, waiting for her to wake up. Finally … The eyelashes on the night sky moved, and then … Slowly, she opened her large, beautiful eyes.    


"Chao Xi, you're awake?"    


When Wu Yun saw Lee Zhaowen open his eyes, she went over. Faang Cheng, who was at the side, finally relaxed. He powerlessly laid in Lee Zhaowen's arms, unable to move at all.    


She stared at Wu Yun for a long time before she abruptly sat up as if she had realized something. She rubbed her head that was in so much pain and opened her mouth …    


"You all... Who is it? "    


Hearing her words, everyone was stupefied. All of them looked towards Chao Xi in confusion. Faang Cheng, who was on the side, also opened his eyes wide.    


"You … Chao Xi, you don't recognize me anymore? "    


Wu Yun was stupefied, but she immediately moved away and pointed at Faang Cheng, who was still paralyzed in Lee Zhaowen's arms, looking at him in surprise.    


"Then... What about him? Do you know him? "    


"He …"    


She looked at Faang Cheng with doubt in her big eyes. She thought hard, but felt a headache coming on. She quickly covered her head with her hands.    


"I don't know, I can't remember, the rest of you …" Who the hell are you? I … Where's my uncle? What about Shen Yuzhou? Didn't I go with them to the Qinan City Geological Survey to discuss my cooperation? Why … Why did he suddenly come here? "Where is this place …"    


As he spoke, he lifted his head and looked around.    


Faang Cheng immediately said to Lee Zhaowen, who was beside him, in a low voice.    


"Zhaowen, hurry, don't let her see those scenes …"    


What Faang Cheng said … Naturally, this was a scene of the Empyrean Gods fighting together, a truly inconceivable sight.    


Lee Zhaowen immediately understood and quickly blocked the bloody scene of the fight in the air. All he saw was the blue sky and white clouds.    


Faang Cheng silently watched the evening without making a sound. Just as he heard the words of the morning sun, he suddenly understood everything that happened between him and the night sky … He seemed to have returned to the original point. He only remembered that he was about to go out with his friends Second Uncle and Shen Yuzhou to discuss on how to cooperate with them. That was three years ago. As the receptionist, it was his first time meeting her. And at this very moment, her memories stopped at the eve of her reunion with her. This … And what did it represent? What did it portend.    


He had promised her that he would give her a happy and quiet life after this event ended. So what was a truly happy and quiet life for her? Faang Cheng's answer was... Without him, the daily life could be truly peaceful and blissful. And her amnesia … It was a sign.    


"Who the hell are you? What did you bring me here for? You just called me Chao Xi... Do I know you? "    


Chao Xi was still conflicted over who these people were and why he was here. Why was he lying on the ground? And why … So many people know me?    


"You …"    


"We... We came here to climb the mountain and met … When I met the unconscious you, I saved you! "    


Faang Cheng interrupted Wu Yun and told Chao Xi.    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, everyone looked at him in shock. However, no one refuted him or questioned him. They all silently lowered their heads and did not speak.    


"Here... Saved me? "    


He turned his head around and questioned in disbelief.    


"Why am I here?"    


"Then we... I don't know, I just saved you when I met you. The name … It was only after looking through your ID card that you found out! "    


Yu Yien continued with Faang Cheng's lie.    


"Is that so?"    


He quickly stood up and patted off the dirt on his body.    


"What am I doing here? Why can't I remember? "I don't even know where this is, how did it come from …"    


As she spoke, she walked off into the distance. It was only after she had walked a distance that she remembered to look back.    


"Hey, thank you. Do you think that by following this path, I will be able to descend the mountain?"    


Before she could finish her words, everyone felt someone rushing down from the sky. They were shocked. They turned around to see Cyan Girl leading a few capable men to break through the interception of Ying Zhao and charge towards Faang Cheng.    


This Snow God has gone crazy!    


Yu Yien and Lee Zhaowen hurriedly stood up to accept the challenge.    


Of course, these scenes could not be seen for a long time.    


"Xiao Qi, send Xiang Xi back to the Chao Family. Tell the people from the Chao Family that Xi Ri no longer remembers everything about me, make them … "Don't mention anything about me …"    


Faang Cheng said to Xiao Qi, but his eyes... But, it was still on the surface of the night. In its eyes … It was filled with reluctance and yearning. Since Chao Xi had already forgotten about him, he should let her go. She wouldn't be in pain, she wouldn't be sad, she wouldn't be hard to leave, and for the rest of her life … The only thing that greeted her was happiness and peace, and all of this … To Faang Cheng, these memories were not pain or sadness. These memories were the motivation for him to continue walking forward.    


"Alright, I understand!"    


Xiao Qi bit her lips and nodded. Then, she gently touched Xi Xi's head and immediately fell asleep. Xiao Qi transformed into a qilin beast and flew into the sky while carrying Xi Xi …    


Faang Cheng watched as he left with his face … Warm liquid streaked across her face. This time … They were truly parting forever! Her memories … After being washed clean by the Saint Ruler's spirit energy, there was no sign of him!    


But before he could think about it, Faang Cheng was dragged up by Yu Yien and Lee Zhaowen who returned. The two of them pulled Faang Cheng and Wu Yun, who stood beside them, and flew away in the opposite direction of Cyan Girl.    


"No, Zhaowen and I can't handle that crazy Cyan Girl. We don't know where she brought the magic that was refined by thousands of years of refined Profound Qi, but we're no match for her!"    


Yu Yien said while pulling Faang Cheng.    


"Then... "Then what should we do?"    


Faang Cheng said weakly.    


"Let's leave first, let them chase us from behind. After we finish off those evil beings, Big Brother Wang and the rest will catch up …"    


Lee Zhaowen answered Faang Cheng and assured him that there would be no problem!    


"Then... Where are we going now? "    


Yu Yien asked.    


Faang Cheng narrowed his eyes in thought. Lee Zhaowen pulled Wu Yun, who was on the verge of falling, while Wu Yun nervously turned her head to look at Cyan Girl, who was still in hot pursuit. The three of them were silent for a moment before raising their heads at the same time …    


"Go to Gang City …"    


Xiao Qi carried the unconscious Xiang Xi and quickly returned to the Chao Family. When they landed in the courtyard of the Chao Family, Chao Xi's parents and grandfather were drinking tea and chatting in the courtyard. It was the special phenomenon that had occurred in the capital recently. Seeing Xiao Qi suddenly fall into the yard with her back facing the court, he couldn't help but be alarmed and hastily rushed forward.    


"Day and night!" Day and night! You … What did you do to the morning? "    


Chao Yanfan asked Xiao Qi loudly when he saw that his daughter was unconscious.    


"Sister Xiang is fine, just sleep a bit!"    


Xiao Qi hurriedly replied.    


"This... Did something happen to Faang Cheng? What did he do to us? "We are together with him every day. There are problems every few days, he was either kidnapped or he went missing, he was either injured or he was unconscious, how can …"    


"Uncle, who is Faang Cheng?"    


Without waiting for Chao Yanfan to finish his complaints, Xiao Qi rudely interrupted him, causing everyone from the Chao Family to be stunned. Xiao Qi looked at their reaction with satisfaction before turning around to leave.    


"Lady, this …"    


Xiao Qi called out to the old man in confusion. When she heard the sound behind her, she stopped and slowly turned her head.    


"From today onwards, Big Sister's memories … There was no such person as Faang Cheng! If … If you want to make Big Sister Zhou happy, quiet, and safe from danger, then please don't mention anything about Big Brother Faang from now on … This is the last thing Big Brother Faang can do for him! "    


With that, Xiao Qi flew up and chased after Lee Zhaowen and the others …    


The people from the Chao Family watched as Xiao Qi left. They put their gazes back onto the night sky which was still unconscious in their mother's embrace, and waited for a long time … It's hard to look away …    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    




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