Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C1979 God of Wealth(2)

C1979 God of Wealth(2)

1Because Qian Yuyang has been in charge of the housing allocation, there's a record there! There were a few people living in each of the houses, whether they were from the same house or not. What was their surname, where was their original home address, etc., there were all sorts of information!    


"Yes, it's six people!"    


Qian Yuyang took a look at his notebook and nodded!    


"Okay, that's right. It just so happens to be an ingot of gold. Old man, please sign your name and make a hand seal here!"    


As Faang Cheng spoke, he made Qian Yuyang pass the roster to Old Huo's hand so that he could confirm and accept it!    


But at this moment, the old man still did not understand what was going on. He looked at the gold ingot and the book in Faang Cheng's hand and looked at the crowd in confusion.    


"What? He even sent money?"    


The young master behind the old man walked out and looked at his father and Faang Cheng in surprise. When he saw Faang Cheng holding an ingot of gold in his hand, he couldn't help but look happy.    


"Director Fang, this... is this for our family?"    


He asked again in surprise.    


"Yes! Every household has one! According to the human head, 200 silver ingots for an adult, 100 silver ingots for children under 14 years old, and your two children just happen to have 1000 silver ingots. That is only one gold ingot. Here, take it and sign for me!"    


Faang Cheng helplessly explained again. After saying that, he placed the gold ingots in the man's hand and handed over the booklet and pen.    


The man took the gold ingot with some excitement. He looked at it with shining eyes, and his eyes gradually turned red.    


"Thank you... Thank you..."    


As he choked, he signed his name on the roster!    


"Live a good life. Everything will be fine!"    


Faang Cheng patted his shoulder and continued to walk towards the next house with Lee Zhaowen and Qian Yuyang.    


"Thank you, thank you..."    


The old man's voice came from behind. His voice was filled with endless gratitude and excitement!    


They walked towards the next house!    


"This money can be considered to be able to support a family through this crisis!"    


Qian Yuyang said indifferently!    


"Yeah! With a family together, what can't be resisted!"    


Lee Zhaowen also nodded his head!    


The second family was also a big family, a family of eight people. Two elderly people, these two elderly people had three children. One. Their daughters had two sons. The eldest son was married, and he brought along his wife and two children. One of the children was three years old, and the other was not even one year old!    


As for the youngest son of the old couple and the youngest daughter who were thirteen years old, both of them had not married yet. This family of eight lived together!    


Therefore, this residential area was a little crowded!    


The eldest daughter-in-law was making breakfast on the temporary stove at the entrance of the residential area in the morning. From afar, she saw a few people walking towards her home. She was a little nervous, and her hands were rubbing against her lapels.    


"You are..."    


"Oh, we are here to give out post-disaster subsidies! Where are the people at home? Are they all here? "    


Faang Cheng asked gently.    


"Huh? The subsidy?"    


The woman was a little confused. She immediately turned around and called out to the room.    


"Boss, come out for a while!"    


"What is it? Breakfast is not ready yet..."    


One. A man walked out of the house, chattering. When he saw his wife talking to a few strangers, he couldn't help but feel a little strange!    


"You are..."    


The man had heard of Faang Cheng's name, but he didn't know who he was. He looked at Faang Cheng in confusion.    


"Oh, we are here to give out post-disaster subsidies! Your family... has five adults and three children, right? We give 200 silver ingots to each adult, and the children give 100 silver ingots to each person. Five adults and three children give one gold ingot and 300 silver ingots per child..."    


Before Faang Cheng could finish his words, he was interrupted by the man!    


"You are wrong. Our family has six adults and two children!"    


The man spoke with a solemn tone. There seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his tone.    


"Six adults? We have clearly recorded five adults here! In terms of the subsidy, anyone under the age of 14 is considered a child and not an adult! "    


Faang Cheng patiently explained to the man.    


"How can that be? Although my little sister is thirteen years old, she has already become an aunt. How can she still be considered a child? How can she only take a hundred silver ingots like those two milk babies? This is not fair!"    


As the man spoke, his voice became louder, attracting the attention of the surrounding people.    


"Yo, I heard that you were going to give us a subsidy just now. I was thinking of finding someone to find out if it was true or not, so I came! So it's true!"    


" There's also a subsidy, that's great! "    


"Isn't it good to receive the subsidy? What is this Huang family's big kid doing?"    


The citizens began to discuss amongst themselves!    


" Unfair? It was all arranged like this, how could it not be fair? There must be a boundary between an adult and a child. We have our own ideas when we choose to be 14 years old! There's no such thing as fairness or injustice. Some families' children might have just passed their 14th birthday. Then he can get 200. There are also many families who are exactly 12 or 13 years old. He could only get one silver ingot before he was 14 years old. With so many people, there was no way to find a way to unify everyone. Therefore, it's the most fair to set this critical point!"    


Faang Cheng very straightforwardly preached to the man, and also explained to the surrounding people!    


"Then why can't we set this critical point at thirteen years old? If you set it at fourteen, it will be unfair to our family!"    


The man even started to argue with reason!    


"What you said makes no sense! If it's set at thirteen years old... then when they meet a twelve-year-old child, their parents say it's unfair. It should be set at twelve, and then they meet an eleven year old child. They would also say that it was unfair, and that it should be set at the age of eleven. Is that so?"    


Faang Cheng did not discuss with the man in front of him how fair it should be when he was the oldest. Instead, he gave him a realistic example!    


"You still think... I have a good relationship with you. When I come to your house, I have to change our rules for your children. When I meet someone else's house... I should stick to the rules and not change them? Is this the fairness you speak of? "    


" Hmph, I think it's only fair to your family! "    


Lee Zhaowen couldn't help but tease.    


The man was speechless. His wife was pulling his clothes from the side, signaling him to speak less!    


"Or do you think that if I don't give the people the post-disaster subsidy, it will be fair with my full name?"    


This sentence immediately aroused the opinions of all the citizens!    


"No, no, Dean Fang, we don't think that you are unfair! If he feels that it's unfair, he can reject it!"    


Some of the people in the crowd shouted loudly!    


- - The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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