Treasure identifying Golden Finger



3Finally, the first day of treatment was over. After sending off all the patients and their families, Faang Cheng sat on the chair in exhaustion! Wu Yun couldn't help but laugh as she looked at him.     0


"I said I'll bring you lunch, but you don't need it!"    


"It's alright, I'll eat it later!" "Now that you guys are unwilling to move, you guys can go eat first. Don't wait for me!"    


Hearing that, Lee Zhaowen walked towards the door.    


"I'm hungry. Xiao Qi, let's go. Bring Niuniu to dinner!"    


Wu Tie pulled Xiao Qi and Niu Niu to eat. Yu Yien saw that Wu Yun and Faang Cheng seemed to have something to say, so he tactfully followed in Lee Zhaowen's footsteps! Wu Yun saw that everyone had left, so she sat down next to Faang Cheng and asked.    


"I just thought about it. Our house still has an empty space on the street in front, so it's useless. You can stay there first! If you want to open a clinic, you can do so. If not, you will have to look for a place to stay. That would be troublesome! "    


Wu Yun was thinking about everything, but Faang Cheng... However, he didn't think that way. Was there any difference between living in the Wu family's house and staying in the Wu family all the time? Faang Cheng hesitated for a moment, but he still opened his mouth.    


"Actually... I need a space of my own, it has nothing to do with whose house this is, and I've told you, even if I'm living at dawn, I'll find a house of my own and move out. That way, I can truly feel at ease! "    


Hearing Faang Cheng's words, Wu Yun nodded helplessly.    


"Alright, I understand! Then I won't force you! Anyway … It's not like you want to leave the Ten Thousand God Realm, I can find you at all costs! "    


"Of course you can, you can go every day, my home is yours …" How should I put it, Courtyard? You can come anytime you want! "    


Faang Cheng nodded and said with a smile.    


Seeing Faang Cheng like that, Wu Yun rolled her eyes at him helplessly.    


"What about the money? What about you?"    


"I …"    


Before he could finish his words, he heard someone reporting from the entrance of the courtyard.    


"Young Master Fang, someone at the gate came to deliver something. He said that it was sent by Madame Bai to pay for the treatment!"    


"Madame Bai?"    


Faang Cheng was slightly surprised when he heard that. Since when did he know someone called "Madame Bai"?    


"I don't know him …"    


As soon as the words left his mouth, he stopped her. He seemed to know who it was. Madame Bai, the doctor's fee, that should be the woman who just brought her adopted daughter Ru Yi to see a patient! She said that she would send someone to deliver the medical fees when she got back, and it had actually come!    


"Oh, is that her?"    


"Do you know him?"    


Wu Yun looked at Faang Cheng in confusion.    


"Oh, it's that woman with a big belly. You saw her in the yard!"    


"Oh, it's her!"    


Wu Yun nodded and turned to her guard.    


"Let them in!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Not long after the guard left, he saw a few people carrying two large boxes directly into the courtyard. When he saw Faang Cheng and Wu Yun, he stopped and looked at them respectfully.    


"Excuse me …" Which one is Divine Doctor Fang and Divine Doctor Li? "    


The leader of the group was the first to speak!    


"Ah, I'm the Godly Doctor Fang you speak of, Godly Doctor Li, he …" They went to eat! "    


Faang Cheng felt a bit awkward towards this form of address.    


"Oh, I've seen Divine Doctor Fang! My wife has ordered me to deliver the medical fees to you, please accept it! "    


After saying that, he turned around and signaled the others to put the boxes in front of Faang Cheng and left. Faang Cheng looked at the two big boxes in front of him and felt puzzled.    


"Isn't it the delivery fee? What's the point of carrying two big boxes? "    


he asked doubtfully. The leader smiled and opened the lid of the two boxes. The things inside blinded Faang Cheng and Wu Yun.    


One of the two big boxes contained gold, silver, jewelry, jade, ivory, agate, and other valuable items. The other box contained ginseng, deer antler, Lingzhi, and other precious herbs.    


Just as Faang Cheng was about to speak, the leader took out a red-and-gold letter from his pocket and handed it over to Faang Cheng. Faang Cheng took it over in confusion. He was still wondering if the people here had the habit of writing thank-you letters? Don't get yourself a pennant later! When he opened the envelope, he saw a gold deed. The number on it was five hundred gold. Faang Cheng roughly calculated in his heart. One ingot of silver from the Myriad God Realm was equivalent to ten dollars in the modern world. One ingot of gold was equal to one thousand ingots of silver. After calculating this number, Faang Cheng couldn't help but look at the newcomer in surprise.    


"This... Is it my medical fees? "    


He was somewhat speechless. After treating that woman well, he could guess that she was not from a poor family, but … He never thought he would be so rich!    


"Madame Bai …"    


Wu Yun muttered this name as she suddenly realized who it was.    


"This Madame Bai you're talking about, she can't be the manager of the Bai Family, the owner of our Thousand God Realm's biggest gold station, right?"    


"That's right!"    


The leader smiled and nodded.    




Wu Yun looked at the person in shock, then turned her head towards Faang Cheng, only to see Faang Cheng staring at her with a confused expression.    


"Who is it?"    


he asked, puzzled.    


"The wife of the president of our largest private bank, take it. 500 gold is nothing to his family! These... It's not even enough for a banquet! "    


Wu Yun whispered into Faang Cheng's ear.    


Hearing this, Faang Cheng couldn't help but be amused. He just mentioned where the money would come from, and now there was money! He received the golden deed without any trace of politeness, and then nodded towards the leader.    


"When you go back, please help me tell Madame Bai that treating and saving a patient is the duty of a doctor, but Madame's intentions …" "I'll take it!"    


"Alright, then Divine Doctor Fang, please take a rest. This lowly one will be returning to report now!"    


The leader politely nodded at Faang Cheng and Wu Yun, then turned around to leave with a few people. As Faang Cheng watched them leave, he suddenly called out to the leader.    


"Wait a minute!"    


Hearing Faang Cheng's shout, the few of them immediately stopped and turned to look at Faang Cheng. Even Wu Yun looked at him strangely.    


"Wait a moment, I would like to write a few words to Madame Bai to thank her for her large medical fees!"    


With that, Faang Cheng turned around and returned to the clinic. He wrote a few sentences on a piece of paper with a brush and stuffed it into an ordinary envelope. Then, he returned to the yard and handed the letter to the leader.    


"Please give this letter to Madame Bai!"    


he said.    


"Yes sir!"    


The leader put the letter away properly, nodded and agreed to Faang Cheng, then turned around and left!    


When Wu Yun saw the few of them leave the yard, she looked at Faang Cheng in confusion.    


"Did you really write a thank-you letter to Madame Bai? "This doesn't look like you …"    


"It's not a thank-you letter!"    


Faang Cheng shook his head and looked at the two big boxes in front of him.    


"It is to remind her of a few words. The ruyi that came with her today …" "There's a problem!"    


Wu Yun nodded in understanding after hearing Faang Cheng's words. Then, she suddenly raised her head and looked at him.    


"There's something wrong with that ruyi, how did you know?"    


Hearing Wu Yun's question, Faang Cheng suddenly felt a little awkward. He scratched his head and said perfunctorily before quickly changing the topic!    


"You don't know me yet, but I'm very good at observing people!" Oh right, there are so many good items. Seems like this Madame Bai is quite powerful! "    


Indeed, with so many good things, even Faang Cheng, who had seen much of the world, couldn't help but be surprised. When she heard Faang Cheng mention Madame Bai, Wu Yun immediately became excited.    


"The White Family's Gold Station is the largest Gold Station in our vast ocean, even to the extent of the Ten Thousand God Realm! The idea and the way of doing business are very similar to those of the banks in your world, so they have a very good relationship with the Shangguan family. It could be said that he had eaten both black and white! As for this Madame Bai, although she was not the most beloved wife of Patriarch Bai, she was the matriarch. Her original position in the Bai family was deeply rooted. However, after hearing that she had been sick for the past two years, many matters of the family were handed over to her most beloved concubine. Being deprived of her rights in a large family is equivalent to falling into a crisis, so Madame Bai has always been looking for a doctor who can help her recover. Now that she has been cured by you, this … It was understandable! Presumably … The Bai Clan is going to have a bloody scene soon! "    


Wu Yun explained the situation of the Bai Clan to Faang Cheng.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    




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