Unparalleled Martial Arts

C1022 Different Seats

C1022 Different Seats

01022. Different seats     3


Shi Mo looked at Old Man Shi and said, "Father, do you mean to let Qin Chu become the Supreme Elder?"    


Old Man Shi nodded. "We must take this seriously."    


Shi Mo and Shi Xuan looked at each other, but neither of them refuted. When a disciple of the Spirit Medicine Mountain reached Saint Ruler's cultivation base, he could become Peak Master and an elder, and a Great Saint. His status in the Spirit Medicine Mountain was supreme, and this was the rule of history. They couldn't suppress Qin Chu just because he was a Shi Family.    


When Qin Chu returned to the Frostmoon Peak, his courtyard was bustling with noise and excitement. Everyone from the Frostmoon Peak came to pay their respects.    


Qin Chu, who was in a good mood, took out the pill furnace refinement and started concocting pills at the same time. After turning all the ingredients of the disciples into pills, they still got along well with Qin Chu. In their minds, Qin Chu was Saint Ruler. Of course, this was the previous situation. The news of Qin Chu becoming a Great Saint had yet to be spread to the public.    


After concocting the Frostmoon Peak, without waiting for Qin Chu to rest, Elder Huo Qing of the Alchemy Hall came to request an audience. His attitude was very modest, and he didn't put on the attitude of an elder. Qin Chu welcomed him.    


"Qin Chu, you are now the Saint Ruler top quality apothecary. If you have time, you have to go to the Alchemy Hall and have a seat there. There are indeed some places where the Alchemy Hall is lacking. I will compensate you here." Huo Qing gave Qin Chu a fist salute.    


"Alright. I just came back to ease up a little and will be there soon." Qin Chu nodded.    


After Huo Qing left, the core disciples of the Frostmoon Peak returned from the internal peak. Yan Xi, Lin Ye, and Tang Yue, who had just entered the internal peak.    


"Greetings, Senior Brother Qin." Tang Yue was very happy. When they were at Pisces Peak, they had gotten along very well.    


"Haha! You are too polite. Come, take out the ingredients and help you refine them into medicinal pills." Qin Chu said with a smile.    


Shi Qingfei didn't say anything when she saw Qin Chu happily mingling with the disciples of the Frostmoon Peak. She felt that this was the simplest of human relationships. There were no schemes or deception.    


After refining the pills for Yan Xi, Lin Ye, and Tang Yue, Qin Chu rested. At this time, the Spirit Medicine Mountain and internal peak issued the Sect Leader's order. Three days later, the Sect Gathering would be held in the mountain gate Main Hall. All disciples who were in the Spirit Medicine Mountain must participate. The disciples who were training outside had also been informed.    


"Cousin Sister, isn't this matter a little too big? I have come back and caused so much trouble, they will have their own opinions." Qin Chu said.    


"Their opinions? What opinions? The one who had a conflict with you is the Beiyue Peak Peak Master Song and Elder Fang Quan. What level are they at? Peak Master Song is Saint Ruler, and Fang Quan isn't even Saint Ruler. Do you have any objections? Are they qualified? Ignore them." Shi Qingfei said.    


Shi Qingfei had resigned from her post as Peak Master Shuang Yue, but she was still staying in the Frostmoon Peak. Her resting attic was here, and no one took it back. If Peak Master and Shi Qingyan did not say that they would take it back, no one else would say it. No one else would.    


Compared to the happy Frostmoon Peak, Peak Master Song and the others had some opinions about Qin Chu. Once again, they came to the internal peak to complain. Their reason was... As a disciple of the Spirit Medicine Mountain, Qin Chu was biased towards one another. He concocted pills for the disciples of the Frostmoon Peak. However, he was not refining pills for the other peaks. If he did not have a good heart, then he would not have a good heart.    


"Peak Master Song, Qin Chu is a disciple of the Frostmoon Peak. It's reasonable and reasonable for him to concoct pills for the disciples of the Frostmoon Peak. As for whether or not he will concoct pills for your disciples, that is his freedom. I'm the one who will concoct pills for you. I can't force you. You have the ability to offend others. Then there is the competence that can solve the problem. " Shi Mo was very unhappy. This was a typical example of looking down on people first. And now, he was jealous.    


Peak Master Song was very helpless. If Shi Mo did not care, what should he do? He was Saint Ruler. Qin Chu and Shi Qingfei were both Saint Ruler. His threats and enticement were useless.    


Peak Master Song left. Shi Mo cursed a few times. He was really angry. These guys were too lousy at doing things. There was no suitable person. If there was a suitable person, he would take Peak Master's position.    


After resting for a day, Qin Chu arrived at the Alchemy Hall and made a gesture for the Alchemy Hall's alchemist. From a low level pill to Saint Ruler's level pill, as for how much he could comprehend, that had nothing to do with him. However, he knew that there was no heteropyrexia on him. It was very difficult to refine a top quality pill. He had the Fusion heteropyrexia in his body. It would be of great help to him in both alchemy and combat.    


After refining the medicinal pill, Qin Chu returned to the Frostmoon Peak's residence. Shi Qingfei had prepared a few side dishes, and Shi Qingyan was also there. The Frostmoon Peak was the sisters' territory.    


Taking out a jar of good wine, the three of them drank a cup together. After Shi Qingyan left, Qin Chu looked at Shi Qingfei, "Cousin Sister, after dealing with the matters here, I want to go to the echo mountain for a walk."    


"Okay, I will accompany you." Shi Qingfei nodded. She knew that Qin Chu had worries in his heart. Sometimes when he drank tea alone and was distracted, he should be thinking about his previous life, the previous world.    


Beiyue Peak.    


Peak Master Song, Fang Quan, and a few others sat together and drank together.    


"This Qin Chu really doesn't know how to appreciate favors. He thinks that he's amazing just because he's Saint Ruler. The Sect Gathering will be held the day after tomorrow. Didn't they say that the Supreme Sect Elder will also participate? I will make things difficult for him on the spot. He doesn't have a sense of the big picture and is selfish. He must be punished for this. " Fang Quan drank a mouthful of wine and said.    


"But he is the son-in-law of the Shi family. However, Shi Taishang will not show favoritism." Peak Master Song said. He was very angry. His son and Grandson were both in the Beiyue Peak. He wanted to get some top quality pill for his family, but he could not.    


Qin Chu stayed in the Frostmoon Peak for two days. Then, the Sect Gathering of the Spirit Medicine Mountain called for a meeting. Qin Chu changed into a purple collar and a purple cuff robe. It matched very well with Shi Qingfei's purple collar and skirt's skirt. The two of them followed the disciples of the Frostmoon Peak to the mountain gate Main Hall.    


Shi Qingfei sat beside Shi Qingyan. She had resigned Peak Master, but she was still an elder.    


Qin Chu stood at the back and stood beside Yan Xi and Lin Ye. Only Peak Master and the elder had seats, and the disciples could only stand. There were too many disciples of the Spirit Medicine Mountain, and only those with status could have seats.    


"The robe and skirt of Senior Brother Lin and Elder Qing Fei are really beautiful. They are really godly spirit's lovers." Yan Xi said with a smile.    


"Haha! Thank you for your praise." Qin Chu smiled.    


While everyone was chatting, Shi Mo appeared. He sat on the seat of the Sect Master while the other elders sat on either side of him. However, the two chairs on the left and right side of Shi Mo were empty. Shi Xuan was also separated from Shi Mo by a seat.    


After the elders took their seats, Old Man Shi appeared and sat on the left side of Shi Mo. On the right side of Shi Mo, the seat between him and Shi Xuan was still empty. This situation surprised many people. Whose seat was that? It had a higher status than Shi Xuan?    


After the staff took their seats, Shi Mo announced the start of the Sect Gathering. He first summarized the development of the Spirit Medicine Mountain in the past few years. He said that the development of the territory under the Spirit Medicine Mountain could not be without the Virtual Spirit Platform Competition that Qin Chu and Shi Qingyan participated in. He also said that the Spirit Medicine Mountain's development in the Capital had been successful and Qin Chu had contributed greatly.    


"Grand Elder, Sect Master, I have something to say." Fang Quan stood up.    


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