Unparalleled Martial Arts

C1262 Help Me Kill Him

C1262 Help Me Kill Him

0Do him for me.    1


How to solve Qin Chu's problem had become another topic of discussion. Because it was not appropriate to lower it, how could he give it if it was higher? Qin Chu was not even fifty years old. He was too young.    


After some discussion, Qin Huaxing suggested that Qin Chu be given the identity of Young Lord. However, it was Dark Young Lord, which meant that he could not be exposed for the time being. However, his status was the same as Qin Xiao's, and he also wanted to communicate with Qin Chu. Qin Yueli was still the leader, and Qin Xiao was the support. Their attitude must be friendly. Since the bloodline belonged to the same source, then they were family.    


After the discussion, Qin Huaxing said that the family wanted to give Qin Yueli twenty million Spirit Stone, and the reason was very clear.    


"Hehe! This is really shocking news, one after another. Fortunately, it's not bad news." Qin Zhenyuan got up and left. The matter had already been settled, so there was no need for him to stay any longer. In fact, Qin Huaxing could make the decision for today's meeting and call him. Even if it was to make the Elders Guild attach importance to him, he had to keep his promise and not reveal the secrets of the Qin Clan of the Seven Martial Arts. He couldn't hurt Qin Chu.    


After the meeting ended, Qin Huaxing, Qin Yueli, and Qin Xiao went to Qin Chu's guest room. They called Qin Changsheng and told him about the Di Qin Family's decision.    


Qin Changsheng and Qin Chu expressed their gratitude, and thanked the Di Qin Family for its magnanimity.    


"Senior, forget about Dark Young Lord. I've been wandering around all this time, and I can't stand being restricted by my personality. I didn't even care about the Qin Clan of the Seven Martial Arts." Qin Chu said.    


"You have to do this, because the cooperation between us will only get more and more. Therefore, I have to give you an identity so that you can inform the subordinates of the Di Qin Family. Let them know that there is such a person here. I will send the exclusive Token to you later. " Qin Huaxing shook his head.    


With the matter settled, Qin Huaxing asked Qin Chu and Qin Changsheng to leave later. There were still some things that needed to be discussed.    


Qin Chu did not insist on leaving. Things had already become like this. Since the Di Qin Family had an attitude, there was no need for him to refuse anymore.    


Qin Huaxing left, but Qin Yueli did not.    


"Come, let's go to my mansion." Qin Yueli said.    


Qin Chu nodded and followed Qin Yueli to her exclusive mansion. She was the princess of the Di Qin Family and had a very high status. That was why she had an exclusive mansion and subordinates.    


After arriving at Qin Yueli's mansion, Qin Yueli brewed a pot of tea and said, "How about setting up a defensive formation and an Emperor Grade transfer array in my mansion?"    


"Aunt, the problem now is that neither of us can set up an Emperor Grade transfer array." Qin Chu said.    


"Family Head from the Di Qin Family. aunt's father can do it. He already knew about these things and made a promise not to harm the Qin Clan of the Seven Martial Arts. That's enough." Qin Yueli said.    


Qin Chu thought for a moment. "Then I'll talk to him."    


After walking around Qin Yueli's mansion and looking at the terrain, Qin Chu and Qin Yueli arrived at the ancestral land of Di Qin Family. Qin Chu returned to the guest room and Qin Yueli went to find Qin Huaxing.    


Not long after, Qin Yueli brought Qin Huaxing to Qin Chu's guest room.    


"Qin Chu, we share the same bloodline. What is the style of the Qin Clan of the Seven Martial Arts? What is the style of the Di Qin Family? So you can rest assured. If you have anything to say, just say it." Qin Huaxing said.    


"I have one last question. This question is not on behalf of the Qin Clan of the Seven Martial Arts. It is for the billions of lives in the Seven Martial World. That is, the Di Qin Family cannot have any ideas about the Seven Martial World." Qin Chu said the last question he was worried about.    


Qin Huaxing was silent for a moment. "I don't have any ill intentions towards the Seven Martial World, but I have a situation that I want to tell you. Do you know about the Great Desolate Hall?"    


"I know about the Great Desolate Hall. It is the most mysterious and powerful force in the Sky Martial Great World. The disappearance of the Great Sovereign is related to them." Qin Chu nodded.    


"Once you break through to the Great Sovereign realm, your fate might not be under your control. Therefore, I still have the Di Qin Family, the Supreme One, and I need to avoid it during this critical period. The Minor World is the best choice, although it has no ill intentions. It can be considered that I'm after the Seven Martial World. The main thing is how you look at this problem. " Qin Huaxing said some of his thoughts, and some of his words were said in the open.    


"If I don't harm the Seven Martial World, then I have no objections. Now, I want to ask Senior to help me set up the transfer array. This way, I can still stay in the Middle Desolate Heavenly Domain, or else the Middle Desolate Heavenly Domain and the Eastern Desolation will have to run away from me. " Qin Chu said.    


"Yue Li, why aren't you helping me with this? Although we need to consume a large amount of Transfer Crystal, didn't Qin Chu and I work together to find the Transfer Crystal? Not yet. Our family can provide assistance first. " Qin Huaxing looked at Qin Yueli.    


"Father, Lord, if it's simple, we can handle it. My daughter will not look for you. Qin Chu, take out your things!" Qin Yueli looked at Qin Chu.    


Qin Chu took out the Emperor Grade Teleportation Crystal.    


"Uh... Emperor Grade Teleportation Crystal, connecting to the Eastern Desolation is too easy. I thought about it. The transfer array is arranged using the Di Qin Family as a transfer point, and the upper part is connected to the Middle Desolate City. The lower part is connected to the Eastern Desolation. After that, I'll arrange a foothold that can connect you to the Eastern Desolation. This is too convenient! " Looking at the Emperor Grade Teleportation Crystal, Qin Huaxing's eyes were filled with shock. This was because he had never seen such a high level Transfer Crystal before.    


"Then can I trouble Senior with this matter?" Qin Chu asked.    


"Sure, how can I not? I can also meet the people of Qin Clan of the Seven Martial Arts. Our bloodlines share the same origin, and we are family. As for what's going on with the two Qin Families, this seat doesn't know either. The ancestors of the Qin Family had given birth to many powerful beings, and he had many descendants. Perhaps some of them were left behind in the Minor World. " Qin Huaxing said.    


Now that the matter was settled, Qin Chu handed the Emperor Grade Teleportation Crystal over to Qin Huaxing. He didn't need to worry about the transfer array anymore.    


After finishing his business, Qin Chu went to find Qin Changsheng and Ye Lan.    


"Ancestor, I will be developing in the Middle Desolation for the time being. After the transfer array is ready, I will go back. You should spend more effort on the family matters. Tell me, Wife and the child, that I am fine." Qin Chu said to Qin Changsheng.    


"It's not easy outside. Besides, you have already reached sibling hegemony's position, and you have become the target of everyone. You have to be careful of the dark hands of others." Qin Changsheng said to Qin Chu.    


"Don't worry, Ancestor. I have no problem with that. I will deal with whoever provokes me." Qin Chu said.    


After conversing with Qin Changsheng, Qin Chu handed over some of the refined medicinal pills and a tribulation pill to Wu Xinrou.    


Qin Chu also wanted to return to the Eastern Desolation to have a look, but he couldn't leave. He was now sibling hegemony. If the inheritance of the Combat Emperor and Martial King appeared, he must know because he was the most qualified person to obtain it.    


Qin Huaxing, Qin Changsheng, and the others took care of some matters. Qin Chu, Qin Yueli, and Qin Xiao returned to the Middle Desolate City and the Qin Manor of Seven Martial.    


"Qin Chu, do we count as brother now?" When Qin Yueli went to wash up, Qin Xiao looked at Qin Chu.    


"Yes!" Qin Chu nodded.    


"I've been bullied by a shameless Sovereign. Can we go and fight him back?" Qin Xiao hesitated for a moment before saying.    


"Are you sure he's really shameless?" Qin Chu didn't want to do anything inappropriate.    


Qin Xiao nodded. "When I was training, I got a treasure. He snatched it from me. I have never done anything to him!"    


"The treasure that I got back belongs to me. I'll help you kill him." Qin Chu looked at Qin Xiao and said.    


"Aren't you a little too cruel? Aren't you just peeling off the skin?" Qin Xiao was somewhat speechless.    


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