Unparalleled Martial Arts

C1397 Direct Imprisonment

C1397 Direct Imprisonment

3Direct imprisonment.     1


Yao Qing still did not come out. Why did she come out? Was she courting death? The fact that Qin Chu could go deep into the hinterland and go to the Xidang City to kill her showed that his desire to kill her was strong.    


"Not coming out? It's meaningless to carry it. Perhaps if you come out on your own accord, I won't kill you!" Qin Chu drank the tea-water and felt a lot more relaxed. He wasted a lot of time and finally caught Yao Qing.    


"Hmph! Who would believe you if you don't kill me!" Yao Qing's voice came out from the cul-de-sac. She really did not believe Qin Chu. Because her heart to kill Qin Chu was also very strong. Comparatively, she felt that Qin Chu had no reason not to kill her.    


Qin Chu put down the teacup, "How about this! Come out yourself. If you don't resist, I'll promise you that I won't kill you within three years. How about that?"    


As Qin Chu spoke, Yao Qing fell silent. After a moment of silence, she appeared within the Buried Skies Coffin.    


"If I don't kill you within three years... are you going to lock me up? Imprisoned?" Yao Qing looked at Qin Chu with a pair of cold eyes. Qin Chu had cheated her of her cultivation base, and now he had captured her.    


"That's right! It's to imprison her. After three years, it will depend on my mood." Qin Chu nodded and grabbed the cul-de-sac with a wave of his hand.    


"Tell me the reason?" Yao Qing felt it was a little strange. She did not believe that Qin Chu was soft-hearted.    


"There is no need to tell you my reason. Hand over the retrograde pill now. Don't let me use force. I said I won't kill you for three years. But crippling your soul's cultivation is still fine, and it's not a breach of my promise! " Qin Chu stood up from the tea table. He would not kill Yao Qing. But he would not be lenient.    


Seeing the coldness in Qin Chu's eyes, Yao Qing hesitated for a moment, then threw the retrograde pill to Qin Chu. She had no choice. Qin Chu was now the chopping board, and she was the fish on the chopping board. If Qin Chu wanted to snatch it, she would not be able to!    


After getting the retrograde pill, Qin Chu drank tea and thought about things. He was thinking about how to deal with Yao Qing. It was not possible to use the Buried Skies Coffin in the Buried Skies Coffin because he often used the Buried Skies Coffin to fight. Was it the Silver Star Ring? The space inside the Silver Star Ring was very large, but it was not easy to imprison her. If Yao Qing were to cause trouble, his pill would be out of luck.    


While Qin Chu was pondering, the beast cart returned to the Middle Desolate City.    


"Can you come up with a constructive idea? It's how I imprison you. This is my Buried Skies Coffin. If I lock you up here, the backlash from my battle will kill you. What about my heavenly treasure? I often go in with Wife. It's not convenient to lock you up. If you don't have any good suggestions, then I can only build a dungeon in the mansion. Set up a formation and then suppress you." Qin Chu said to Yao Qing.    


After hearing Qin Chu's words, Yao Qing's expression changed. It was good news that she could live, but she didn't want to live in the dark. She didn't dare to think about the life in the dungeon.    


"Then we can only set up the underground prison. I am not afraid of you jumping around. If you dare to jump, I will cripple your soul cultivation!" Qin Chu stretched his body. It felt so comfortable! A hidden danger had finally been resolved, and it was the most perfect solution. Imprisoning Yao Qing was equivalent to cutting off Yao Qing and the Great Desolate Hall. Contact with Daolord Tianji.    


"I can remove the ownership of the heavenly treasure. You can let me stay inside. Can I imprison him like this? " Helpless, Yao Qing came up with an idea. She had no other choice. People had to lower their heads under the roof. Were they really going to the dungeon? She would not be able to protect the heavenly treasure either.    


"That's right. If you had made your decision earlier, I wouldn't have needed to waste my time!" Qin Chu threw the cul-de-sac to Yao Qing.    


Yao Qing glanced at Qin Chu and removed the ownership of the heavenly treasure. She then threw it to Qin Chu. Since she could not keep it, what was the point of keeping it?    


"This is not enough. Hand over your weapon and secret treasure!" After receiving the cul-de-sac, Qin Chu made another request.    


Yao Qing was very straightforward. She took out the weapon and Secret Soul Treasure, removed them from the recognition, and threw them to Qin Chu.    


After putting the things away, Qin Chu raised his chin and pointed at the Storage Ring on Yao Qing's left hand.    


"You are too much! The Storage Ring contains women's clothes and toiletries. You also want them?" Yao Qing was a little angry.    


"Check it. If there are no problems, I can give them to you." Qin Chu insisted on his attitude and glared at Qin Chu. Yao Qing removed the recognition of the Storage Ring and threw it to Qin Chu.    


After checking it, Qin Chu transferred some resources into his Silver Star Ring and then threw the Storage Ring to Yao Qing. "Your things are really annoying."    


After taking back the Storage Ring and recognizing its owner again, Yao Qing took out a Cushion and sat down.    


Qin Chu processed the cul-de-sac for a while and transferred out all the things that needed to be transferred out. Yao Qing was already a prisoner, so all of her resources were not his.    


After confirming that there were no more dangerous factors in the cul-de-sac, Qin Chu looked at Yao Qing. "Come! Don't resist, let me send you in!"    


Yao Qing was very honest and obediently let Qin Chu send her into the cul-de-sac.    


Qin Chu tied the cul-de-sac to a bracelet in a corner of the Buried Skies Coffin, and also told artifact spirit that as long as there was movement, he would suppress it!    


After dealing with the matter, Qin Chu took out the Buried Skies Coffin and put away the Battle Avatar. He controlled the beast cart and walked towards the Qin Manor of Seven Martial.    


After returning to the Qin Manor of Seven Martial, Qin Chu saw Yin Zhen and Hong Ye kneeling in the courtyard.    


Yin Zhen was very miserable because she felt that her cultivation level was high enough. She resisted with Qin Yueli and in the end, her cultivation level was crippled by Qin Yueli. Now, she was dejected. One had to know that to cultivator, having no cultivation base was no different from a salted fish. Hong Ye was relatively better. Her cultivation base was low, so she could not bear it with Jun Wan. She was directly caught by Jun Wan.    


"Husband, did it go smoothly for you?" Jun Wan looked at Qin Chu.    


Qin Chu nodded. "I caught Yao Qing and put her inside the heavenly treasure. Interrogate these two. Be honest and not kill them. If not, just solve them. " Qin Chu said the last sentence to Ling Lie and Zhu Kou.    


After giving the instructions, Qin Chu entered the Lobby in the mansion.    


After Qin Yueli, Jun Wan, and Wu Xinrou sat down, Qin Chu explained the situation.    


"This is the safest way. We need to check every once in a while. Don't let her cause any trouble." Jun Wan said.    


"I think she will be very honest, because she has thoughts in her heart. She feels that there is a chance if she is alive. She is waiting for the Sky Cloud Sect to attack the Middle Desolate Heavenly Domain. She feels that there is still a chance for her to see the light of day again." Qin Chu said.    


"This time, I earned it! I earned a Mystical Armor Cauldron for nothing." Jun Wan said with a smile.    


"I also seized some resources. I will give them to you later. Make a price for the Mystical Armor Cauldron and give a portion to aunt." Qin Chu was in a very good mood.    


Qin Yueli smiled. "No need! I've also seized some here. There's probably less than 30 million Spirit Stones, so there's no need to share it with me. I don't want yours either."    


When it was the Auction, Yin Zhen brought a lot of top quality spirit stone. But when she returned, she gave it to Yao Qing and Qin Yueli only seized a portion.    


While Qin Chu and the others were conversing, Zhu Kou and the others began interrogating.    


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