Unparalleled Martial Arts

C1776 Confidence in His Heart

C1776 Confidence in His Heart

1Confidence in your heart.     3


After hearing about Qin Chu's deeds, Unexpected had a fighting spirit in his heart. He wanted to have a fight with Qin Chu, but now, the opportunity had come. Besides, he had not fought for many years, so his hands were itching to fight.    


As the battle progressed, Qin Chu's name became more and more famous.    


Qin Chu had won many battles, and if he continued to win, he would become the Ancient Emperor Stage hegemony, the number one person below Sage Emperor.    


Someone had already taken the initiative to challenge Qin Chu, because they wouldn't stop him. If Qin Chu continued to win, then the name of the Ancient Emperor Stage hegemony would fall onto Qin Chu's head. This was something that Ancient Emperor Realm cultivator didn't want to see. Who would want someone to be a head taller than him? No one wanted to be a head taller than him!    


Qin Chu welcomed all challenges. As long as they weren't weak chickens, as long as there wasn't too much difference between them, he would accept the challenge, absorb the strengths of others, and strengthen himself. This was also his goal in challenging others.    


Another victory. When Qin Chu planned to leave, a good person spoke up, asking Qin Chu to go to the Imperial Dynasty of Zhentian's Heaven Suppressing City to challenge Invincible Crown Prince and Ji Lan.    


"Not to mention Invincible Crown Prince and Ji Lan, the Third Highness, Ji Yuan, is also a top tier Ancient Emperors. Not long ago, he had killed two opponents of the Ancient Emperor Stage, and you are going to walk the path of the hegemony of the Ancient Emperor Stage. But we can't avoid them. They are the candidates that we must challenge. " One of the onlookers pointed out what he wanted to say.    


"Challenging them? That's not necessary! If they dare to challenge me, I'll accept; I'll go find them. [They are chasing me. They are aggressive. There is no need at all.] Mo Lin, let's go and drink some wine." After greeting Mo Lin, Qin Chu left. Challenging Ji Lan and Ji Yuan, what kind of joke was this? They were all defeated by him! Was there a need for him to challenge them?    


Qin Chu left, leaving behind a group of dumbstruck people. What did Qin Chu mean by that? When Qin Chu went to challenge someone, it meant that he was chasing after them? Was he trying to be aggressive? It meant that he had fought before and linked it to the rumors from before. Everyone knew that Ji Lan had really lost to Qin Chu, so there was no need for Qin Chu to challenge him.    


"Qin brother, there was a rumor a while ago that you killed Ji Lan's protector. You also injured Ji Lan. He only managed to survive after burning his blood essence. Is this true? " After they arrived at a tavern and sat down, Mo Lin looked at Qin Chu and asked.    


"It doesn't matter if it's true or not. What matters is whether they dare to come to me or not!" Qin Chu smiled. He didn't like to brag about his past. The main reason was that he felt it was meaningless. He had to raise his head and look forward if he was still alive.    


"Ji Lan has been suppressed by Ji Yuan. If he wants to fight back, he will have to climb up from where he fell. Maybe he will come to find Young Master." Yao Ruo said.    


"I hope he has the courage." After drinking a mouthful of wine, Qin Chu said. If Ji Lan dared to come, he would not be polite. He was not sure if Ji Yuan would do anything. As for the previous cooperation, it was just to get what they needed. There was no basis for cooperation.    


After listening to Qin Chu's words and the conversation with Yao Ruo, Mo Lin was sure that the rumors from a while ago were true. Ji Lan was at a disadvantage in front of Qin Chu, including Ji Yuan.    


This was amazing. One should know that Ji Lan had the nickname of Invincible Crown Prince before. This was because he had failed before. Otherwise, he would have had the chance to become the Ancient Emperor Stage hegemony.    


Qin Chu continued to challenge. Wherever he went, it would become lively. This was because wherever Qin Chu went, there would be a battle, and it would be an exciting battle.    


Watching a high-end battle would allow him to see the strengths of others and improve himself. Therefore, many people attached great importance to Qin Chu's path of challenge.    


In the following few days, something disgusting happened. Two of Qin Chu's opponents on the route that he had set up rejected the challenge and admitted defeat.    


The main reason was that they had their own considerations. Among the opponents that Qin Chu had defeated, there were those who were stronger than them, and those who were stronger than them had all been defeated. So, it was meaningless for them to continue fighting, and they might as well not participate in the battle.    


Qin Chu had no choice but to reject the challenge. He couldn't force them to fight, could he? Then it wouldn't be a challenge anymore. It would be a battle of gratitude and resentment, which would deviate from the purpose of his challenge.    


After changing his target, Qin Chu continued to move forward. Sometimes, Qin Chu would take a break and organize his gains before moving forward.    


In the Heaven Suppressing City Crown Prince Palace, Crown Prince and Ji Lan had cultivated the Sabersoul. After that, he started cultivating the Imperial Shocking Knife. He was somewhat worried because the news of Qin Chu's victory kept coming. However, he wasn't prepared for this. He was waiting for Qin Chu to prove that he was the Ancient Emperor Stage hegemony. What if he left? Did he chase after the Tricolor region to fight? He was afraid that Qin Chu would use the underhand to trap him.    


What was the heart of a villain? This was the heart of a villain. Because he could do some things, he was worried that Qin Chu would do the same. As a matter of fact, Qin Chu disdained using his means in a fair fight.    


After receiving the news of Qin Chu's continuous victories, Ji Yuan was a little worried. Because if this continued, Qin Chu would suppress all of Ancient Emperor Realm cultivator, including him. This was something he didn't want to see. He was the one who wanted to be the Emperor. How could he let others step on him?    


After thinking for a while, Ji Yuan called Zhou Jun over.    


"Does Your Highness have any plans?" Zhou Jun asked.    


"An insider from Crown Prince's Palace has reported that Crown Prince and Ji Lan are cultivating the knife technique absolute skill. It should be the Imperial Shocking Knife. This should be what he asked royal father for in the underground palace. It seems like he still wants to fight Qin Chu. " Ji Yuan said.    


"If he cultivates the Imperial Shocking Knife, he will have a chance to fight Qin Chu." Zhou Jun said.    


"I still feel that he is no match for Qin Chu. Last time, he was completely wiped out. Burning the blood essence to survive indicated that he has reached his limit. However, Qin Chu hasn't reached his limit yet. Who knows what trump cards he has? The outcome of the battle that I predicted was Qin Chu's miserable victory. Under such circumstances, we have to make a good plan. Qin Chu's miserable victory wouldn't allow him to leave this place alive. Ji Lan died in battle. I will avenge my brother and kill Qin Chu. This was the perfect result." Ji Yuan said.    


"Your Highness, there is a variable in this. What if Ji Lan wins? That will be troublesome. Your Highness must never make a move on Ji Lan. This is an overkill. Emperor will not allow it." Zhou Jun said.    


"I won't step on the line. I will do it according to the rules. Sometimes, I feel that it is very important. I feel that Qin Chu will win. Then, let's follow this feeling and arrange for our men to be ready. Follow my orders at any time." Ji Yuan waved his hand at Zhou Jun. There were some things that he had already made up his mind about.    


After Wu Wang arrived at the Nine Stars Domain, he first investigated the situation. He found that Qin Chu had already won close to 20 matches and was qualified to stop the war. He announced that he was Hegemon level cultivator, and was waiting for the challenge, but Qin Chu did not stop. He was still in the middle of the challenge. What kind of mentality was this? It was confidence. A challenge didn't just have to be shown to others. It was also what one needed in their heart.    


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