Unparalleled Martial Arts

C2075 Shameless

C2075 Shameless

3"Will she still chase us?" Qin Chu was stunned for a moment.    


"Yes, I know her better than she knows herself. She cultivated the Heartless Dao, and there were flaws in her emotions and desires. She chose to leave at that time. It was because she couldn't stand the fact that we were together. However, after leaving, her strong personality would make it difficult for her to understand. She'll think that we're the ones who should run away, so she'll come after us." Shangshu Yu said.    


Qin Chu put down the teacup in his hand. "But Senior Sister, you are not such a person."    


"Husband, you are mistaken! Normally speaking, the Dao Body was completely dependent on the original body. The Dao Body was only a part of the original body. However, there is one difference between me and her, and that is that my seven emotions and six desires are even more complete. I have a more gentle side to me than her." Shangshu Yu said.    


"I understand now. In the past, she only pursued her own improvement. She had little contact with others, and her emotions were flawed." Qin Chu finally understood.    


"No! It was caused by the cultivation of emotionlessness. This situation would change very quickly. Because my memories, the life I have experienced, will help her make up for all these. After completing all of these, her strength will become even more terrifying. " Shangshu Yu said.    


"Let's chase! If it doesn't work, let's run." Qin Chu was also a little helpless.    


While staying in the large flying ship, Long Qianyu's eyes were in a trance. She was comprehending Shangshu Yu's life, feeling the coldness and warmth of human life, feeling parents's love, husband's love, her son's coquettish behavior, and growing up little by little.    


"Very sweet, very beautiful. Qin Chu can be considered a good husband. The hateful thing is that he actually married a few of them. Otherwise, he would be happier!" Feeling Shangshu Yu's life, Long Xianyu muttered in a low voice.    


After making a pot of tea, Long Xianyu found that her mind was filled with people. Most of them were Qin Chu and Qin Zixing.    


"Son, he can be considered my son. En... The Flying Feather Palace lacks a young palace master. As for his father, scram to the side! " After drinking a mouthful of tea, Long Qianyu cursed.    


When Qin Chu passed through the Great Desolation and arrived at the Northern Desolate Region, Long Qianyu caught up because her large flying boat was a little more high-end.    


Looking at the appearance of Long Jiaojiao, Qin Chu exited the large flying boat. "It's about time. It's a good relationship. Why make things difficult for me?"    


"I mean no harm. I'm just following you for a while. I won't interfere with your people and matters." Looking at Qin Chu's furrowed brows, Long Qianyu explained.    


After listening to Long Juyu's words, Qin Chu heaved a sigh of relief and let Long Juyu enter his large flying ship.    


"Dragon Palace Master, I hope that there is a good relationship between us. If you hurt me, Senior Sister, then only one of us can live!" Qin Chu spoke.    


"We did not want to disturb you. You have already felt my life. I will not compromise!" Shangshu Yu also said.    


Long Qianyu was silent for a moment. "I did not want to hurt you. I was thinking about how to resolve this matter more appropriately. Also, if the Mo Zong goes smoothly, I can contact your world. I also want to see Qin Zixing. "    


"Qin Zixing is the son of Senior Sister and I. Why do you want to see him? Don't involve the child in Lord's matter! " Qin Chu was a little angry.    


"What are you so excited about? What is the relationship between her son and me? Will I hurt him? What do you know! " Seeing Qin Chu glaring at her, Long Qianyu became slightly angry.    


"If I have the chance, I will make him call you auntie." Qin Chu turned his head and looked to the side.    


"Bullshit! That is also my son. Next up is the young palace master of the Flying Feather Palace." When she heard Qin Chu ask Qin Zixing to call her aunt, Long Qianyu was infuriated.    


After listening to Long Qianyu's words, Qin Chu and Shangshu Yu looked at each other. The two of them could not keep up with the pace.    


"What's wrong with Senior Sister?" Qin Chu looked at Shangshu Yu and asked.    


"I don't know. When she came back this time, she sealed off the Spirit Sea. The gap between our realms is huge. I don't know what she is thinking." Shangshu Yu shook her head when she heard Qin Chu's question.    


Qin Chu poured himself a cup of tea and then observed Long Qianyu. He wanted to guess what this woman wanted to do.    


"When cultivator split his dao body, he would put some methods into the soul. When a female cultivator splits her Dao Body, she will have a subconscious feeling that she cannot get married. I didn't do any of these things to her. I only placed a seal on her. I placed a seal on her because I was worried that her realm was too high. She caused trouble for the world. I was very satisfied with Shangshu Yu's growth. It was also a good thing that she obtained happiness. I can empathize with her. Qin Zixing is important to her and also very important to me." Looking at Qin Chu who was deep in thought, Long Xianyu spoke.    


After listening to her words, Qin Chu heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as it wasn't a threat to his family.    


After that, the three of them fell silent. Because they didn't know what to say, Long Xianyu had shut down the sharing of the soul, and Shangshu Yu couldn't do anything about it.    


"Anyway, I won't let you hurt my family or merge with them. Don't even think about it. If you give up on this idea... We can treat you as friend, as your family. " Qin Chu spoke as he looked at Long Qianyu.    


"Who wants your bullsh * t family? What I care about is her and Qin Zixing. Go to hell!" After hearing Qin Chu's words, Long Xianyu cursed.    


Qin Chu was speechless. This Long Xianyu was like a block of ice, but it was better than nothing. Besides kicking him last time, she didn't do anything else.    


"I don't know how to address you, but you have to know one thing. My happiness is yours. Once you use force... It's the same as destroying all of this, because my husband and my child will hate you. " After drinking a cup of tea, Shangshu Yu spoke.    


"You traitor, how could I have a Dao Body like you? Who did you find? Just a shameless person." Looking at Shangshu Yu, Long Xianyu cursed because she was helpless. There were some things that she really could not do.    


"That's not right! I might be a traitor, but I, husband, have no problem with it. You have lived for countless years, and you have shown that you are more responsible than him. A man who works harder than him? He can do anything for me and for the family. The most correct decision in my life is to marry him, so you can't humiliate him!" Shangshu Yu was unwilling to do so when she heard Long Xian Yu scold Qin Chu.    


After thinking for a while, Long Qianyu stopped talking because she couldn't refute Shangshu Yu. Qin Chu was outstanding. He had been working hard for the past 140 years.    


Qin Chu and Shangshu Yu did not know what Long Xianyu was thinking and felt a little bored. However, Long Xianyu was not bored. She was still feeling Shangshu Yu's memories and her life experiences.    


"Trash handyman!" Rubbing her hair again, Long Xianyu cursed because she had touched the part where Shangshu Yu was stunned in the Qing Yun Sect.    


"What do you want to do? Why am I trash?" After listening to Long Qianyu's words, Qin Chu was infuriated. He had been in the industry for so long, but no one had insulted him like this.    


"Husband, ignore her. She is now envious and jealous. The reason why she is making things difficult for you is because she thinks that you have taken advantage of her." Shangshu Yu spoke.    


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