Strongest Dandy System

C4124 Come on We're Going Home

C4124 Come on We're Going Home

2"Okay, I'll wait for you."    


Ling Yuxuan smiled. Her black hair fluttered slightly, and the Hundred Flower War Lance in her hand kept buzzing.    


Xu Liusu turned his head, looked at the Heavenly Sect and the others in the distance, and said coldly: "In the face of a great enemy, I will give you a chance. Right now, any method is not enough in front of me."    


Heavenly Sect and the others did not speak, all of them had complicated emotions.    


"Brother Baiyi!"    


When the other seven Kings appeared, Wu Yuvlan looked at Xu Liusu with concern.    


"Brothers, I need your help in this battle."    


Xu Liusu made a long story short.    


Under Xu Wanjue's instructions, the battlefield was divided into four parts.    


The first part was the battlefield between the Hell Heavens and the human cultivators scattered across the starry sky.    


The Hell's Sky was the main battlefield.    


The second part was the Nine Provinces Battlefield.    


There was still a group of people that hadn't been teleported yet.    


This wasn't beneficial for the gathering of the human race's fortune and belief.    


However, Xu Liusu had already thought of a way.    


As long as the humans of the Nine Provinces could unite against a common enemy and fight against the evil spirits together, they would have a chance of victory.    


The third part was very important.    


The battlefield in the void.    


There were only two human representatives on that battlefield, Ye Junlin and Nian Jiu.    


Their victory directly led to the outcome of this battle.    


The fourth part was the battle between Xu Liusu and the Supreme Divinity.    


"I'll be relying on you guys for the Nine Prefectures."    


Xu Liusu looked at the crowd, and a few rays of Profound Light appeared in his hands, pouring into their minds from their foreheads.    


The Seven Heavenly Kings felt their minds instantly clear up.    


They were enlightened!    






In the battlefield.    


A giant statue of an Emperor sat on it like a stone carving, as if it was sitting on the clouds.    


This was the Brahma Monarch God Realm.    


The Realm Lord of the other side of the starry sky had become one.    


Two figures suddenly appeared and landed in this area.    


"It's not easy to experience one life, let alone ten thousand."    


The white-robed young monk put his palms together and slowly twirled a string of black beads.    


The other person:    


A youth in green with a handsome face and a warm aura was holding a long sword.    


"The Ten Thousand Reincarnation isn't easy, but I can't think of a way to explain the wisdom of the beginning of everything. I think it's very hard."    


This was one of the few times Ye Junlin and Nian Jiu met.    


However, from the looks of it, the two of them seemed to be old friends.    


It was not strange for them to meet again.    


"Then let's think about how to deal with him first."    


Nian Jiu raised his head and looked at the Brahma Monarch with a cold gaze.    


It was rare to see Nian Jiu's expression, which was enough to show that this enemy was exceptionally strong.    


Ye Junlin's eyes also turned cold.    


Brahma Monarch, the huge stone inscription in front of him was alive.    


He was the ruler of all life.    


It was known as the origin of laws...    


As the two arrived, Brahma Monarch seemed to sense something and the eyes on the stone inscription came to life.    


Soon, the stone skin fell off layer by layer, revealing a part of the true body. It was golden, as if it was made of water.    


The Dao Reserves started to circulate and turn into golden symbols that flashed across the sky.    


"Hexagram One and Hexagram Nine are actually two young human juniors. What is Xu Wanjue thinking?"    


The Brahma Monarch said mockingly, as if they were looking down on both Xu Wanjue and the human race.    


"No matter what the Divine Master is thinking, we still showed up in the end."    


Ye Junlin's expression was calm.    


In the world, there were only two people who could enter this space. It was a world of thoughts. Nobody could enter it without a certain level of intelligence.    


Nian Jiu and Ye Junlin were diviners, so they could have entered.    


"Then what is your goal?" Brahma Monarch laughed.    


Nian Jiu said: "My goal is simple, I want to stall you and not let you leave this place."    




"Let's be reasonable first. I will tell you the thoughts of the human race. If it doesn't work, then I will beat you until you submit."    


Brahma Monarch laughed. In this world, other than the Supreme Divinity who had created him, he could control everything, including himself, ordinary people, and ordinary creatures. They couldn't even see him once, let alone defeat him, let alone defeat him.    


But very soon, he could no longer laugh.    


The first and ninth divinations were both covered in green and golden light.    


The light started to spread. It covered more and more places in the space. There was no corner in this space, so it covered everything.    


"Did Xu Wanjue really create you?" There was some surprise in Brahma Monarch's voice.    


Nian Jiu and Ye Junlin did not answer him. Instead, they silently closed their eyes.    


The battle between them was not as intense, bloody, or violent as they had imagined.    


However, the battle had already begun at that moment.    


The battle of thoughts contained everything in the world. The winner was eternal, while the loser would die forever in the world after a hundred years.    


In this battle of minds, the two sides could feel each other's inner changes, their births, their experiences, the changes in their minds from childhood to maturity, the disadvantages turning into advantages.    


But the problem was that Brahma Monarch quickly discovered that the first and ninth divinations had their own obvious flaws, but when the two of them were combined together, they formed a perfect closed circle.    


The beginning of the Dao and the end of the Dao. This was a cycle. It was a circle, and there was no way to break through it.    


This was the Heavenly Dao.    


It was also the Human Dao.    






The war in the void began, a contest between humans and non-humans.    


This battle came very suddenly and quickly, but it did happen just like that.    


The flames of war instantly spread across the Nine Prefectures of Hell, and almost all living beings fell into a disaster.    


Since Xu Liusu had been accidentally discovered as a diviner, the battle had officially begun.    


The faith of countless humans provided strength for this war.    


This was the first time since the birth of the starry sky of the other side, since the creation of the world by the Supreme Divinity.    


This was something that no Emperor, Saint, expert, or scholar had ever expected.    


"The predecessors planted the trees, and the later generations took advantage of them..."    


It was also under the war of the entire clan that Xu Baiyi found the source of the world.    


A void suspended in an endless space...    


"You are the Supreme Divinity."    


Xu Liusu looked at the void, as if it had a physical body.    


This was because there was always an inexplicable Qi that was circulating in a regular pattern.    


He had once thought that the Supreme Divinity was a huge monster who could create a space with a wave of his hand.    


It was something that ruled over everything.    


However, he realized that he was wrong.    


The Sovereign wasn't a human, but a law.    


"Wah! Wah!" At this moment, countless illusions appeared around him.    


Xu Liusu could clearly feel these illusions.    


It was the cry of a baby.    


Countless babies were born in different families, held in different people's arms, and looked different.    


However, these babies represented new life.    


After that, a certain pattern began to operate.    


The villagers started fires, the farmers hoed the land, the women made textiles, and the children played in the countryside.    


Slowly, there were peddlers, merchants, officials, household messengers, officials, and nobles.    


Warriors were born.    


This was what Xu Liusu and the others saw.    


The other creatures were no exception.    


They were born in the world, born in the world, grew up in the world, and walked in the world.    


There were merchants, cultivators, sects, wars, ancient remains, secret realms in forests, oceans...    


"Is this the impression in my mind? Or are these things recorded in my mind all the time..."    


Xu Wanjue appeared beside Xu Liusu.    


He looked up into the void and said lightly, "All the creatures of creation are not living beings, but they have all the wisdom of living beings. In other words, they give it to them."    


"I originally thought that I would be able to break through the secrets of the void and fulfill one of my dreams, but I found out that I was wrong."    


"Wrong? How was senior wrong?" Xu Liusu looked at Xu Wanjue and asked.    


"I couldn't comprehend it."    


Xu Wanjue said, "The moment you wanted to comprehend it, you couldn't comprehend it anymore."    


"What about the first and ninth divinations?" Xu Liusu didn't expect that after he found the Supreme Divinity, he didn't need to fight.    


But just now, Nian Jiu and Ye Junlin had both sent him a voice transmission, saying that they were going to face a rather harsh test and hoped that he could give them some help.    


Xu Wanjue said: "The original Supreme Divinity Law was correct, but it was later influenced by a creature called Brahma Monarch. That Brahma Monarch is a material existence, so you need Divination One and Divination Nine to hold it back while you repair the origin."    


"Repair the origin?"    


Xu Liusu was shocked: "How?"    


"I don't know either, so we're all trying our best to find a loophole like you that doesn't exist. Then, we'll do everything we can to bring you here." Even Xu Wanjue had an expression of helplessness.    


He continued, "Every time I approach the origin, I will be bounced back by an invisible force."    


"That power is pure, more like the source of spiritual energy. It was only at that moment that I realized that there is no such thing as a spiritual power."    


"Because we have already discussed this, and you say that there are good and evil in human nature, and that to possess such power is to possess such power is to possess such power that your strength is not strength at all, but only transverse." Xu Wanjue said.    


Xu Liusu nodded.    


Then he took a deep breath and said, "Then I'll try."    


Xu Liusu walked forward, and under Xu Wanjue's slightly solemn gaze, he passed through the invisible barrier and entered deeper inside.    


"As expected..." Xu Wanjue said with a smile.    


He felt that his life as the number one was not in vain. At least, he used those old guys to find an illusion that he thought was impossible.    


Xu Wanjue was the one who came up with the illusion.    


This was already extremely smart.    


Xu Wanjue felt that he had cultivated martial arts for his entire life, turning spiritual qi into Genuine Qi, Genuine Essence, and True Profound. He used a special method to build the Divine Treasury Dao Palace and transform the True Profound into divine splendor.    


Then, he went to the starry sky and broke some of the special rules here.    


He then led the human race into countless Spirit Severing battles.    


He had never been so happy before.    


"Hexagram Void... haha, how did I think of this?"    


Xu Wanjue was a little pleased with himself.    


Now, he just didn't know how this kid would crack it.    


"It should be the question and answer questions that the Supreme Divinity asked me... but I really can't answer them..." Xu Wanjue said.    


He turned around and waved his hand, and thousands of figures in white appeared. Some of these people looked similar to him, and some looked similar to Xu Liusu.    


"This is the last thing I can do. Represent us to go to war."    


The group of people in white cupped their hands and nodded. "Yes, Divine Master."    


After saying that, they turned around and left.    










"You...!" The faint voice seemed to be filled with the vicissitudes of life.    


Xu Liusu said.    


The voice asked, "Why do you exist? When I first created this world, all the rules were perfect. However, your appearance completely broke this balance."    


"Am I the one who broke it? It should be that person called Brahma Monarch."    


"He is just a chess piece under the rules."    


"Me too..."    


The Divine Sovereign said, "According to my rules, you should be close to death."    


Xu Liusu said, "Luck is also a part of the rules."    


"But the luck I created can't affect you, so in Xu Wanjue's words, you must be a fake. Xu Wanjue is also a chess piece, but he is at his strongest, but you are not..."    


Xu Liusu said: "What answer do you want? In other words, this war concerns the human race. What can I do to completely calm it down?"    


The Supreme Divinity said, "It's very simple. Once Brahma Monarch is dead, the laws of the other side of the starry sky will disappear, and the living beings and evil spirits will no longer possess such inconceivable and illogical powers. In the end, the human race will definitely defeat Brahma Monarch."    


"Who exactly is the Brahma Monarch?" Xu Liusu asked.    


"Countless evil incarnations of Xu Wanjue."    


The Divine Sovereign said.    


Xu Liusu was silent.    


However, he caught on to the most critical question: "How can we defeat the Brahma Monarch?"    


"If you defeat me, the first and ninth hexagrams will naturally break the negative rules of the Brahma Monarch."    


Xu Liusu asked: "Are you the ruler of this war?"    


"It wasn't me. The war happened naturally."    


Xu Liusu nodded lightly.    


"Then, how can I defeat you?"    


"I don't know either."    


Xu Liusu:... ""    


Xu Liusu opened the system interface, and for the first time, this black technology that belonged to him appeared in front of the source of the rules of Hetero Region.    


"So that's how it is... You don't belong to this rule, so you're a diviner." The Supreme Divinity suddenly understood.    


Xu Liusu laughed: "Logically speaking, rules don't have an origin, but since you have consciousness now, and you are so human, then it can only prove one thing."    


The Supreme Divinity asked, "Prove what?"    


Xu Liusu said, "You don't belong to this world either."    


The Supreme Divinity:... ""    


This was the real question that the Supreme Divinity wanted to discuss.    


Transmigration, was it one of the origin laws?    


Was he considered a law?    


A Transmigrator had developed his own consciousness after forcing out the origin laws.    


Instead of a Transcender, it would be more accurate to say that the System had brought a Transcender here. Then the System...    


Was the true divinatory trigram.    


"So it's very easy to defeat you."    


Xu Liusu took out the War Lance and held it above the tip of the spear. The tip of the spear was pointed at him.    


Perhaps if I kill me, your rules will be perfect.    


The Supreme Divinity was silent.    


Xu Liusu suddenly laughed, put down his gun, and said, "But it's not right to do this, because if I kill me, it's not within your rules."    


The Supreme Divinity suddenly asked, "What do you mean?"    


"Your rules are too fake."    


"Transmigration is also a type of law, and the system is also a type of law. There are countless laws in the world that form living beings and non-living beings."    


"In the eyes of living beings, non-living beings aren't living beings, but in the rules of non-living beings, living beings never exist."    


"This is a philosophical problem."    


"Philosophy..." the Sovereign murmured.    


"Since you're scared, it means that you aren't the law of the world. The meaning of the world is too big and isn't something that can be limited by the law."    


"The rules of humans belong to themselves, so they don't need to consider the rules of crossing over."    


"There are rules of crossing over, so your rules aren't within the rules of crossing over, so you don't need to consider the rules of crossing over."    


Xu Liusu laughed and said: "Humans are like this, the law is like this, the origin is like this, everything in the world is like this, how can there be nothing?"    


"Without nothingness, how can there be perfection in the laws? Fill in the gaps?"    


"And how can you make up for the loopholes and achieve perfection?!"    


Xu Liusu suddenly walked forward. He walked very firmly and calmly.    


Two lives.    


So everything made sense.    


If the Hetero Region insisted on having a relationship between the main character and the supporting role, a trick between a loophole and a patch...     0




This was all nothingness.    


"I am who I am, and I have never been a diviner. Nian Jiu is Nian Jiu, and I have never been a diviner."    


"Senior Brother Xiao Ye is Senior Brother Xiao Ye. How could there be a diviner?"    


"I dare to challenge the origin, challenge your Supreme Divinity, and challenge your Brahma Monarch."    


"That's because there are no rules in this world. Rules are too dead...."    


Xu Liusu suddenly reached out and touched it. That invisible thing, that untouchable existence.    


That existence that had always been feared by the world.    


The thing that had always been feared by all living things...    


Swish ~ ~!    


Crack, crack, crack.    


Everything in front of Xu Liusu shattered.    


Only he stood there quietly.    


"So the answer that the world wants is very simple."    


"I am me. Without me, there are no rules..."    






That day, the war lasted for a while and finally showed signs of stopping.    


Everything that happened was like a dream.    


When the third Spirit Severing battle ended.    


A voice entered everyone's mind.    


Life and death were never two things within the rules.    


The boundary between life and death, the distance between life and death, and the countless life and death in between.    


These were the true rules in the hearts of living beings.    


"Xu Baiyi..."    


These three words floated on the ground.    


It was also under the efforts of countless generations.    


The cycle repeated itself.    


The cycle of heaven and earth.    






In a very white, warm, and comfortable place.    


"I am very happy to have a son like you."    


"Grandson, Xiangyue House, are you going to play with grandpa?"    


"Su'er, when you can see you again in your next life, mother wants to hug you again."    


"Little brother, I can already walk with my legs."    




"Brother Xu, you are so amazing. You can make people understand such a difficult principle. Since you can use it as a weapon to save the world!"    


"Master, master, quickly teach me the cultivation technique. No, I want to learn your principle!"    


"Junior Brother Xu, I like you. I have always liked you, but I also wish you well."    


"Xu Baiyi, you are really a scourge to the world..."    


In all his expectations.    


Xu Liusu turned around and saw all the familiar faces.    


They all belonged to him.    


In the rules, they were not included.    


In that white world.    


Xu Liusu walked to the end.    




The two horses waited there quietly.    


Ling Yuxuan sat on one of the horses. She held her spear and looked at Xu Liusu with a gentle smile.    


"Brat, what do you want to do next?"    


Xu Liusu was stunned.    


Soon, he walked over quickly.    


"Hey, playboy, your horse is over there!"    


"My wife, I didn't even hug you properly."    


Xu Liusu jumped onto the horse and hugged Ling Yuxuan's slender waist tightly. He said this with a firm smile.    


"Come, let's go home!"    


Ling Yuxuan's face turned red. She turned around to look in front of her and pulled on the reins.    


The horse neighed and raised its hooves.    


"Hold on tight, brat. Let's go home!"    






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