Overriding the Heaven

C157 Not Compliant

C157 Not Compliant

0Chu Yan's fatigue was seen by the few remaining warriors.    


They knew that this was not only a chance to please Fang Wuxing, but also a chance to earn their lives. In an instant, without hesitation, they used their life arts and charged towards Chu Yan.    


"Fang Wuxing, do you think you can hide just because of this?"    


Chu Yan sneered again and again.    


In the face of so many killing moves, he was completely unarmed. However, his momentum still crushed everything on the spot.    


Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance couldn't help but be moved. There were even some clan leaders whose bodies were trembling slightly.    


Chu Yan's battle today, had already expressed his determination.    


Without fear, he treaded on blood.    


These eight words perfectly described him.    


Most of the people present, even though they were all the upper echelons of a family, could order the actions of hundreds or thousands of people with just a single order. However, they asked themselves if they would be afraid in the face of today's situation.    


There was no doubt that no one would think that they could have Chu Yan's performance.    


Chu Yan's battle today had already shocked too many people.    


What they didn't know was that as the Crown Prince of Southern Yuan Kingdom, Chu Yan had the experience of almost getting annihilated of his country, and then going back to life after putting his life on the line.    


His willpower was not something that ordinary people could compare with.    


After going through a lot of training in Return to the Ruins Tower, Chu Yan finally obtained a supreme dao heart of a strong warrior!    


"Fang Wuxing, I said I will kill you today, so I will definitely kill you!"    


With a boom, Chu Yan's vital energy and blood, which had already begun to weaken, once again burned fiercely.    


The twelve meridians in his body became more and more solid, and he was only one step away from success of his Pulse Condensation.    


"Dark Eight Desolations Fist!"    


Facing the incoming warriors, Chu Yan roared out.    


In an instant, his arm was like a dragon emerging from the seas. The blood that dripped from his arm instantly exploded in the air, forming terrifying vortexes.    




The warrior was startled, and was immediately brushed by Chu Yan.    


The next moment, the warrior's frozen body exploded with a loud bang, and a pillar of blood shot up to the sky.    


Fang Wuxing was dumbstruck.    


Chu Yan who was already at the end of his strength still possessed such a terrifying combat ability.    


What was even more terrifying was that each time the opponent killed a person, it would move one step closer to him.    


Although Fang Wuxing's entire body was not injured at all, he was currently intimidated by Chu Yan's imposing aura, and his legs looked as if they were filled with lead.    


"The tiger occupies eleven kicks in a row!"    


Several figures spurted blood and were sent flying.    


Just then, a figure suddenly appeared behind Chu Yan like a ghost.    


The extreme exhaustion caused Chu Yan to slow down for a moment after he executed the Earth Ranked Martial Technique.    


And this martial practitioner had finally found an opportunity after lying in seclusion for so long.    


"I killed you, remember! My name is Qian Zhou Long – "The warrior had just shouted out his victory declaration, but was surprised to see that although his slash had landed on Chu Yan's neck and caused him to stagger, his opponent's body had suddenly glowed with a white light.    


This white light was like a barrier, blocking between's skin and his blade.    


"This is …"    




Someone shouted from a high platform in the distance.    


Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with light.    


That amulet was given to Chu Yan as compensation when he returned to the Lin Clan.    


Who would have thought that at such a critical time, it would come in handy.    


And at this moment, Lin Xiao could not confirm whether blocking this fatal slash with the amulet was Chu Yan's reaction, or whether he had done it intentionally to lure the other party out.    


"How do I return this …"    


Qian Zhou Long's entire body was trembling. Before he could finish, his voice was immediately scattered by Chu Yan's shout.    


"Furious Dragon Bind!"    


As he waved his arm, it brought about an ear-splitting shock wave force. At this moment, Chu Yan had completely unleashed the power of the Raging Dragon Disc.    


Even rocks could be turned into dust, not to mention the weak head of this warrior.    


With a bang, blood, brain matter, minced meat, and meat came together and gushed out.    


The huge force smashed Qian Zuolong's body into the ground with a loud bang.    


At this time, Fang Wuxing was the only one left in front of him.    


Just then, Fang Wuxing suddenly revealed a strange smile on his face: "You're finished."    


After he had finished speaking, he flipped his wrist and a talisman appeared in his palm.    


"Go and die, Chu Yan! "True Essence Symbol!"    




In that moment, a ray of green light shot towards Chu Yan, transforming into an explosion.    


A radius of two Zhang was instantly enveloped by thick smoke and raging flames.    


The deafening sound was no less than a meteor crashing into the ground.    


In the next moment,'s entire body released smoke, and his bloodied body whizzed out of the smoke. He flew out about forty five meters, and landed on the ground with a thud, as fresh blood spewed out of his mouth.    


After the sneak attack had succeeded, Fang Wuxing stood at his original position, his entire body trembling in excitement.    


"Once Chu Yan falls, there will be no other obstructions in front of us."    


"In the entire scene, only I am still standing. In other words, the only one who can reach the end is me!"    


"I can finally become a disciple of the Profound Moon Sect!"    


"In the entire Evergreen Town, who could surpass me!"    


In an instant, all sorts of emotions shook in Fang Wuxing's heart, causing him to forget to rush past the finishing line.    


After this sudden change and the momentary shock, the crowd immediately burst into an uproar.    


"That's a true essence talisman!"    


"A True Essence Charm that is comparable to the all-out attack of a Pulse Condensation Stage cultivator!"    


"Why is there that thing on Fang Wuxing's body!?"    


"With such power, it can almost be considered a kind of magical equipment. To be used in this kind of competition with Genuine Force Stage, does it conform to the rules!?"    


Many people directly looked towards the Fang family's Patriarch on the stage and questioned him loudly.    


The Fang family's Patriarch and elders seemed to be like old monks that were sitting down as they turned a deaf ear to the clamoring crowd.    


However, the truth was that they too were feeling uneasy in their hearts.    


In such a competition, using true essence talismans that far surpassed a martial artist's strength was indeed against the rules.    


Back then, the reason the Fang Family gave the True Essence talisman to Fang Wuxing was to prevent him from encountering a dire beast, in case he needed it.    


But who would have thought that not only did Fang Wuxing use it, he even used it in front of everyone present.    


The Fang Family Patriarch had the impulse to go over and give Fang Wuxing a reward of two big ears.    


At the moment, he seemed to have closed his eyes, but in reality, his eyes were squinted, sneaking a glance at Song Hua.    


This time, Song Hua was the real key character in this competition. As long as he did not express his opinion, then the others' doubts could be completely ignored.    


What made the Fang Family Patriarchs and elders calm down was that although Song Hua was frowning, he did not move from his seat. It seemed that he did not have any plans to stop the competition.    


Fang Wuxing laughed crazily for a while and regained his senses. Seeing Chu Yan who was lying in a pool of blood with his entire body ripped apart and still vomiting blood, he laughed sinisterly, a ruthless look appearing in his eyes as he walked towards him.    


"Chu Yan, didn't you say you want to kill me!? We've already said all that, why are you still not making your move? " The carefree feeling in Fang Wuxing's heart at this moment, was simply impossible to be described with words.    


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