Overriding the Heaven

C446 Evil Dragon of Yellow Springs

C446 Evil Dragon of Yellow Springs

2His hands moved like lightning, bringing up the Inscription Pen, Chu Yan's eyes focused and he extended his left arm.    


"Yellow Springs Evil Dragon."    


Chu Yan spat out four words, and placed the tip of the Inscription Pen into the basin.    


In the blink of an eye, the basin full of Inscription Water was completely sucked dry by the Inscription Pen.    


The tip of his nose, which was originally white, was now like a ball of fire, releasing a scorching red color.    


Chu Yan looked at the hourglass again, and then, without hesitation, he placed the tip of his nose on the inside of his left wrist.    


In a split-second, a sharp pain came from his wrist, as if countless steel wires had pierced through his skin and moved through his muscles.    


Chu Yan gritted his teeth and without stopping, he drew another stroke on his arm with the brush.    


When the Inscription Pen left a thick scar on the inside of his arm, although his skin did not break, a large amount of fresh blood flowed out of the surface of his skin.    


This fresh blood adhered to the inscription patterns he drew, and didn't flow everywhere, as if it was bound.    


At the same time, Chu Yan felt as if his arm had been dipped in boiling oil.    


His body began to tremble from the pain, and his face paled slightly.    


"It hurts more than I thought, but I can bear it."    


Chu Yan clenched his teeth, and started writing again.    


With each stroke, the pain increased.    


Furthermore, every wave of pain was different.    


Some were in pain from being skinned, some were in pain from having their limbs amputated, some were in pain from being possessed by ice, and some were pain from being burned by raging flames. In the six hours of inscribing the inscription, Chu Yan seemed to have experienced all the pain in the world.    


When the inscription was about to be completed, his face was as pale as paper and devoid of blood.    


Even when he was poisoned and imprisoned in the Abyss Demon Prison for exactly a year, Chu Yan's expression had never been this ugly.    


At this time, following the completion of the inscription pattern, Chu Yan's left arm's forearm had practically been covered by twisted runes.    


These runes were twisted and twisted like tadpoles, as if they were alive. Just a single glance at them would cause anyone who looked at them to feel fear and terror in their hearts.    


However, if one took a closer look, they would feel that there was an ancient, savage, and boundless smell coming from this tattoo. A heavy smell of history was enough to suffocate a person.    


"Yellow Springs Evil Dragon, still missing the last stroke."    


Chu Yan muttered, and blood trickled out from the corner of his mouth.    


In order to endure this unspeakable pain, Chu Yan clenched his teeth so hard that he felt like it was about to shatter.    


If it were an ordinary person, he would have already died from the pain dozens of times.    


With much difficulty, Chu Yan lifted his eyelids and looked at the hourglass.    


Most of the sand in the hourglass had already fallen to the bottom. There was only a little bit left on the sand, rustling and falling steadily like a small stream.    


"The last stroke …"    


Chu Yan took his brush.    


At this time, the Inscription Pen in his hands seemed to be extremely heavy, and Chu Yan had to use all of his strength to steadily hold it.    


"Last stroke, Evil Dragon's Eyes!"    


Chu Yan fiercely gritted his teeth as a strong stench of blood rushed into his nose and mouth.    


This bloody aura seemed to have ignited the air of injustice in his heart in the span of a moment, causing him to push himself forward and accurately draw his last line.    


In an instant, a ball of crimson light rose from his arm, enveloping the entire front part of his left arm.    


Even though it was just a ball of light, at this moment, it erupted with a grand aura that caused one's heart to palpitate. It was as if all living beings would become miniscule in front of it and would be crushed and devoured.    


Chu Yan could clearly see at this time, within the blood-red light, the image of a huge dragon flashed for a moment, moved along with the inscription patterns, and as if it was alive, it completely merged with his body and bloodline.    


In the next moment, the light dispersed.    


The pattern of the inscription on Chu Yan's arm also quickly faded.    


Chu Yan knew that this wasn't the disappearance of the body mark, but rather the disappearance of it under the skin, and it was hidden in the blood. Under normal circumstances, his arm would be no different from a normal arm, but once the Evil Dragon Body Mark of the Yellow Springs was activated, the pattern of the body mark would appear on his skin and release the terrifying power that belonged to it.    


The inscription was successful. Chu Yan really wanted to test its power at the first moment, but he felt that he was really too tired, even opening his eyes seemed to use up all of his strength.    


After his body swayed twice, Chu Yan plopped down on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.    


This time, Chu Yan slept for an entire day and night in the time-space cage.    


With Chu Yan's current strong body and mind, it was enough for him to sleep for one day and one night. From this, it could be seen how much energy he had expended to inscribe this inscription.    


After waking up, Chu Yan couldn't wait to raise his left arm before his eyes.    


At the moment, his arm looked no different from usual. However, when Chu Yan channeled the inscription pattern, a wave of primal energy gushed out from his arm.    


The surrounding air was even filled with the sound of crashing waves.    


From his elbow to his fingertip, a burst of crisp crackling sounds came from Chu Yan's left arm. From under his skin, a layer of dark-green dragon scales actually appeared.    


This layer of dragon scales was like a solid armor that protected his arm.    


From the look of it, it was just a defense. But, a faint but brutal aura exuded from the dragon's scale was astonishing.    


Chu Yan's arm moved slightly, and the dragon scales on his arm suddenly spread wide.    


At this moment, his arm seemed to have turned into a mace.    


His five fingers were also like dragon claws, sharp, brutal, and filled with an unparalleled aura of ferocity.    


Chu Yan muttered to himself, and summoned a golem to stand in front of him.    


He did not use any martial skills, but only casually pressed his hand on the statue's head.    


The stone golem's head was like tofu, instantly turning into mincemeat.    


"The power of the Yellow Springs Evil Dragon is not limited to this." Chu Yan looked at the dragon scales on his arm that were slowly fading away, and his eyes revealed a deep meaning, "I'm coming back soon, are you guys ready?"    


And on the day that Chu Yan successfully inscribed the Yellow Springs Evil Dragon, Shen Qing took the lead and returned to Wanxiang Town.    


When Chu Yan found out about this news the next day, Shen Qing had already left the Shattered Star Pavilion for several hours.    


Chu Yan did not really understand how important the Shen Family was to make Shen Qing, who had already joined the sect, be in a rush to return.    


But Chu Yan remembered his promise to Shen Qing.    


"We'll know when we get there." As Chu Yan was thinking about this matter, he was on his way to see the person who was in charge of Hua Muyan.    


He wouldn't be in the Shattered Star Pavilion for the next half a year. Although the relationship between him and Hua Muyan wasn't official master-disciple relationship, these etiquette couldn't be lacking.    


In the Shattered Star Pavilion, it was naturally very difficult for other people to meet Hua Muyan, but for Hua Muyan's disciple that she selected, it was relatively easy to meet her future teacher.    


Today, Hua Muyan just so happened to be not busy. When Chu Yan saw him, he expressed his intention of coming.    


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