Overriding the Heaven



2Seven or eight zombies attached themselves to you, opened their jaws and bit down.    


Fresh blood gushed out from his skin and flesh.    


When he was the closest, his dead companion was not even two feet away from Meng Yu.    


Meng Yu could see the unwillingness in his companion's eyes as he slowly knelt to the ground.    


Five zombies were lying on his body.    


These zombies' arms were like shovels, stabbing into their companion's back.    


The teeth bit into his companion's leg and neck. The wound was deep enough to see bone.    


The zombies tore off the armor of their companion as if they were tearing paper. The zombies opened their stomachs and fought over the internal organs.    


"You bastards!"    


Meng Yu roared.    


Looking at the scene in front of him, he wasn't the least bit afraid.    


At this moment, there was only anger.    


You dead people, why are you here?    




His arm seemed to be filled with strength as it smashed the zombie's head into pieces.    


If it was a human, they would have been completely dead by now.    


But for zombies, having a brain didn't matter at all.    


The bone claw instantly grabbed Meng Yu's neck.    


Meng Yu suddenly felt it difficult to breathe.    


At the same time, he felt a cold chill on his back and a sharp pain assaulted him.    


He didn't need to look to know that it was definitely another zombie. At this moment, it pounced on him and bit his back.    


Boiling hot blood sprayed out.    


"Am I going to die?"    


Thick regret appeared in Meng Yu's eyes.    


"Unfortunately, I couldn't stop this group of zombies."    


Blood continued to gush out, and the air in his lungs became less and less.    


Meng Yu felt that the sky had turned dark and was pressing down.    


At this moment, he felt the ground tremble.    


In the next moment, an enormous rumbling sound surged forth like the eruption of a volcano.    


At this moment, the ground was shaking, causing cracks and cracks to appear on it.    


Meng Yu's eyes widened as he saw a scene that he would never forget for the rest of his life.    


A column of fire, indescribably thick, shot up into the sky from a corner of the town like a fire dragon.    


The reddish-gold flames, with unparalleled power, engulfed the area in an instant and spread outwards.    


Even though he was far away, Meng Yu could still feel the destructive power.    


The corner of his mouth rose at this moment.    


"Sir, they've succeeded!"    


The flames that shot into the sky dyed the sky red.    


Half of Cypress Mountain Town had turned into ashes in an instant.    


In an instant, the terrifying power from the explosion was cleared out, leaving a blank space in the middle of the sea of corpses.    


The waves of flames engulfed the zombies, turning them into ashes in the blink of an eye.    


The constantly advancing sea of consciousness came to a halt at this moment.    


Although this process would not last for long.    


He had also paid the price of half of the town being destroyed and hundreds of people losing their lives.    


But as long as they could save the survivors, it was worth it.    


The flames didn't engulf Meng Yu's side.    


However, the turbulent air currents had blown him into the air and also tore the zombies on his body into pieces.    


Meng Yu fiercely crashed into the wall, causing blood to spurt out from his mouth.    


But his face was smiling.    


At this moment, the wounds on his body no longer hurt as much.    


Meng Yu held onto the wall as he staggered to his feet. He looked for the broken sword that had fallen not far away, and he started to pant heavily.    


Looking at the faintly discernible zombie silhouettes in the flames, Meng Yu tried his best to recover his strength.    


Once the zombies passed through the flames, as long as he didn't fall, he would have to stand in front of them again.    


The fire and explosion had indeed stopped the sea of corpses for a while.    


However, it only stopped them for about a quarter of an hour.    


Not long after, the group of zombies once again swarmed over.    


Only less than a quarter of the hundreds of people remained.    


Each of them was heavily injured.    


However, like Meng Yu, the other guards gritted their teeth and endured the pain. They picked up their weapons, but didn't pick them up. They grabbed a brick, a tile, and walked towards the sea of corpses with a sense of desperation.    


After being burned, half of the zombies were still smoking, and their parts were incomplete, which made them even more terrifying.    


Meng Yu walked forward step by step.    


This time, he probably wouldn't be able to survive.    


But before that, he would have to pull at least one of them, no, two zombies to support him!    


With this thought in mind, he immediately felt his whole body brimming with strength.    


Three hundred feet —    


Two hundred feet …    


Ten Zhang — —    


As he got closer and closer to the zombie, Meng Yu's grip on the broken sword became tighter and tighter.    


At this moment, a black shadow suddenly descended from the sky and landed in front of Meng Yu.    


Meng Yu's heart skipped a beat.    


"Could it be that there are zombies in the sky?"    


But the next moment, he saw a youth who was about his own age not too far away in front of him. He might be slightly older than him.    


However, this youth had an aura as majestic as a mountain.    


Standing beside him, Meng Yu even had the impulse to kneel down.    


In the young man's hand, there was a long halberd.    


Meng Yu dared swear that he'd never seen such a weapon before.    


This halberd was completely black in color, and there were dark-red lines flowing on the edge of its blade.    


These thin lines were like blood, but they also had a sense of destruction and natural disaster.    


Suddenly, Meng Yu felt as if he could see dead souls circling around the halberd, floating and roaring.    




Just as he was in a daze, Meng Yu heard the youth turn around and say this to him.    


Then, this youth carried the halberd and walked towards the vast sea of consciousness.    


Meng Yu immediately reacted. He really wanted to warn the youth to be careful. These were all zombies.    


But the next moment, he heard the youth growl with dissatisfaction at the group of zombies.    


"Get out of the way, it's stinky!"    


With that said, the halberd swept across.    




In an instant, a blood-red arc of light pierced through the air.    


The incoming zombie was torn into pieces like paper.    


Meng Yu was stunned.    


At this moment, he saw the youth attack once again.    


He could not tell how many times the halberd had waved in an instant.    


He could only feel that it was as if there were ghosts and gods howling in pain.    


Terrifying bloody light exploded from the halberd, turning into a tornado.    


Instantly, large areas of zombies were sucked into it. They rolled around and collided with each other, creating the sound of crackling and shattering. In a short moment, they were all turned to dust.    


"This is …"    


Meng Yu's breathing became hurried.    


He was no fool.    


Upon seeing this scene, he came to a realization.    


This young man was an Immortal! It was a cultivator!    


He's coming to save us!    


However, this cultivator seemed to have a bad temper.    2


After blasting the zombie in front of him into pieces, he looked at the endless sea of corpses and frowned.    


"If you continue watching, I'll kill you."    


Upon hearing those words, Meng Yu was taken aback.    


Could he be talking to me?    


At this moment, Meng Yu suddenly felt that the sky had suddenly released a dazzling jade-green light.    


The rays of light were resplendent, swallowing and spitting out unceasingly. In an instant, it was as if the sunlight was dyed green with green bamboo.    


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