Overriding the Heaven

C1272 The Treasure of the Twelve Kingdoms

C1272 The Treasure of the Twelve Kingdoms

2With someone supporting him, and a beautiful woman who was filled with exotic emotions, Puyang Yi naturally wanted to show off.    


But in the next moment, when he felt Chu Yan's impatient gaze, he suddenly felt his courage shrink, and he quickly said: "Legend has it that this Emperor has the ability to map out other people's past lives."    


"Hmm?" Chu Yan and Wusilanma looked at each other.    


"You mean, he can predict a person's fate?" Wusilanma said after hesitating for a moment.    


"Not only that." Puyang Yi's face turned serious.    


It was obvious that he had reached the crux of the problem.    


"My previous life, this life, the future." Puyang Yi raised three of his fingers, "He can see who a person was in their previous life, how they are in this life, and who they will be in the next.    


After saying that, Puyang Yi looked towards Chu Yan and Wusilanma.    


There was a profound look in his eyes as he said, "There is another piece of information that I did not intend to share.    


But I think I'd better tell you.    


The ancient book I flipped through, if there is no problem with its origin, should have come from the Emperor's favorite subject.    


The city that we are in, the Three Saint Mountain as a graveyard, is most likely arranged by this favorite official personally.    


At the very end of the ancient book was hidden a sentence.    


That sentence was covered by something else.    


If it wasn't for the fact that this ancient book was too old, that its surface was mottled and the words hidden inside, I probably wouldn't have discovered it.    


The general meaning of the words written on it was that the Emperor not only saw the fate of others, but also saw his own fate.    


The reason why he built such a mysterious grave is because he saw that he would wake up again after twenty thousand years. "    


Hearing this, Chu Yan and Wusilanma could not help but feel a chill behind their backs.    


"What you mean is that everything is within the Emperor's expectations?" Chu Yan frowned slightly.    


If Puyang Yi was not lying, then the resurrection of the zombie was proof of that.    


But subtly, Chu Yan felt that something was wrong.    


However, he didn't know where exactly it was.    


"I feel that it is indeed so from the meaning of the ancient books." Puyang Yi said, "Everything that we have done now, was seen by the Emperor from twenty thousand years ago."    


"What about his descendants? Why would a single official know about all of this? " Wusilanma raised a question.    


She was from the royal family.    


Although the Prefecture of Persia was only a small country on the continent, it was still a country that had existed for hundreds of years. As a princess, she was very clear about many things.    


"This Emperor seems to have no descendants." Puyang Yi continued: "According to the ancient texts, the Emperor's Roar, the army that will fight for him, is willing to follow him.    


And after a country that had just been unified for a short period of time, having lost both the emperor and the army, it was quickly thrown back into chaos. "    


Hearing Puyang Yi talk about the army that followed the Emperor, Chu Yan's mind immediately thought of those lifelike clay statues.    


He even suspected that those revived zombies were a part of the army that fought everywhere.    


After he finished speaking, Puyang Yi continued, "The rebel army, after invading the Imperial City, discovered that they couldn't find any treasures.    


When this emperor had conquered other countries, he had collected all the treasures and cultivation techniques that those countries had.    


And before he died, the raids continued.    


However, after his death, nothing was found. "    


"So what you're saying is, at that time, the treasures possessed by the twelve nations were all brought to this grave by him." Chu Yan nodded his head, "If he predicted that he would revive in 20,000 years, then doing so would make sense."    


"Preparing for revival?" Wusilanma still found it hard to believe, "He told all of this to his own Minister, is he not afraid that the Minister would betray him?"    


"I don't think so." Puyang Yi looked at Wusilanma deeply, "At that time, I was thinking the same thing as you. But later on, I found out that the person who wrote these words was the emperor's respected teacher.    


And that Imperial Advisor had followed him here when the Emperor was buried.    


Furthermore, that Imperial Advisor also mentioned in the ancient texts that he would use some form of presence to accompany that Emperor and respectfully welcome his return. "    


These words made Wusilanma inexplicably feel goosebumps all over her arms.    


"This guy, why does it feel like he didn't use a good method?" Wusilanma could not help but complain.    


"Three Saint Mountain." Chu Yan spoke up at this time.    


"Hmm?" Wusilanma looked at him suspiciously.    


Chu Yan muttered to himself for a while, and said: "If the city we are currently in is the tomb that the emperor built for himself, then the Three Sacred Mountain, might be three tombs.    


The emperor was in the center, and the Imperial Advisor who had been responsible for the construction of the tomb occupied one of them.    


"But if that's the case, who is the other mountain peak prepared for?"    


"Could it be his concubine?" Wusilanma said, "Don't emperors have the habit of burying their most beloved concubine?"    


Originally, she had only casually mentioned it.    


But in the end, Chu Yan seriously thought about it and said, "There is such a possibility."    


Seeing Chu Yan looking at him, Puyang Yi threw up his hands: "I am not sure about this, it is not written in the ancient book."    


"Did the people who caught you know about this?" Chu Yan suddenly asked.    


Puyang Yi didn't know why Chu Yan asked that, but he still answered honestly, "They didn't ask, so I don't think they did. However, they allowed me to pass through the method of sensing the Qi, and found a way to get to the palace above. "    


"Can't we go through that staircase?" Wusilanma pointed into the distance in surprise.    


"I'm not sure. However, from what those people said, if you want to climb the stairs, you have to break the seal first."    


The specific seals are related to the two sides of the mountain. " Puyang Yi explained: "The three peaks of the Three Holy Mountain, in this city, have three corresponding locations.    


The mountain in the middle corresponds to the palace above us.    


There are two places in the city that we are currently in, and they correspond to the two mountains on the left and right side of the city.    


You have to break something in the corresponding spot to see the road to the palace — I heard that group say something like that. "    


"They want you to find those two places." Chu Yan said.    


"Yes, it can be found through the method of viewing qi images." Puyang Yi nodded.    


"Did you find it?"    


Puyang Yi immediately revealed a blushing look, and said embarrassedly: "There's a little difficulty, I can only find a general direction, but this direction is a little too big for me, so that group of people brought me along, hoping that I could observe the change in fate in a few more places, and then narrow this area..."    


Puyang Yi wanted to explain more, but suddenly raised his hand, interrupting him, and said: "Someone has already found them."    


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