Overriding the Heaven



3Chu Yan understood that the puppets here were not as complicated as the one he was making in the time and space cage.     0


Even if it was extremely simple, it could still be used.    


For example, a few pieces of wood and some rocks could be used to make a simple puppet.    


If one was afraid of wear and tear, then one could tie fine iron to some parts of the puppet.    


In any case, the land on this island was just ordinary ground. Excavating the refined iron was as easy as cutting tofu.    


If Chu Yan wanted it to be easier, he wouldn't even need to make puppets, he could just use the Qi to pull the Refined Iron directly.    


However, after thinking for a while, Chu Yan decided to make a simple puppet to complete this task.    


This was because if one were to control the puppet with spiritual energy, they would need to adjust the puppet's four limbs.    


As a result, the more difficult it was to control spiritual energy, the more useful it was to increase one's control of spiritual energy.    


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan immediately started the production.    


After being arranged by Chu Yan, Kong Xian first went to the palace to meditate and cultivate.    


It was much easier for a cultivator to cut wood than it was for mortals.    


The mortals still needed to cut and chop. Chu Yan waved his arm and the trees on the island all fell to the ground.    


Then, a thin line of condensed spirit energy shot out from Chu Yan to the wood and the prepared fine iron.    


Not long later, dozens of crooked puppets, carrying hoes and other tools, stood in front of Chu Yan.    


Ever since Chu Yan was locked up in the Abyss Demon Prison, it had been eight to nine years since he led his men to war.    


Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but have the feeling that these simple and crude puppets were a group of soldiers that completely listened to his commands.    


Thinking of this, Chu Yan couldn't help but laugh. Then he shook his head and continued to create the puppets.    


Time passed in a flash, and soon it was evening.    


The fiery red sun slowly descended along with the horizon.    


The sea water was suddenly split into half blue and half red.    


From afar, it looked like half was ice and half was fire.    


The appearance of the setting sun was a sign of the end of the day for mortals.    


But at that very instant, the island Chu Yan was on was a scene of intense activity.    


A group of puppets, made from a few pieces of wood, which couldn't even be considered puppets, was currently working in unison.    


Dozens of them lined up in a line, lifted their hoes, and then dropped them down, clearing up their disciples.    


There were dozens of others, in another place, cutting wood, cutting wood, and then making fences and enclosures.    


On the other side, dozens of wooden puppets were digging the fish pond with the shovels in their hands.    


Altogether, there were three or four hundred wooden puppets.    


However, his movements were orderly.    


The entire scene could only hear the sounds of work and not the superfluous sounds of the wooden puppets.    


If these wooden puppets were normal people, then the current scene would have seemed quite frightening.    


At this moment, Chu Yan sat on a large rock.    


He slowly closed his eyes, using his spiritual sense to scan his surroundings.    


He placed both his hands on his knees, and between his index fingers, there were thousands of thin threads of spirit energy, which were pulling each of the wooden bodies' torso and limbs, directing their every move.    


When ordinary people did things, they could only focus on one thing.    


People with extraordinary talents could multitask.    


Those with exceptional talent could focus on three or even four uses.    


However, if he wanted more, he would have to be a cultivator.    


This was because as the cultivator's realm and strength continued to increase, not only would they condense their bodies, but they would also have a vigorous blood energy and constantly develop their brain.    


The power of the Divine Sense allowed them to achieve a power that was far, far beyond the reach of ordinary people.    


However, for spiritual sense, the more parts a person needed to divide up, the more aspects a person needed to work on. They would feel exhausted.    


But from another point of view, it was also a form of exercise.    


Training and tempering his spiritual sense!    


It was just like a cultivator tempering his body. In the early stages, he would tie a piece of lead to his body, and at this moment, Chu Yan was tying an extra piece of lead to his body.    


If it was the Chu Yan of the past, it would be impossible for him to control 300 to 400 wood puppets all by himself with no mistakes.    


However, after absorbing the Demon Prince's soul, his spiritual sense had been greatly strengthened.    


Moreover, right now, he was still using a multitasking method to continue strengthening that consciousness.    


In fact, at the beginning of the day, Chu Yan only controlled about two hundred wooden puppets at the same time.    


When he felt that he had adapted to it, he would be able to increase the number of wood puppets by a dozen or twenty.    


By this time in the evening, the number had almost doubled from the beginning.    


However, the effort Chu Yan expended was also very great.    


In the past, when he fought with others, he rarely sweated.    


And now, even though he was sitting still and only occasionally lifted his finger, a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.    


Although one could not see with the naked eye the training of the soul, the degree of toil would only be greater than the tempering of the body.    


As the cultivation level of a cultivator increases, the level of development of the body will eventually reach a certain limit.    


However, the development of the brain was far from stopped.    


The higher the realm of a cultivator, the stronger their brain and soul would be. This was also the principle.    


Chu Yan controlled these wooden puppets from the afternoon until the next morning.    


Not long after the sun rose in the morning, Kong Xian came out of the palace to look for Chu Yan.    


Although he had already anticipated this situation, he was still deeply shocked when he saw the large group of wooden puppets working in a frenzy.    


When Chu Yan saw that Kong Xian had arrived, he stopped controlling the wooden puppets.    


The two of them looked at each other with a solemn expression on their faces.    


The reason was simple.    


Today was the 30th of July.    


On the day that the Spirit Severing Road ended.    


"They should be back." Although Kong Xian had a smile on his face, one could tell that he wasn't relaxed at all.    


After all, even though he had never personally experienced the dangers of Spirit Severing Road, he had heard of them.    


This was an extremely rigorous screening.    


Although Chu Yan had made the greatest amount of preparations for the group, it was inevitable that something unexpected would happen.    


"I hope everyone can return safely." Compared to Kong Xian, Chu Yan was much calmer.    


With a wave of his hand, he retrieved the Spirit Boat. Chu Yan and Kong Xian boarded it to welcome everyone back.    


Not long after, Chu Yan and Kong Xian arrived at the island where the teleportation gate would open at the end of Spirit Severing Road.    


When they arrived, they discovered that there were already quite a few people gathered here.    


It was obvious that these people were from the cultivators of Spirit Severing Road, or perhaps their friends.    


Although they were all disciples of Heaven's Edge Sect, but because there were too many disciples of Heaven's Edge Sect, Chu Yan did not recognize any of the people present.    


However, when these disciples saw Chu Yan, the majority of them changed their expressions.    


Someone took the initiative to bow to Chu Yan and saluted him.    


However, most of them had expressions of fear on their faces. They couldn't help but take a step back.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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