Overriding the Heaven



0This illusion was like a dragon yet not a dragon, a phoenix yet not a phoenix. Before the illusion had completely solidified, an enormous aura that could shake the yin and yang, destroy the sun and moon, and sink the stars came crushing down.     3


"This is …" "This is …"    


The Black Dragon's bloodless lips constantly trembled.    


His body trembled violently, and at this moment, it was as if his mind had turned blank from the pressure.    


A domineering, arrogant, immortal, and submissive aura spread out from the shadow that was formed behind Chu Yan.    


The bloodline of the Flood Dragon that the Black Dragon was so proud of seemed to have turned into a loach at this moment.    


The bloodline that this illusion represented was not a Divine Beast, but it was even more arrogant than Divine Beasts.    


At this moment, Chu Yan also noticed the change in the Black Dragon's expression.    


He could clearly see that at this very moment, the Black Dragon was even more fearful and terrified than before.    


"Neither the White Tiger bloodline nor the Kirin bloodline seems to have frightened him so much." Chu Yan squinted his eyes.    


At this moment, the Black Dragon was like a frail child in his eyes. He saw a general that had just returned from the battlefield bathed in blood and slaughtered the enemy like a god of death.    


When a child saw an emperor, it was in awe, it was in fear.    


Seeing such a God of Death covered in blood, that was the purest form of fear.    


At this very moment, the Black Dragon's expression was one of fear!    


"He's even more fearful than seeing the White Tiger and Kirin Bloodline …" With a thought, Chu Yan knew what kind of demon beast's blood the shadow behind him came from.    


First floor of Return to the Ruins Tower — — Canghai Cloud Cracking Beast!    


That was the first time Chu Yan absorbed demonic beast blood essence, and it was also the first gift his mother left him.    


Ka-cha! *    


At this moment, the purple crystal wall that was trapping Chu Yan suddenly shook and a crack appeared on the surface.    


This meant that the outcome of the bloodline suppression was about to be decided.    


The Black Dragon's body trembled.    


A crack appeared on his forehead.    


Blood gushed out from the wound.    


In the blink of an eye, the Black Dragon seemed to have turned into a stream of blood.    


All the thick blood that had been produced by the explosion in his body now gushed out of the cracks in his head.    


At the same time, the fissure grew larger and larger.    


The Black Dragon was still in the air, its arms and legs frantically flailing about as it struggled with all its might.    


But just as he had said before, during the initial period of chaos, the Spirit Demon ancestor set down the bloodline suppression. How could it be broken by a small Grand Monster of Manifestation like him?    


The shadow of the Canghai Cloud Cracking Beast became clearer and clearer.    


At this moment, the crystal wall in front of Chu Yan shattered like a flower of blood.    


The Black Dragon's head was now split in half.    


As for the cracks, they were still extending down his neck and chest.    


At a glance, it was as if there was an invisible hand that was gouging him out of the middle.    


Blood was still gushing out.    


At this moment, blood was pouring down from the sky like a hole had been pierced through it. The gushing blood turned into a waterfall and fell into the sea, creating a deafening boom.    


"Did you say who was smart before?" Chu Yan sneered and snorted.    


At this moment, he did not wait for the other party to be completely suppressed to death by their bloodline.    


This was because Chu Yan didn't know what exactly was going on with the bloodline suppression.    


If he suppressed his opponent to the point where he would explode into pieces, then his goal of seizing his opponent's spine would be impossible.    


Furthermore, the Black Dragon's heart was currently filled with all sorts of negative emotions: panic, fear, unwillingness, anger, and despair.    


In this sort of situation, if one seized the spine and forged a magic treasure, the power of the magic treasure would multiply.    


Thus, Chu Yan did not wait any longer and shouted loudly: "blood sacrifice technique!"    


The thick and powerful arm was like a giant opening the mountain as it collided heavily.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


A loud sound echoed out, and the previously indestructible crystal wall was completely shattered. It fell down in streams.    


Chu Yan immediately looked up and saw that the black dragon's body was almost completely split in half.    


Furthermore, these two halves of its body were constantly twisting around and around, like the hands of a demon beast ancestor. They were squeezing a towel in an attempt to squeeze all of the blood out of its body.    


Chu Yan immediately flew over, reached out his hand and pierced into the other party's body. He grabbed the spine and the huge force shook the surroundings.    


Sssii! *    


The black dragon's flesh and blood was instantly torn apart.    


Chu Yan was holding a complete spine in his hand.    


However, the black dragon had taken the form of a flood dragon, so its spine had now grown to three hundred feet in length.    


If it was an ordinary person, it would be impossible to take away such a long spine that was filled with a murderous aura.    


Evil aura would not have any good effects on cultivators. If an ordinary storage bag were to be placed in this spine, it would not take long for the evil aura to corrode it and destroy it.    


However, Chu Yan didn't have such a question.    


The Black Dragon was suppressed to death by his bloodline. When that evil aura, which was unavoidable, met Chu Yan, it was like a mouse that saw a cat, constantly retreating along its long spine.    


If this infernal energy had the ability to leave this spine, then it would have already escaped as far away as it could.    


Chu Yan scanned the spine and nodded in satisfaction.    


Hot, fresh out of the cage. Blood and soul were condensed and covered with a murderous aura. It was just perfect.    


After placing it on the echo loop, Chu Yan raised his head and looked up into the sky.    


At this moment, he could clearly feel the shockwave from the ten thousand feet above his head spreading out in all directions.    


The tremors were exceptionally unstable, as if they were out of control.    


As the tremors grew more intense, the space that had previously been sealed off began to be under control.    


Chu Yan turned the Waves Void Bracelet on his wrist.    


The void can be folded.    


Although it was far from being as smooth as before, the space sealed off gave off a clear feeling of melting ice and snow.    


"Sky Flipping Seal." Chu Yan looked at the sky.    


He remembered clearly that the Black Dragon had previously said that the magic treasure that had sealed the area for 100,000 kilometers was called the Heaven Flipping Seal.    


To be able to use this treasure at the ninth level of Manifestation, it sealed off such a vast expanse of space.    


Although this had something to do with being in the vast ocean, this piece of magical equipment was definitely not an ordinary item.    


Therefore, from the beginning, the Sky Flipping Seal was the same as the spine of the Black Dragon, and Chu Yan viewed it as a must-have.    


At this moment, the unstable shock wave became even more intense. It was clear that the death of the Black Dragon had caused this magical equipment to go out of control.    


Chu Yan immediately stepped on the World Chessboard and turned into a ray of light as he flew straight up. In an instant, he passed through the vast sea of clouds.    


The dazzling sunlight spread out and reflected the white clouds.    


At the same time, Chu Yan saw a giant seal floating thousands of feet above the sea of clouds.    


This giant seal was about a floor high. It was square and completely green.    


At first glance, he felt it was nothing out of the ordinary, but once he scanned it with his spiritual sense, he could immediately feel an incomparably profound, ancient, and heavy smell, as if countless years of history had suddenly smashed into the ground in front of him, causing him to feel as if his own soul had been crushed into thin paper at this moment, floating alone in the air, never to return.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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