Rich Daddy, Don't Be Arrogant

C90 A Coincidence at the School Gate

C90 A Coincidence at the School Gate

2Yeh Lanshu was still helping her son tidy up his clothes and school bag. Gao Zixian saw Jiang Xiaolang not far away and said eagerly to his mother, "Goodbye, mother!"     3


He caught up to Jiang Xiaolang and patted his shoulder, saying, "Xiaolang, what a coincidence. You are the first child I saw today! Who sent you here today? Is it your father?"    


Jiang Xiaolang dodged to the side and avoided his touch. He frowned and said, "No, don't guess!"    


Yeh Lanshu watched from afar. Her son seemed to have been disdained. When Jiang Xiaolang hid from Gao Zixian, he leaned to the side and let her see the side of his face.    


She said to Gao Weitine, "Whose family is that child from? She is pretty and quite arrogant. She seems to dislike our son."    


Gao Weitine had already noticed that it was Jiang Xiaolang. He hurriedly said, "He should be a child in my son's class, right? You can see that he's pretty from so far away? Can he be as pretty as our son? "    


Yeh Lanshu smiled proudly," No one can compare to our son! If she had a daughter, she would be even more beautiful. Why don't we prepare to give birth to another daughter? "    


Gao Weitine smiled." Alright, not necessarily a daughter. It's good to have a companion for Zixian. However, we still need to ask Zixian for his opinion on this matter. "    


Yeh Lanshu saw that Gao Weitine spoke very naturally and was very happy in her heart. "Okay. When he comes back from school, ask him if he likes his younger brother or younger sister."    


Gao Weitine opened the passenger door of the passenger seat and let Yeh Lanshu get in the car. Just as he was about to get in the car, a car suddenly flew past him and stopped in front of their car.    


Gao Weitine was shocked. He quickly moved to the side of the car and closed the door.    


Yeh Lanshu also saw it. She quickly asked, "I didn't touch you, did I?"    


Gao Weitine shook his head, "No."    


Yeh Lanshu said angrily, "Who is this? Do you know how to drive?"    


She and Gao Weitine looked up and saw a woman with unkempt hair and a dirty face rushing out of the car in front of them.    


She almost pulled her daughter out of the car. "Qiaoqiao, hurry up. We are going to be late!"    


Hsu Qiaoqiao looked at her mother and sighed. She said, "Mom, don't stay up late in the future. It doesn't matter if I'm late, but if your body collapses, then it's not worth it!"    


Qiao Yi's book was highly recommended on the website's hot list. The editor asked her to write 20,000 words a day. Qiao Yi could only write overnight and only sleep after three o'clock in the morning. In the end, the alarm did not wake her up the next day. It was only Hsu Qiaoqiao who pulled her ear that woke her up.    


Hsu Wenchang had already gone to work. Hsu Qiaoqiao's grandfather and grandmother went out for a walk and had not come back yet. Qiao Yi did not even bother to wash her face and sent her daughter to the kindergarten.    


Her daughter's care made Qiao Yi feel very guilty. She kissed her daughter's forehead a few times and said, "Little Treasure, it's mother's fault. In the future, mother must be careful. Don't stay up late. Don't let baby be late again!"    


"Yes, mother, you go home and drive carefully. When you go back, quickly go back to sleep!"    


"Okay, baby, quickly go!"    


Hsu Qiaoqiao jogged into the kindergarten door.    


Qiao Yi was relieved and pinched her sore forehead. Just when she wanted to sit in the car, she turned her head and saw Gao Weitine. Her face darkened. She spat on the ground and scolded, "Trash!"    


Yeh Lanshu was angry. "What kind of person is this? She almost bumped into someone and still had this kind of attitude. This is totally unfair!"    


She opened the car door and was about to get out of the car to argue with Qiao Yi.    


Gao Weitine hurriedly pulled her and said, "She is the mother of Zixian's classmate. She also did not do it on purpose just now. Forget it, let's go. I am going to the company. There is an important meeting in the morning!"    


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