Rich Daddy, Don't Be Arrogant

C2 The Beginning of the Mistake

C2 The Beginning of the Mistake

2One night at the bar.    2


Jiang Nanxi drank a glass of wine and completely ignored the noisy world behind her.    


There was a large suitcase beside her legs, but she did not know where to go.    


She was from Ann City and her mother and father divorced. She followed her mother to Tang City and lived with her grandfather and grandmother.    


Now, both her grandfather and grandmother were gone, and her mother was gone as well. The only thing she wanted to do in this city was to build a home with Gao Weitine.    


But now, Gao Weitine had abandoned her, making her look like a kite with its string cut off.    


She drank another glass of wine, then looked at her watch. It was already 9: 30, but that person had not come.    


Could it be that he was unwilling to even give her an explanation?    


Although during the day, he said it so resolutely, she still didn't believe that he was tired of her!    


She knew better than anyone how much he cherished her! It must be something else that forced him to let go of her! It must be like this!    


At this moment, a group of people walked to her side.    


She looked over with hazy drunk eyes and saw Yeh Lanshu, who was surrounded by many bodyguards, but there was no Gao Weitine.    


Her heart ached. She turned her head and drank another cup of wine.    


Yeh Lanshu snorted mockingly and waved her hand. A bodyguard behind her put a large cardboard box next to Jiang Nanxi's hand.    


Yeh Lanshu said, "Jiang Nanxi, you gave these to Weitine. He asked me to return them to you on his behalf. He also asked me to tell you something. Don't bother him anymore. He doesn't owe you anything!"    


What did he not owe her? Her five years of youth and feelings, in his eyes, were they worthless?    


Her already numb heart started to hurt again. She did not look at the box. She waved at the bartender and said, "Help throw these junk away. In a while, I'll give you more tips!"    


She had already lost the person, so why would she keep those things?    


The bartender nodded. "Okay, Miss Jiang." As he spoke, he moved the paper box to the bottom of the counter.    


Jiang Nanxi raised her head and drank a cup of wine. She said coldly, "You can leave. I have nothing to say to you!"    


Yeh Lanshu sized Jiang Nanxi up a few times and pulled over a tall chair. Sitting beside her, she suddenly laughed, "To be honest, I really did not feel any sense of accomplishment from winning. Look at your attire. You are only in your early twenties but you are already like a middle-aged woman. You don't have the slightest bit of feminine scent on you, how can you attract men? So, there's nothing wrong with Weitine leaving you!"    


Jiang Nanxi looked at her coldly," So now you admit that you seduced him with your foxy body? "    


Yeh Lanshu snorted," Do you know what is called mutual affection? Jiang Nanxi, you two have been together for five years. He has never touched you, right? Do you know why?"    


Jiang Nanxi was stunned. She recalled the days when she was with Gao Weitine in the past. The two of them ate together, went to class together, went to the library together, and went to the laboratory together. She felt that this was sweet enough.    


Yeh Lanshu proudly went in front of her and said, "He said that you are too slow. You are just a learning machine. Like a block of wood, you are not enlightened at all. He is really not interested in this piece of wood! He even told me that there were a few times when he had a beautiful wish to improve his relationship. He wanted to do it with his eyes closed, but you still acted like an idiot... Being indifferent made him lose his appetite. He even said that you're going to suffocate him and cause internal injuries... "    


" You're talking nonsense. He's not as despicable as you say! He cherished me and said that he wanted to wait until the wedding ceremony... "    


She's a good learning machine, but she's not slow, let alone the man she loves with all her heart! She understood his forbearance, so she admired him even more in her heart!    


She did not believe that the Gao Weitine she loved for five years was the wretched man Yeh Lanshu talked about!    


"Cherish? Hehe!" A trace of hatred flashed across Yeh Lanshu's eyes.    


She moved closer to Jiang Nanxi and pulled down her collar to let her see her neck and collarbone. It was full of red and swollen marks and looked very fresh.    


Jiang Nanxi suddenly closed her eyes and turned her head and drank a cup of wine.    


Yeh Lanshu was very satisfied with her reaction. As she tidied her clothes, she said, "This is the proof of a man's crazy love for a woman. Jiang Nanxi, admit it. You have already lost!"    


She stood up and then said, "Jiang Nanxi, you are just an orphan whose mother died and father did not want you. You can't give him anything, but I can give him everything! Therefore, he needs me even more now! Therefore, you have completely lost!"    


Before she could finish her words, she actually waved her hand and slapped Jiang Nanxi.    


Her slap even knocked out the wine in Jiang Nanxi's mouth.    


"Jiang Nanxi, you should understand now. I am not Mo. Weitine just made the wisest choice! So, I will return this slap to you!"    


After she finished speaking, she left with her bodyguard.    


Jiang Nanxi sat on the chair and really wanted to laugh, but she could not.    


Was this the truth that she wanted?    


To say that she did not know how to be romantic and was a block of wood, could not give him the future he wanted? So the beautiful blueprints that he had drawn for her previously were all for her to play with?    


How stupid was she to be so heartless towards such a hypocritical and despicable man?    


Such a man was not worthy of Jiang Nanxi's love at all!    


Now, she was somewhat grateful to Yeh Lanshu. It was she who had successfully taken that beast away!    


However, her heart was still very painful. They had been together for five years and every day was so sweet and beautiful. There was not a single quarrel because he could not bear to lose his temper towards her and she also could not bear to make him angry...    


They had originally planned to work hard in Tang City after graduation. They would get married, buy a house, have children, and start a family!    


She had originally planned to give herself to him completely tonight!    


She wanted a home so badly, a home formed by him!    


Now, everything was gone, gone...    


Jiang Nanxi did not know how much alcohol she drank until she felt that her stomach was about to burst. Only then did she waddle to the bathroom on the second floor.    


She vomited in front of the sink and it was dark. She washed her face and staggered out of the bathroom. She wanted to go downstairs but the direction was reversed.    


She did not go downstairs and instead walked towards the private room.    


Her steps were unsteady. Her body tilted and she fell on a door. The door was knocked open and she fell to the ground in a sorry state.    


Before she could react, a big hand grabbed her neck, lifted her up, and pushed her onto the door.    


A cold male student exploded on top of her head. "You were sent by that woman? Tell me, what did she ask you to do?"    


Jiang Nanxi's mind was in chaos. In the darkness, she could not see the man's face clearly. She only felt that this man was very tall and his eyes were very bright. Listening to his voice, she felt that he was very powerful.    


She did not understand what the man was saying but his hands pinching her made her feel very uncomfortable and she could not breathe.    


She counted his fingers and said vaguely, "What woman? That Mo? Wuwu, she's a vixen. She hooked my man away. Help me snatch him back, okay?"    


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