Rich Daddy, Don't Be Arrogant

C10 Real Revenge

C10 Real Revenge

3Yeh Lanshu was actually still very afraid of her brother. Now that he spoke, he meant that he was willing to let Jiang Nanxi treat her. It was useless for her to resist anymore, so she gave up struggling.    


When she calmed down, Jiang Nanxi could easily work.    


Her pair of white hands were separately on Yeh Lanshu's lower abdomen and back, massaging and tapping.    


Yeh Lanshu's abdomen was bloated and even with Jiang Nanxi's slight movements, her entire body trembled from the pain.    


She could not help but cry out, "Jiang Nanxi, you want to kill me? It hurts so much!"    


Jiang Nanxi coldly said, "Bear with it! When I press down, you are not allowed to hold your breath! A few minutes will do!"    


As she spoke, she pressed the bottom of her palm heavily on Yeh Lanshu's lower abdomen and pressed down hard.    


Yeh Lanshu screamed in pain and screamed until she was almost screaming.    


Jiang Nanxi's small face was cold as she clenched her other hand into a fist and rhythmically knocked Yeh Lanshu's lower back.    


Gao Weitine studied medicine, but he did not know what kind of technique Jiang Nanxi used. He pressed on Yeh Lanshu's shoulder. His palms were sweating, and he did not know what he was nervous about.    


Yeh Beixiao pressed on Yeh Lanshu's legs and could not understand what Jiang Nanxi was doing. But looking at her cold little face, he inexplicably believed that she was treating Yeh Lanshu.    


Jiang Nanxi was wearing a white t-shirt. Her collar was semicircle and a little low. When she knocked and massaged Yeh Lanshu's lower back and abdomen, she always bent her waist.    


Yeh Beixiao was standing. From his angle, he looked at Jiang Nanxi. His line of sight just happened to pierce through her loose collar. Then, he saw a beautiful lace lining her beautiful skin.    


That soft and bouncy touch just now suddenly filled his heart and made him stunned. He instantly felt a fever on his face and subconsciously turned his head away.    


At this time, he heard Jiang Nanxi say, "Waste gas discharged. If you mind, you can cover your nose yourself!"    


Before everyone could understand what was going on, they heard a puffing sound coming from behind Yeh Lanshu. Immediately following that, a stench spread out. That smell was so nauseating that it made people nauseous.    


It turned out that it was Yeh Lanshu who farted. Furthermore, she farted for a full minute.    


The fart she farted was really too smelly. Even Gao Weitine and Yeh Beixiao could not help covering their noses.    


Yeh Lanshu was so embarrassed that she almost died. She struggled again and scolded, "Jiang Nanxi, I'm going to kill you!"    


Spitting such a smelly fart in front of so many people would be the biggest stain in her life!    


Jiang Nanxi said coldly, "Don't move, don't breathe!"    


Everyone in the treatment room covered their noses, but Jiang Nanxi still tightly pressed Yeh Lanshu's lower abdomen and lower back. She did not even frown. And Yeh Lanshu just now was bulging like three or four pregnant stomachs. She slowly deflated.    


Yeh Beixiao looked at her, his eyes somewhat deep.    


Jiang Nanxi pressed on Yeh Lanshu's lower abdomen and commanded, "Yeh Lanshu, take a deep breath, hold your breath, send your breath to your intestines, relax your anus!"    


Yeh Lanshu was about to cry. At this time, she did not feel so much pain, but she really wanted to pull it, and it was the kind that could not be controlled!    


"Jiang Nanxi, stop. I, I need to go to the toilet..." She felt incomparably ashamed.    


Jiang Nanxi coldly said, "I cannot let go now. Once I let go, all my previous efforts will be in vain. Do as I say, quickly!"    


"I don't want..." Yeh Lanshu really cried.    


She already had no face to face others by blowing her own ass in front of everyone. If she still pulled her pants in front of everyone, how could she live?    


But Jiang Nanxi did not give her the chance to retreat. Her palm heavily kneaded and pressed. There was a squelch and then the stench spread out!    


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