Ghost In Red

C13 Chapter 13 - Helplessly Hopeless

C13 Chapter 13 - Helplessly Hopeless

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




"Hi, Ollie! Good morning, my little ray of sunshine! I know the sun hasn't come out yet, but I'm here early because we got a breakfast meeting with an investor, and Candice and I will have a flight home after that. We will check on your brother, and we will be back here soon. Maybe he will come with us. He surely misses you so much and has been wanting to see you soon. Please do good here, alright? Get well." My father whispered after planting a kiss on my forehead while holding my right hand gently, and I looked at my ghost right hand when I had felt something weird on it.    


I felt his touch. Woah! Could it mean something good? That means I am still connected with my physical body, right? Oh, my ghost!    


"I'll see you soon, Ollie." He muttered and smiled a sad one before walking out of the room; then, I went close to my body to look at it intently.    


"I felt his touch. I felt my father's hand holding mine!" I let out when I noticed the four ghosts who just passed through the wall on my right. They must have seen my father walking into my room. One of my new ghost friends is Ericka, who got here three weeks ago because of a motorbike accident, and Lucinda, a middle-aged woman who got a heart attack a month ago.    


"Really?" Clinton asked in surprise and examined my physical body closely, and Dylan tried to touch my left barefoot.    


"Silly, she won't feel that. You are a damn ghost, too, Dylan." Ericka said and went to look at the machine on my left to check on something.    


"I really did feel my dad's hand. That means I am still connected with my body, right? Do you experience it, too?" I confirmed and asked them, curious to know if we are the same or not.    


"No. But you know what, Liv, you seem to have the same case with Barry Jefferson. He said he could feel the change in temperature around him, the touch of people, the smell, and many things his physical body undergoes. And, the good thing is he did wake up. Three months. It took him three months to have finally recovered. Maybe you have a chance, too, young one." Lucy answered and explained that it made me hopeful that I could still wake up in my body one day.    


Then Clint followed, "Yep, that's true. He was one of those two I met who survived for the last six months of my stay here. And, maybe you could still live, Liv."    


"But it better be quick, girl. You only have less than two weeks." Ericka mentioned and turned to look at me, and I let out a sigh as I am not so sure about my survival now. Dad shouldn't have signed those papers, and he shouldn't have decided it in the first place. I am just okay, and all I need is time. Perhaps a bit longer. Two months, maybe, or more. Yet, they must have been thinking that they are waiting for nothing. I know they are hurting, but me, too. It hurts seeing and hearing them like mourning even if I am still here.    


We all went to the couches to sit down, and I guess ghosts are okay not to sleep, but I did sleep during the flight from LA. Maybe it depends. I just feel fine anyway.    


"What do you think I should do about it?" I asked them all since they were the ones who have been here longer, except for Dylan.    


"Pray. You pray hard, sweetie." Lucy suggested, and I have been working on it. I am asking Him for a second chance to live.    


Then Ericka raised a hand and said, "Try to find someone in the living world that could help you- the ones that could see or feel you... Hear you especially."    


I looked at her with a curious face and asked her, "There are people that could see us?"    


"Yeah, the ones who have six senses, I guess," Dylan replied, and maybe he has a point. Yeah, there are people like those.    


"No. Not everyone with extra senses could see ghosts and help them, Dyl. Some might see or feel you, but they will just ignore you. They treat it like a normal thing that happens to them every day- seeing ghosts everywhere they go. While some only feel something warm if you touch them, others think that they are just hallucinating or being paranoid. I did try asking a fortune teller to help me tell my parents to give up on me, but she said that she doesn't help ghosts who ask favors from her because it may cause a change or an arc in my destiny if she helps me. It sucks, right? But anyway, maybe you could find someone willing to help you, Liv. We just don't know; they would be just around the corner. And, I wish you great good luck with it." Clint explained, and it made me feel helpless but hopeful. Yeah, maybe I could find someone who can help me tell my father not to give up on me and give me more time.    


"Okay, that seems helpful, everyone. What I need to do is find someone that could notice me. But what if I can't find one?" I answered and asked since I still feel a bit of doubt that I could accomplish my plan within a short time.    


"Well, then, case clo---" Ericka began, but Clint cut her off, "Don't ever say it, bitch."    


"I'm just saying, you know? Since she said that if she can't find one within her given time, what would happen to her? I just answered it properly. Because in my case, I don't feel anything that my physical body experiences. And I believe I will die soon. My parents can't afford to pay the hospital bills any longer, and my girlfriend already gave up on me. So, I'm saying that I have already accepted my defeat and my death. But in Liv's case, she seems to have hope. I will just cheer on you then." The broken-hearted gay girl retorted, and I smiled at her in response.    


"No, don't lose hope, Ericka. Maybe we all have those chances to live and be with our family again." I reassured her and reached for her hand through Clinton's torso, and she pouted her lips, making a puppy dog face while nodding her head in response.    


"Yeah, always hope for the best! But hey, Liv, since you are the newest here, can I ask you something? In Addition to what we have asked you earlier." Clint cheered and turned to look at me when he asked.    


"Yep, what is it?" I told him to go on while the others seemed interested to hear it out.    


"How was your love life when you left? Do you have a boo waiting for your return? I bet he is someone famous in your school, because one look at you, I can already tell you are like the... You know, some sort of thing like the Queen bee? Princess campus, no, campus princess, campus crush, or... Cheerleader? Which are you, huh? Also, is he a quarterback? Basketball captain? Or what?" He asked me a series of questions with a broad smile painted on his excited-looking face, and I just simply shook my head in response.    


"Actually, I am none of those, Clint. I am more on the academics-shits at school. Nerd, if that's what you want to call it. And I think I don't have someone waiting for me." I answered with all my truth, and I noticed them make oh faces.    


"Why are you not so sure?" Dylan curiously asked, and I don't think I could get out of the hot seat anytime soon. Should I tell them? I think it will make me feel a bit better, and maybe they have some advice for me.    


"I... Umm, he is the quarterback. But I broke up with him before I got into that accident that brought me here. It was Valentine's Day." I confessed with a bit of feeling of being regretful about it. I was just mad. That is why I did it.    


"Oooh, that is... Tragic." Lucy remarked while looking so sorry, and there was silence from the three thinking ghosts. I know they are waiting to hear more about the reason behind it.    


"It's okay if you won't tell us if you are not comfy letting it out, Liv," Ericka told me, and she smacked the head of the person sitting between us when he said, "Why? Why did you break up with him?"    


"Well, a third party. There are just some bitches that like to always get on my nerves." I answered, and Clint cursed, "That's shit. Who the fuck is that girl? Do you want us to scare her till she loses her shit? How dare she? You should avenge, girl!"    


"How did you know that they... You know, creeping behind your back?" Ericka asked, and Clint stuck her tongue out to her, thinking she wouldn't ask me some uncomfy questions.    


"About that... Umm, someone gave me pictures of them together. Though I was not really sure if it's real or edited, I confronted her and kind of exercised my right palm together with her left cheek. Now, I just realized what I did that day. It's so embarrassing. I am not really certain about them being together, but I also think she did it on purpose because she is the only one I knew that had hated me so much since forever. She might have done it so that I could do something stupid. And I did. But I am not sorry that I slapped her for the first time, though. Record-breaking." I answered, and they laughed at it. That was indeed a reckless move of mine.    


"Wow, that sounds interestingly good, Liv. So, about this girl, did she counter an attack? What was her reaction to it?" Clint let out, excited to hear more about the clash between Sydney and me, and I replied while trying to recall the scene I made at the restroom, "Mmm, no. She didn't counter physically but just went to spat at me with her usual insults. And I think she is good at keeping her cool. And she denied the whole shits with my ex, of course."    


"Oh, okay. But what is she like? Is she the mean dumb queen bee or what? Head of the cheers?" Clint muttered and asked, and I shook my head in response and answered, "Nope. She's none of those, also. Well, she is like... Uh... How should I define her? Mmm, here. She is... The... The Ice Queen Supernerd. Yeah. I mean, we have been the foes when it comes to academics. Just like... If I join any event or a contest, the extracurricular ones at the academy- she would also join, then we race to be the one on top and the winner. Also, in our classroom, damn, that's where the real war happens. Whenever our teachers ask for some opinions or answers about a lesson or theories, I would give mine, and she will right on the spot oppose it to prove my ideas wrong. And we have been like that since... We started school. Preschool until now. That girl is undoubtedly crazy. And I am the only one who she treats so mean and rude. Then, I just give her a decent reply as always."    


"She sounds pretty gay to me." Ericka let out, which made us all turn our heads to her.    


"Why would you say that, bitch? I was about to say the same thing, actually." Clinton asked, and what he mentioned made me look at them both with my weirded-out face. The heck? Why would they think that way?    


"Umm, because... You know me. My gaydar is always on point, and I could sense if someone is a part of the community, even if they are on the other side of the country or just hearing things. I am a great listener. Liv mentioned that the girl always makes a way to get her attention. Based on my experience, it's what I do whenever I am crushing on someone. I would always get on their nerves to piss them off. I just find them so hot when they get mad. And, I don't know about you all. But that's what I am visualizing. Why do you think the girl's gay, Clint?" Ericka explained, and it made me and the other straight ghosts here think. Is it really that way? No, I don't think Roswell is gay.    


"Welp, if you ask me... I will ask you, Liv, how was the girl's love life? How many boys or girls were her exes?" The gay guy answered and asked me, which made me not think extensively about the answer.    


"None, not until now that she snatched mine just a month ago," I answered with all I know, and the two ghosts high fives each other. What now?    


"Confirmed. Gay. And she's been crushing on you for so long then." They asserted, and it made me laugh out loud at their remarks about that blue-eyed blondie. This is so hilarious! Perhaps if I could have a chance to live again, I will try to investigate the findings of these morons here about Sydney Roswell.    


"No. I don't think that she is. But who knows, right? That would be one of my to-do lists when I can finally wake up then. It would be like... Find out if my number one hater is gay. And another one... Prove that my enemy is my lover. That would be so terrific." I replied, and they just agreed with my plan. That would be so interesting. I would really do it, but first, I would find proof if she had a relationship with my ex, and I'll try to find out who were the ones who gave me those pictures.    


The moment went on until the morning came, and Lucinda went back to her room because her family would be visiting her soon. And it's now the four of us talking about anything that could make us laugh to help us forget our biggest problems for a moment.    


I will just think of my greatest burden later on and find the ones who could help me. I guess I will be boarding my father's private jet to get home with them.    


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