Sword Emperor

C5225 A Collective Effort!

C5225 A Collective Effort!

2Originally, Sun Bing did not want to treat Grandpa Ginseng's body as a medicinal herb. The reason why he took it out was because of the dire situation.     1


After hearing this answer, he did not say much. He only nodded slowly and recalled the corpse into his internal universe with a thought.    


The medicinal fragrance that had filled the entire Ling Xiao Treasure Hall disappeared without a trace after the corpse disappeared.    


As for Sun Bing's gaze, he looked straight at the Nine Li God.    


"Big brother, since you know the dire situation now, I wonder if you have any way to recover in a short period of time."    


The Nine Li God, who was originally smiling, revealed a clear look of worry after hearing this.    


After a moment of silence, he could only hear him shake his head helplessly:    


"For a cultivator of my level, ordinary treasures from heaven and earth have no effect on me.    


Even the Innate Spiritual Fruit can only recover 30% of my strength at most, and the amount required is not small.    


Unless I have a Chaotic Spiritual Root, there is almost no way to completely heal my injuries."    


During the entire process, the other party did not mention that he was slowly recuperating.    


Because of such serious injuries, if he did not have the help of external forces, he would not be able to recover by himself.    


After receiving this answer, the two of them fell into silence.    


Sun Bing's heart was filled with helplessness. He had originally thought that he would be able to obtain a powerful reinforcement very soon.    


However, he never expected that the outcome would be like this. It was truly a bit unimaginable.    


However, in an instant, Sun Bing had already calmed down. He looked at the Nine Li God in front of him and could not help but comfort him.    


"Big Brother, please rest assured. There are many capable people in the Infinity Realm Sea. They are all knowledgeable and experienced. I believe that with everyone's strength, we will definitely be able to find a way to help you recover."    


However, the Nine Li God at this moment seemed to be very carefree. He even waved his hand.    


"Hahaha, it is already not easy for you to save me from the prison. How can I expect more?    


As for the injuries on my body, let them be.    


However, please rest assured, although I am unable to recover to my peak state, if a powerful enemy invades, I will not stand idly by."    


Sun Bing did not put the Nine Li God’s advice in his heart.    


After all, such a powerful reinforcement was beside him. It was impossible for him to just ignore it.    


After that, he sent the Nine Li God back to the Nine Li Clan's base. Sun Bing finally returned to Penglai Island to rest.    


Although after reaching such a realm, he no longer needed to eat grains or sleep.    


However, the experience in Buzhou Mountain was too dangerous. Even he was a little tired. Now that he had returned smoothly, he could finally have a good rest.    


Listening to the sound of the lake water in the Sun Moon Star Lake, and breathing in the spiritual energy in the Penglai Island, Sun Bing fell into a rare sleep.    


The next day, he woke up early.    


It was only at this moment that he realized that the once desolate Penglai Island had been turned into a true holy land for the human race.    


There were no imposing cities in sight. Instead, there were villages that were perfectly integrated with the entire Penglai Island.    


The young human cultivators in the village were either breathing in and out, practicing swordsmanship, or practicing martial arts. It was a scene full of vitality.    


The most important thing was that these young people were only twenty years old, but their cultivation had already reached the Life and Death Stage, and there were even experts at the Sage Stage.    


It was no exaggeration to say that any young man in this place could easily become the number one genius of the Heaven's Pride List if he could return to the Nine Prefectures.    


Seeing that the human race had so many geniuses, Sun Bing's face revealed a satisfied smile.    


Because even he did not know how long this battle would last, and they were the future.    


There was even a genius in this place who would break through the Lord of the New Age and fight for the human race.    


To Sun Bing, the comfortable time was undoubtedly very precious. However, after inspecting the Penglai Island, he immediately returned to the Cloudy Palace of the Golden Arches.    


Because of the passage of a night, the people who were still in a daze last night had finally calmed down.    


Furthermore, each of their eyes were filled with a blazing light.    


After all, whether it was the Overlord, the Jade Emperor, the Ancestral Dragon, or the others, all of them were the strongest experts of their own era.    


In the universe, there was no Mount Tai or Buzhou Mountain, which was a unique environment.    


But even so, they were still able to reach the peak. One could imagine how terrifying their talent was.    


Such experts naturally wouldn't easily fall, so after a night had passed, their hearts immediately surged with the battle intent to continue climbing upwards.    


Seeing this situation, a faint smile appeared on Sun Bing's face:    


"It seems that all of you Fellow Daoists have reaped a lot of benefits last night."    


Hearing this, the many experts present all had a smile on their faces.    


After that, they could hear the Jade Emperor sighing emotionally:    


"All of this is thanks to Brother Jiu Li. If it wasn't for his answer, we wouldn't have been able to make such progress."    


As soon as these words came out, everyone present subconsciously nodded their heads.    


Although that answer was very simple, it was extremely important to true experts.    


In the past, because they didn't know the path ahead, they were in an unknown state, and could only explore forward.    


However, that simple sentence had directly pierced through the fog that had been shrouding them all this time.    


Sometimes, an answer was more important than any era.    


Hearing this, Sun Bing nodded slowly, and then said without any disguise:    


"I believe everyone knows that this kind of progress was brought about by big brother, but now he is heavily injured."    


"You are all experienced and knowledgeable people, can you help him recover from his injuries?"    


As soon as these words came out, the previously noisy Lingxiao Treasure Palace instantly became silent.    


Even the Jade Emperor and the Overlord, who were experts, revealed obvious expressions of shock.    


Because they had seen it with their own eyes at the banquet yesterday. Even the group of flowers wine and the Innate Spiritual Fruit were not of much help to the Nine Li God.    


In such a situation, it was simply an extravagant hope to help him recover to his peak.    


However, it was impossible to just stand by and watch.    


After thinking for a moment, the Jade Emperor slowly walked out.    


"In the Heavenly Court, there are healing secret medicines, Nine Turns Soul Recovery Pills. They have the effect of reversing the universe and reviving the dead."    


As he spoke, he took out a crystal jade bottle. When the bottle was opened, the rich medicinal fragrance immediately filled the entire Lingxiao Treasure Palace.    


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