Sword Emperor

C1355 Snatch Snatch

C1355 Snatch Snatch

3Soon, Sun Bing arrived in front of the palace. Since Son of God had already entered the palace, he naturally wouldn't hesitate to enter the palace.    2


There seemed to be a formation that could isolate the ocean outside the cave. There wasn't any water in the palace, but as soon as Sun Bing entered the palace, he felt a fierce attack coming from the front. Countless inscriptions burst out with golden light.    


Sun Bing's scalp went numb, but he didn't have any fear in his heart. With a light shout, the Zhan Lu sword in his hand immediately emitted a bright light, and an incomparably sharp Sword Qi appeared.    


The arc-shaped sword light rushed forward, completely shattering the surging killing intent. When he raised his head, he was surprised to see that it was Son of God, a non-human who had already entered this place. Now, he was forcefully holding back the thought of finding an opportunity. Instead, he was lying in ambush here.    


"This kid is a Human-pride. We will work together to kill him. Including the Ice Saint, no one will be able to stop us." Immediately, Son of God from the Ba Xia Clan clamored.    


Sun Bing's eyes turned cold as he sensed the majestic Qi released by those Son of God. If it wasn't for his quick reaction, he would have been dead by now. As for ordinary people, if they were the first to enter, there was only a possibility that they would die in the end.    


Let's not talk about it for now. There were still Humans gathering behind them. For the sake of Sun Yanran's safety, Sun Bing wouldn't allow her to leave easily.    


Therefore, looking at the group of Son of God in front of him, Sun Bing frowned and followed closely behind. The sword case behind him opened up in an instant, and numerous flying swords appeared. In a short moment, they circled above her, carrying with them numerous Dao Art inscriptions that covered the area below.    


"Nine Palace Eight Trigrams Absolute Killing Formation!"    


In an instant, the Eight Diagrams Shadow appeared in the palace. Eight ancient heavenly passages appeared, and there were also the Nine Palace positions in the Eight Trigrams. They were also extraordinary, and they directly enveloped Godness Son of Ba Xia within them. Nine Palace Eight Trigrams Killing Formation!    


Sun Bing didn't just sit there and wait for his death. He took this opportunity to grab the Zhan Lu sword and slash at his opponent with the supreme Sword Force. The Sword Meaning in the palace was so oppressive that even his breathing was suppressed.    


Sun Bing's current strength was extremely shocking. Only Son of God, who was ranked in the top ten among Ancient Clans's group, could fight him head on. As for an ordinary Son of God, he wasn't even a match for him.    


In just two short exchanges of blows, among them, one of the ninety-third clan members, the Sky-Swallowing Toad Son of God, had its body cut open by Sun Bing. The next strike split its body into two halves, and its blood flowed to the ground.    


The few Son of God who had been waiting to ambush Sun Bing saw that Sun Bing had killed one of them in a split second. Not even the Substitute Amulet was of any use to him, let alone the Substitute Amulet. On the other side, there was another Son of God who was trapped.    


At this moment, he was scared out of his wits. He didn't have the courage to stay here any longer. However, at the last moment, Sun Bing felt that Godness Son of Ba Xia, who was in the middle of the sword formation, seemed to have used some kind of trump card. He broke through the air and disappeared in front of Sun Bing.    


After understanding this situation, the corner of Sun Bing's mouth revealed a trace of ridicule. "He's just a useless dog. How dare he dream of hunting for Humans?"    


Although the voice wasn't loud, it was still loud. Those few Son of God weren't ordinary people. When they heard these words clearly, their faces revealed obvious anger at the same time. After all, they were the Son of God of their side. They had received countless of respectful gazes. When had they ever suffered such a huge insult?    


However, when they saw Sun Bing's half-smiling face, some of the Son of God's heart suddenly calmed down, because this man in front of them possessed a terrifying strength that even they couldn't fight against.    


In the end, they could only silently roar in their hearts, "As long as I obtain the Black Tortoise Bloodline and complete the transformation, I will definitely shred you into a thousand pieces!"    


If the treasures that he had fought over in this small world were considered extremely precious, at this moment, there was not a single treasure that wasn't precious.    


Putting aside the materials used to forge this palace, Sun Bing could clearly see it. Not far away, there was a hassock. It was actually woven from the extinct Bright Heart Grass. As long as one sat on it, the effect would not be inferior to the Enlightenment Stone.    


Not far away, the two Ancient Clans and Son of God could not help but start fighting with each other, because they had actually discovered the place where the Black Tortoise cultivated, especially the Dao Art brand that once existed on the ground.    


If they could remove the mark of the Dao Art and bring it back, they would be able to comprehend it in detail. Then, their comprehension of the water element Profound Meaning would definitely increase exponentially. It wouldn't be difficult for them to comprehend another technique through this.    


This palace was no longer just luxurious on the outside. It also contained a precious aura, each of which was extremely precious. The aura of the Water Element was extremely rich, as if the palace had refined the essence of the Water Element.    


After such a long period of time, the many foreign tribes and Humans that had fallen behind in the water had successfully entered the palace.    


When they saw the dazzling scene in front of them, no matter if it was the Humans or the foreign race, their hearts were filled with shock. In the past, it had long been extinct. Only things that were recorded in the ancient books were now common. Moreover, there was no way to decipher the meaning behind the ancient inscription.    


But in the next moment, everyone and the foreign race went crazy. It could be said that as long as they could take out a stone from this place, it would be a rare treasure.    


After all, this palace was left behind by the Black Tortoise Divine Beast. As one of the four extremes of the world, no matter if it was in terms of identity or cultivation, it was extremely high. How could ordinary items enter their eyes?    


In an instant, everyone attacked at the same time. Their Dao techniques and Profound Meanings collided with each other, creating rings and rings of residual waves. If it was placed in the outside world, it would cause a huge commotion within a hundred mile radius. After all, there were quite a number of cultivators in the Half Saint.    


However, the Black Tortoise Palace was extremely sturdy. Not to mention them, even if Sun Bing used all of his strength, he wouldn't be able to leave any marks on the palace.    


"Hurry up and kill them! The things here can only be controlled by us, the Humans!"    


"Such a paradise, even breathing can feel that the bloodline has been purified. This place must belong to all of us!"    




The battle between the two sides continued. They were determined to obtain all kinds of treasures in this place. Therefore, the battle that broke out in the end far exceeded their imagination. It was also good that the space here was stable. Otherwise, even the void would be completely shattered because of the battle.    


At this moment, Sun Bing was using the momentum of lightning to not cover his ears. Under the circumstances where no one was paying attention to him, he kept the praying mat that he had been looking forward to earlier into his own Heavenly Passage.Edited by: Lifer, fingerfox Editor: Lifer, fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Lifer, fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Lifer, fingerfox    


Turning his head, he was surprised to find that after such a long time, Sun Yanran had finally appeared in his line of sight. Even though she was wearing a veil, he could still feel her heart turning cold. Every time she attacked, Ancient Clans would definitely die.    


However, Sun Bing quickly stopped Sun Yanran from doing anything. He did not say anything and only said softly, "Follow me."    


It was just a small matter outside. What they had was only ordinary treasures. So most of the people gathered here were ordinary Life and Death Stage Cultivator. As for the true experts, they had long disappeared.    


As for Sun Bing, he had already discovered that the Profound Snake and Son of God's movements were similar. He headed straight into the depths of the palace with a hint of urgency on his face. It was obvious that he had discovered something.    


After all, all of them had sensed something from the Black Tortoise. Since they were in such a hurry, there was no doubt that they had discovered something astonishing. Therefore, Sun Bing had to stop them as soon as possible. How could he waste his time here?    


Sun Yanran had absolute trust in Sun Bing. After hearing these words, she didn't hesitate at all. Under Sun Bing's lead, she walked straight into the depths of the palace.    


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