Treasure identifying Golden Eyes

C2011 The Tactics of the Man in Black

C2011 The Tactics of the Man in Black

0Rogers turned around and looked at the shop, "Is it that Man In Black?"    


Bernard nodded, "This is Mr. Ai, everyone calls him that. He is the one who led this organization, and his wife died under the curse of Ayla. He quit his job and studied the curse on Ayla's body for more than 20 years!"    


Rogers opened his eyes wide, just now when he looked at the man, he felt that he was special, there was a gloomy and cold feeling, he was suspicious: "Have you seen the other person? Is it possible that he was lying to you? "    


"Even if he lied to me, what would he get?" Mr. Ai said that their gathering location is not here, and will bring me over next time, but he has to meet Pierre first. He has ways to help Pierre!    


Even though Rogers was suspicious in his heart, when he saw that Bernard's attitude was firm and that Pierre was currently suffering, he could only nod his head and say, "Then, bring him over! I hope everything will still be in time! "    


Bernard walked back into the shop. Without knowing what he said to Mr. Ai, Mr. Ai looked outside and entered.    


Rogers stood outside and waited. He did not know what Mr. Ai was up to and he did not come out for a long time.    


Rogers started to get anxious, he walked over and pulled Bernard, "Is he reliable or not, what's wrong with him?"    


"Don't worry, Mr. Ai is very reliable!" Bernard said, "He should be making the medicine, he mentioned to me before that it is not easy to cure Ayla's curse, and the medicine that he needs to make is also very special, it will take a long time."    


Since he was concocting the ingredients, Rogers could not say anymore. He could only wait patiently.    


It was only when the moon was high in the sky that Rogers felt that Mr. Ai would not come out again, that the black-clothed Mr. Ai finally walked out. There was only a leather case in his hands, as if it contained something.    


"Let's go!" Mr. Ai said.    


If the other party had not announced that he could treat Pierre's illness, he would have immediately rushed up to him. He really wanted to beat this fellow to death! It was a waste of time!    




When the sound of knocking came from outside, Yang Bo thought that the police had rushed over, so the bodyguards went up to open the door. Seeing that Rogers and Bernard actually brought a Man In Black in, Yang Bo was a little confused, as he did not know what was going on.    


Bernard quickly stepped forward: "Mr Yang, we have brought along Mr. Ai, he is very knowledgeable in the Curse of Ayla, he can cure Pierre!"    


Yang Bo looked over in surprise. He had been controlling Pierre's illness the entire time, but he could only control it, and did not have the ability to treat it. He did not expect that someone would boast about treating Pierre, which was extraordinary!    


"Mr. Ai? "Who is he?" Yang Bo asked.    


Bernard immediately went forward to stop Yang Bo, walked to the side and said in a low voice, "Mr. Ai's relatives have also been cursed by Ayla, so all these years, he has studied Ayla's curse very carefully!"    


Yang Bo looked at the nearby Man In Black, "Oh, is that so? Where did you get this news? "    


"I bribed the doctor. The doctor instructed me to go." Bernard said.    


Yang Bo was a little suspicious, but he did not say much. She merely looked at the Man In Black and reminded him: "He said she could treat her, I'm afraid that it will be very difficult!"    


Bernard said helplessly: "Since it's already like this, is there any other way? We can only do our best to survive! "    


Yang Bo did not say anything more. Since Bernard had agreed, there was no point in objecting.    


The Man In Black wore a mask and did not speak at all. Only when Bernard beckoned him to start the treatment did he walk forward, put the small case aside and open it.    


Yang Bo glanced at it and couldn't help but be surprised, because this Man In Black looked really professional. There were all kinds of surgical tools in the chest, shining with a metallic luster under the light.    


Man In Black picked up a needle and it was filled with medicine. Facing the light of the lamp, she gently pushed the needle, and slowly expelled the air inside. A drop of the medicine fell to the ground without a sound.    


"Help me roll up the sleeve of his right arm!" Man In Black suddenly said. Man In Black's voice was hoarse and low.    


The translator stood by Yang Bo's side, and translated the meaning of the Man In Black in a low voice.    


Bernard took a step forward as he rolled up Pierre's sleeves. However, when he looked at Pierre's slightly bruised right arm, he couldn't help but frown.    


Man In Black glanced at it, and then held onto the needle with one hand while holding onto Pierre's right arm with the other. She poked the needle into the vein, and then, he slowly pushed the medicine into the syringe.    


Yang Bo stared at Man In Black's actions, wanting to see something, but Man In Black was tightly wrapping herself, her face could not be seen.    


Very quickly, all the medicinal liquid in the syringe was emptied. Man In Black stood up, sighed a breath of relief, and said: "Next, we will have to see if he can hold on for a while longer."    


Yang Bo was very surprised. He was very curious, as he didn't know what kind of medicine was in the syringe that could make this person so confident!    


After Man In Black finished injecting the medicine, she did not leave in a hurry, but chose to sit at the side.    


Bernard then sat over there and asked Man In Black in a low voice. Man In Black seemed to be a little careless, as she was not willing to respond to Bernard's question.    


On the other hand, Yang Bo made the Doctor Faang prepare for the event, if Pierre really could not wake up, it would be best for the Doctor Faang to transport him away before the sun rose. After all, no one wanted to come to a pharmacy that treated people!    


After only a quarter of an hour, Yang Bo suddenly heard Rogers's cry of surprise, he turned around and saw Rogers pointing at his arm and shouting something.    


When Yang Bo looked carefully, he could not help but stand up, because he saw that the bruises on Pierre's body were showing signs of alleviating!    


It had to be known, that after being treated for so long, he had only slowed down the trend of Pierre's disease and was not able to completely treat it.    


What was in the syringe?    


Yang Bo could not help but look in the direction of the Man In Black, who had already stood up. After checking Pierre's situation, he turned around and asked Bernard: "Do you have a rope here?"    


"Rope?" Bernard asked in surprise.    


"Hurry up and prepare!" The Man In Black was also unwilling to explain and just directly ordered.    


Bernard had doubts in his heart, but he still made preparations.    


The rope was quickly delivered into Man In Black's hands.    


— — The content is from [Mick Read]    


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