Master's Little Girl Has Grown Up

C1072 I Seem to Have Heard of It Somewhere Before

C1072 I Seem to Have Heard of It Somewhere Before

2Faang Zui leaned lazily on the sofa and murmured, "Murong Jing, I always feel that the name sounds familiar. But I can't remember where I've heard it before?"    


Lei Ming looked at him suspiciously. "You're not trying to do anything to me, are you?"    


Faang Zui rolled his eyes at him. "Go to hell! I really think this name sounds familiar. I think I've heard it somewhere before, but I can't remember it."    


"Isn't she the person from the club's Fantasy Time, Alliance Master's friend?"    


Faang Zui shook his head. "No, I feel like I've heard this name somewhere before. Damn, I just can't remember. "    


Lei Ming snorted. "I think you are thinking of beautiful women!"    


Faang Zui ignored him and continued to think.    


He must have heard of Murong Jing's name somewhere else before. Since the time he saw her, he felt that this name was familiar.    


It was just that he didn't pay too much attention to it at that time. When he saw her again just now, this feeling became more and more intense.    


When Murong Jing left, Faang Zui heard some noise and purposely went out to meet her.    


Since they had met, he naturally had to greet her.    


Faang Zui smiled and said, "Miss Mu Rong, how are you?"    


Murong Jing nodded and said lazily, "Hello."    


The two of them walked out in a line. Faang Zui asked again, "Miss Murong, have you been staying in the capital?"    


Murong Jing said, "No."    


"Then where were you before?"    


Murong Jing looked at him suspiciously, "What?"    


"Nothing. I was just casually asking. I keep feeling like I have heard your name somewhere before."    


"Where is it?"    


"Uh... I can't remember, that's why I wanted to ask you."    


Murong Jing said indifferently, "I am just a nobody. You probably have never heard of me before. If you have heard of me, I might have the same name and surname."    


Faang Zui smiled. "Maybe."    


Although he said so, he did not believe that Murong Jing was a nobody.    


His intuition told him that this woman was not simple.    


At this moment, Lei Ming ran out and cast a sidelong glance at him, "You even said that you did not have any intentions towards me. Why did you come out on purpose?"    


Faang Zui rolled his eyes at him and didn't say anything. He turned around and went to the tea room.    


Lei Ming didn't show any mercy. He continued to chase after him and asked, "Don't tell me you like that woman?"    


Instantly, three black lines appeared on Faang Zui's forehead. He was too lazy to respond to him. He took a cup of water and left.    


Lei Ming thought that he had tacitly agreed.    


After Shaang Sizhan finished his business, he returned to financial building to look for Shi Qian.    


He brought her some pastries. They were very popular pastries sold near his workplace. He wanted to buy them for her to taste.    


Yuwen Chengyuan followed behind Shaang Sizhan. The two of them exited the elevator and walked towards Shi Qian's company.    


Shi Qian knew Shaang Sizhan was here, so she went to the door to pick him up.    


Lei Ming was in the hall outside. When he saw Shi Qian come out, he finally could not hold it in anymore and quickly walked over.    


"Alliance Master, are you going out?"    


"No, I am just going to the door to pick up the servants."    


"Oh, Alliance Master, can I ask you a question?"    




"The friend who came to find you today is a girl called Murong Jing. Does she have a boyfriend? "    


Hearing this, Shi Qian suddenly looked at him and asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"    


Lei Ming said, "I am just curious."    


Shi Qian raised her eyebrows, "Curious?"    


Curious about this for no reason?    


Lei Ming scratched his head. "Alright. Actually, I asked on Faang Zui's behalf."    


Shi Qian asked, "What exactly do you mean?"    


"Faang Zui likes your friend!"    


Shi Qian:... "What!? You said Faang Zui likes Murong Jing!"    


Just as she finished speaking.    


Shaang Sizhan and Yuwen Chengyuan appeared at the company's entrance.    


Shi Qian turned her head to look at the two of them. "Master Zhan."    


Yuwen Chengyuan was stunned for a moment before he turned around and nodded. "Miss Qian."    


Shi Qian coughed lightly and replied, "Yes."    


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