In Love With The Fake Bride

C235 Chu Yaruo You're Going to Lose

C235 Chu Yaruo You're Going to Lose

1Shen Xining and An Xin helped the drowsy Xiaxia back to her room and bed. Although she had taken the medicine, Xiaxia was still unable to sleep soundly and would occasionally speak nonsense.    


This undoubtedly made Shen Xining and An Xin's current situation worse.    


If Xiaxia kept having a fever, then they would not be able to complete this cooperation competition and would also lose miserably at that time.    


Just as they were at their wits' end, the sound of other people talking and laughing came from outside the wooden house.    


Hearing the sound, An Xin immediately walked to the window of the room and looked outside. He saw Chu Yaruo and Jon smiling and greeting others.    


"Miss Chu, you and Teacher Jon have already planned it?" Someone said enviously.    


Chu Yaruo pretended to be modest and said, "Maybe it is because Teacher Jon and I have a tacit understanding that the design was designed so quickly. I believe that you can also quickly design a piece that you are satisfied with. You can do it."    


Chu Yaruo and Jon had already completed the design?    


Wasn't it just a night?    


Shen Xining walked to the window in disbelief, afraid that she would miss Chu Yaruo's every word.    


She looked up and coincidentally met Chu Yaruo's eyes as she walked outside. Chu Yaruo raised her hand that was covered with red armor and lightly waved, provoking and proud.    


Chu Yaruo saw that everyone else had come out and deliberately raised her voice to comfort Shen Xining, "Muxue, don't be anxious. Take it slow. It doesn't matter even if you lose."    


Jon sneered in disdain, "There is no need to be anxious. There are still two days. Slowly get used to the feeling of losing. At that time, you won't be too sad."    


When everyone heard this, they covered their mouths and laughed secretly. It seemed that everyone was certain that Shen Xining and the other two would definitely lose this time.    


Chu Yaruo saw that everyone was looking at her with envious eyes while laughing at Shen Xining. There was no need to mention how happy she was in her heart.    


She wanted this kind of effect. She wanted everyone to look down on Shen Xining. As long as she was there, Shen Xining would never be able to rely on jewelry design to shine.    


Thinking about it, Chu Yaruo smiled proudly at Shen Xining who was in the window. She raised her eyebrows and said quietly, Goodbye.    


Everyone saw Chu Yaruo leave like a victor and began to discuss.    


"It seems that the champion this time must be Chu Yaruo. She was originally an award winning jewelry designer and with the help of Teacher Jon, she could also be the first to choose gemstones and materials. All the good things were taken by her."    


"Although last time Chu Yaruo said that there was nothing much between her and Third Master, no matter how I look at it now, I feel like she has the help of a god behind her. Who else could have such great power in Jingshi other than Third Master?"    


"Now that you mention it, I believe that there is some secret between Third Master and Chu Yaruo. Otherwise, why is that Young Madam not moving at all? This is really funny. As a Young Madam, she only has this much ability. "    


"Shh, why did you say everything?"    


"So what if I said it? Do you think she can win the competition? It's certain that she will be at the bottom. Besides, it's not like I'm the one who made her lose. It's just that she doesn't have the ability! "    


The person who said this emphasized the word 'no ability', as if he was deliberately saying it for Shen Xining to hear.    


In the room, Shen Xining's hands pulled the curtains. The anger and injustice in her chest could not be explained with words.    


This should be the result Chu Yaruo wanted, to make her the laughing stock of the crowd.    


She really wanted to resist, but she already did not know what else she could do.    


Could it be that she really wanted to lose to someone like Chu Yaruo?    


"Sorry, it's all my fault."    


Xiaxia's weak voice came from behind Shen Xining.    


Shen Xining turned around and saw Xiaxia weakly supporting her body as she sat there. Her face was full of tears and it seemed like she had heard the conversation between Chu Yaruo and others.    


An Xin also began to blame herself, "After all the talk, it was actually all my fault. I should not have pulled Shen to participate in the competition. That way Shen would not have fallen into this kind of dilemma."    


Shen Xining looked at the two people with low morale and immediately adjusted her state of mind. She smoothened the wrinkled curtains that she had pulled and then sat down peacefully beside Xiaxia.    


"No, it is not your fault. Just, even if there is no competition, she will still be able to find trouble with other people." Shen Xining instead comforted Comfort and Xiaxia.    


When Xiaxia heard that she cried even harder, her expression also became much uglier.    


An Xin forcefully hammered the blanket, "It really makes people angry. A charity competition can actually be so dark. What kind of charity are these hypocritical people doing?"    


Shen Xining knew that the more difficult it was, the more she could not give up. She touched the phoenix ring on her finger. She did not want Chu Yaruo to feel that she would not be able to do anything after she left Su Ci.    


"We still have a chance. Even if Chu Yaruo is the first, we still have a chance. One. After finishing the design, she will not take away all the jewelry. As long as we do our best and finish the design as soon as possible, we can still choose the jewelry we like to make it. Make the matching. "    


"Don't give up. Giving up now is called losing."    


After Shen Xining finished speaking, she looked at An Xin and Xiaxia seriously.    


An Xin struggled to get up and stretched out his hand towards Shen Xining, "Shen is right. We have already reached this stage, what is there to be afraid of?"    


Xiaxia hesitated. She was timid to begin with. The reason why she was able to become the champion of the university student design competition was because of her benefactor's continuous encouragement. That was why she took the first step.    


But the current situation was not what she could control at all. It was the first time she had encountered so many scary faces. She was really afraid that she would drag Shen Xining and An Xin down.    


"Xiaxia, you were scared. Do you still remember how scared you were? Do you not want to disappoint the teacher? Are you afraid now? Afraid?" Shen Xining asked carefully.    


"No! No!" Xiaxia said in a hoarse voice, "I can't be afraid! I can! "    


Xiaxia gritted her teeth and placed her hand on the back of her peaceful hand.    


Shen Xining smiled at them, "Do your best."    


After making up her mind, some things were no longer the big stone in her heart but the motivation to move forward.    


Maybe it was because her mood had relaxed a little, but Xiaxia unexpectedly had a sudden inspiration. She told Shen Xining about her idea of the theme of this competition and it just so happened that the three of them had the same idea. Everything became smooth and natural.    


Shen Xining and An Xin stayed up late to complete the design while Xiaxia quickly finished the design drafts of the gown after her fever subsided the next day.    


When Xiaxia drew the jewelry and dress together, the effect was beyond the expectations of the three of them. Their fighting spirit was rekindled in their hearts.    


"Great, this is simply the gown that a woman in my dreams should wear." Elegant and excited, Elegant Dragging the sketch, afraid that it would break.    


Xiaxia's eyes also lit up. "I used to think that clothes are clothes and jewelry are jewelry. The two can match, but I never thought of how to merge the two together. It turns out that jewelry is so knowledgeable."    


Shen Xining was also very satisfied with the work. Looking at the time, she quickly said, "Let's go and find Director Xu. Tell her that we have designed it and that we can produce it."    


The three of them excitedly went to look for Hsu Lan. They did not expect that when Hsu Lan saw their work, her eyes were filled with disbelief.    


"You designed it?" Hsu Lan's fingertips trembled.    


"Director Xu, now we can choose jewelry and fabric, right? Isn't this the rule you mentioned? Is there a problem? "    


An Xin saw that Hsu Lan's expression did not seem right and was worried that Hsu Lan would make things difficult for them.    


Hsu Lan's expression relaxed and she smiled stiffly, "That's enough. You guys can go. The staff will bring you to the workshop at the competition venue to prepare. I wish you all good luck."    


Shen Xining did not expect Hsu Lan to agree so readily and felt that Hsu Lan's expression was a little strange.    


Sure enough, after Shen Xining and the other two left, Hsu Lan secretly called Chu Yaruo's private phone.    


A few seconds later, the phone finally connected.    


"Director Xu, is there anything?" Chu Yaruo's voice was as light as a feather, as if she had already sat firmly on the throne of champion.    


"Chu Yaruo, you are going to lose!"    


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